History of the Consumer/ Client/ Survivor/ Ex-patient/ Ex-Inmate/ User
Community (Timeline Follows)
The history
of the Consumer/ Client/ Survivor/ Ex-patient/ Ex-Inmate/ User Community is
deeply enmeshed in and with other civil and human rights movements. To
understand the depth of this intertwining, it is necessary to cover the history
of slavery, women, children, people with disabilities, education, labor and
other factors that play a role in creating who we are today. For instance, one
Neanderthal, Shanidar 1,
from a site in Iraq, dating to 45,000 years ago, died around age 50 with one
arm amputated, loss of vision in one eye and other injuries. This and others
are case studies where direct support or accommodation was necessary (first
Peer Support predates medicine by several thousand years). In our past, it was
acceptable practice for one human being to own another. In our past, it was
acceptable for a man to beat his wife. In our past, it was acceptable for
parents and adults to abuse and exploit children. As we evolve and mature as a
society, the boundaries of acceptability are moving toward greater humanity.
Someday, it is hoped that people with emotional difficulties will find equal
footing with others in society.
“We are a
movement among other movements for human rights and social justice, both in the
United States and around the world. The story of our cause and our efforts
compliments and at times overlaps those of the women’s movement, the anti-war
movement, the disability rights movement, the civil rights movement, gay and
lesbian rights movement, etc. We need only remember that a woman who held
religious beliefs that differed from her husband could be diagnosed with
insanity and institutionalized against her will (Elizabeth Packard). Attempts
to escape slavery were considered a form of mental illness (drapetomania).
Blacks who rioted in the 1970′s were deemed to have “protest
psychosis” and some were thought to need brain surgery. Alan Turing was chemically
castrated for being homosexual and later took his own life. It wasn’t
until 1973 that homosexuality
was taken off the list of mental disorders. The movements for human rights,
civil rights, and social justice are an intricate fabric. Each thread is
critically important to the whole story and to the strength of fabric. Our
causes are intertwined and that’s what make us strong.” Patricia
Deegan, Ph.D.
Why is history important?
is important because it can help us to answer questions such as:
How is "self-help" generally defined? What are the essential
characteristics of "self-help"? What is the history and rationale for
its use? How has it been instituted in different service fields?
What is "mental health consumer/survivor self-help"? What is its
history and the rationale for its use? What are its major philosophies, goals,
values, and outcomes?
What are consumer/survivor-operated self-help programs? What are the types of
services delivered? How do the programs differ and how are they similar?
How are consumer/survivor-operated self-help programs organized to achieve
their aims? How are these efforts funded? How are they managed and
administered? What sort of staffing patterns exist? What is the population that
is served by these efforts? How are these efforts governed? What is the extent
of program evaluation and research conducted with these programs? How do they
interact with traditional, professional-run organizations, each other, and the
external environment?
I think knowledge and understanding of our history and the
principles and values of the movement are what’s called for. Too few people – especially
people working in paid roles in the system – have any clue that the modern
movement was based on human rights – not "illness and recovery."
There were similar disparate branches of the movement in the 19th century too,
and people need to know about that too. And it's important to remember the
contributions of people who’ve gone before us. I just worry about this
reverence of leaders stuff. (Darby Penney to David Gonzalez on Facebook on April 16,
2014 at 10:19pm)
Definition of Self-Help
Webster's Dictionary defines self-help as
"the act or an instance of providing for or helping oneself without
dependence on others" (Webster's, 1974). In more general terms, it is the
process whereby individuals who share a common condition or interest assist
themselves rather than relying on the assistance of others.
the past 25 years, American society (and the world in general) has witnessed a
revolution in the way people access and receive help. The self-help movement
has grown so dramatically that self-help and support groups now exist for
everything from dream sharing to women's health. Self-help has gained such
acceptance that the former Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. C. Everett
Koop, observed that, "…the benefits of mutual aid are experienced by
millions of people who turn to others with a similar problem to attempt to deal
with their isolation, powerlessness, alienation…"
History of Self-Help
is not a new idea. People have been organizing to help themselves throughout
history. Religious institutions have frequently played this role by offering support
for common values, meeting basic material needs, and providing opportunities
for socialization to their members. In the political arena, the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the National
Organization for Women (NOW), Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), ACT UP,
ADAPT and countless others form self-help coalitions to redress civil and
social wrongs, change policy in the public/private sectors, and promote
education. The modern self-help movement traces its roots to Alcoholics
Anonymous, founded in 1935 by two recovering alcoholics.
mental health consumer/survivor self-help movement has experienced remarkable
growth over the last two decades. The impact of this movement on mental health
systems nationwide has been dramatic. No longer are people who use these
services seen simply as passive recipients but as active participants at all
levels in planning, providing, and evaluating services.
The history
of the C/S/X Movement is important. It's important that people understand that
ours is a civil rights movement and not just peer support. Both are important
but I don't want peer supporters to get co-opted so it's important that they
understand that we come from a place of oppression. In our White dominated
society, Black folks are often not considered equal. In our male dominated
society, women are often not considered equal. Children are often considered
"chattel" and those inequalities are, a source of oppression. I think
those inequities lead to trauma and abuse. I think we are often considered as
"less than." It's those attitudes that lead to it somehow being
socially acceptable for police to Taser us, for psychiatric staff to drug us,
to seclude and restrain us, for the courts to civilly commit us for our
thoughts, moods, feelings or emotions. Understanding our shared oppression and
our place in the greater movement for civil rights is important. Those who do
not know history are doomed to repeat it."
Timeline that follows the introductory sections includes overlapping pieces of
history that are important or relevant to our C/S/X history. Included are
pieces of the history of poverty, history of the Independent Living Movement
for People with Disabilities, history of psychology and history of psychiatry,
history of the Women’s movement, history of the youth movement, history of the
civil rights movement, history of the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi, trans) movement,
history of the labor movement including child labor, important pieces of
medical history and political history, and other important pieces of note that
impacted upon us and our rights. All entries represent important points of note
in striving for and attaining the right to our bodies, the right to our selves,
our rights as human beings and overcoming the oppression of treating us as less
than fully equal.
1. Did you
know that prior to 1960 it was common for physicians and psychologists at state
hospitals to be assigned help-patients who acted as personal servants in charge
of house cleaning, gardening, laundry, and cooking?
2. Did you
know that in 1995-97 at least four major books on the history of mental health
care in America were written and not one contains first hand accounts from
3. Did you
know that the federal government established the fully segregated Canton Indian
Insane Asylum in South Dakota in 1902 and that the town of Canton has since
built the Hiawatha Municipal Golf Course around the graves of 121 former
4. Did you
know that only one type of mental illness was thought to exist in American
slaves? It was called Drapetomania and was defined as the inexplicable urge of
a slave to run away!
5. Did you
know that there are people who still remember what it was like to be a patient
at a state hospital in the 1930's? They remember working on the hospital farms,
the experience of malarial treatments, wet packs, metrazol shock, insulin coma
therapy and how (or if) things changed with the introduction of Thorazine in
the 1950's.
6. Did you
know that Central State Hospital in Virginia was established in 1869
exclusively for “colored insane”?
History of
Mental Illness and Early Treatment in a Nutshell (Timeline follows)
Early man widely believed that mental illness was the result
of supernatural phenomena such as spiritual or demonic possession, sorcery, the
evil eye, or an angry deity and so responded with equally mystical, and
sometimes brutal, treatments. Trephining (also referred to as trepanning) first
occurred in Neolithic (last phase of the stone age c9000-8000bc) times. During
this procedure, a hole, or trephine, was chipped into the skull using crude
stone instruments. It was believed that through this opening the evil
spirit(s)--thought to be inhabiting one’s head and causing their psychopathology--would
be released and the individual would be cured. Some who underwent this
procedure survived and may have lived for many years afterward as trephined
skulls of primitive humans show signs of healing. Pressure on the brain may
have also incidentally been relieved. This procedure endured through the
centuries to treat various ailments such as skull fractures and migraines as
well as mental illness, albeit with more sophisticated tools such as skull saws
and drills developed solely for this purpose.
In ancient Mesopotamia, priest-doctors treated the mentally
ill with magico-religious rituals as mental pathology was believed to mask
demonic possession. Exorcisms, incantations, prayer, atonement, and other
various mystical rituals were used to drive out the evil spirit. Other means
attempted to appeal to the spirit with more human devices-- threats, bribery,
punishment, and sometimes submission, were hoped to be an effective cure.
Hebrews believed that all illness was inflicted upon humans
by God as punishment for committing sin, and even demons that were thought to
cause some illnesses were attributed to God’s wrath. Yet, God was also seen as
the ultimate healer and, generally, Hebrew physicians were priests who had
special ways of appealing to the higher power in order to cure sickness. Along
the same spiritual lines, ancient Persians attributed illness to demons and
believed that good health could be achieved through proper precautions to
prevent and protect one from diseases. These included adequate hygiene and
purity of the mind and body achieved through good deeds and thoughts.
Ancient Egyptians seem to be the most forward-thinking in
their treatment of mental illness as they recommended that those afflicted with
mental pathology engage in recreational activities such as concerts, dances,
and painting in order to relieve symptoms and achieve some sense of normalcy.
The Egyptians were also very advanced in terms of medicine, surgery, and
knowledge of the human body. Two papyri dating back to the sixteenth century
BCE, the Edwin Smith papyrus and the Ebers papyrus, document early treatment of
wounds, surgical operations, and identifies, very likely for the first time,
the brain as the site of mental functions. These papyri also show that, despite
innovative thinking about disease, magic and incantations were used to treat
illnesses that were of unknown origin, often thought to be caused by
supernatural forces such as demons or disgruntled divine beings. Ancient
Egyptians also shared the early Greek belief that hysteria in women, now known
as Conversion Disorder, was caused by a “wandering uterus,” and so used
fumigation of the vagina to lure the organ back into proper position.
In all of these ancient civilizations, mental illness was
attributed to some supernatural force, generally a displeased deity. Most
illness, particularly mental illness, was thought to be afflicted upon an
individual or group of peoples as punishment for their trespasses. In addition
to the widespread use of exorcism and prayer, music was used a therapy to affect emotion, and the
singing of charms and spells was performed in Babylonia, Assyria, the
Mediterranean-Near East, and Egypt in hopes of achieving a cure.
about mental illness and proper treatments were altered, and in some cases
advanced, by early European thinkers. Between the 5th and 3rd centuries BCE,
Greek physician Hippocrates denied the long-held belief that mental illness was
caused by supernatural forces and instead proposed that it stemmed from natural
occurrences in the human body, particularly pathology in the brain.
Hippocrates, and later the Roman physician Galen, introduced the concept of the
four essential fluids of the human body—blood, phlegm, bile, and black bile—the
combinations of which produced the unique personalities of individuals. Through
the Middles Ages, mental illness was believed to result from an imbalance of
these humors. In order to bring the body back into equilibrium, patients were
given emetics, laxatives, and were bled using leeches or cupping. Specific
purges included a concoction developed by Ptolemy called Hiera Logadii, which
combined aloes, black hellebore, and colocynth and was believed to cleanse one
of melancholy. Confectio Hamech was another laxative developed by the Arabs
that contained myrobalans, rhubarb, and senna. Later, tobacco imported from
America was popularly used to induce vomiting. Other treatments to affect the
humors consisted of extracting blood from the forehead or tapping the cephalic,
saphenous, and/or hemorroidal veins to draw corrupted humors away from the
brain. In addition to purging and bloodletting (also known as phlebotomy),
customized diets were recommended. For example, “raving madmen” were told to
follow diets that were “cooling and diluting,” consisting of salad greens,
barley water, and milk, and avoid wine and red meat.
Custody and care of the mentally ill were generally left to
the individual’s family, although some outside intervention occurred. The first
mental hospital was established in 792 CE Baghdad and was soon followed by
others in Aleppo and Damascus—mass establishment of asylums and
institutionalization took place much later, though. The mentally ill in the
custody of family were widely abused and restrained, particularly in Christian
Europe. Due to the shame and stigma attached to mental illness, many hid their
mentally ill family members in cellars, caged them in pigpens, or put them
under the control of servants. Others were abandoned by their families and left
to a life of begging and vagrancy.
The social stigma attached to mental illness was, and to
some extent still is, pronounced in countries that have strong ties to family
honor and a reliance on marriages to create alliances and relieve families of
burdensome daughters. In China, the mentally ill were concealed by their
families for fear that the community would believe that the affliction was the
result of immoral behavior by the individual and/or their relatives. The
mentally ill were also thought to have “bad fate” that would negatively
influence anyone who associated with the disturbed individual, scaring away
potential suitors and leading to the idea that mental illness was contagious.
Historically in Greece, “a mentally ill [family] member implies a hereditary,
disabling condition in the bloodline and threatens [the family’s] identity as
an honorable unit,” therefore treatment of the mentally ill in these cultures
meant a life of hidden confinement or abandonment by one’s family. Mentally ill
vagrants were left alone to wander the streets so long as they did not cause
any social disorder. Those who were deemed dangerous or unmanageable, both in
family homes or on the streets, were given over to police and thrown in jails
or dungeons, sometimes for life. Particularly in Europe during the Middle Ages,
beatings were administered to the mentally ill who acted out as punishment for
the disturbances their behavior caused and as a means of “teaching” individuals
out of their illnesses. Others who were considered nuisances were flogged out of
Through the Middle Ages and until the mass establishment of
asylums, treatments for mental illness were offered by humanistic physicians,
medical astrologers, apothecaries, and folk or traditional healers. Aside from
secular exorcisms, prayers, charms, amulets, and other mystical treatments were
available. In the 17th century, astral talismans were popular and were easily
made using brass or tin emblems with astrological signs etched into them and
cast at astrologically significant times. These were worn around the neck of
the afflicted while they recited prayers. Also worn around the neck were scraps
of Latin liturgy wrapped in paper, bundled with a leaf of mugwort or St. John’s
Wort and tied with taffeta. Amulets were also used, supplemented by prayers and
charms, to soothe troubled minds, prevent mystical infection, and protect
against witches and evil spirits. Sedatives during the 17th century consisted
of opium grains, unguents, and laudanum to “ease the torment” of mental
Some treatment options existed beyond family custody and
care, such as lodging the mentally ill in workhouses or checking them into
general hospitals where they were frequently abandoned. The clergy also played
a significant role in treating the mentally ill as “medical practice was a
natural extension of ministers’ duty to relieve the afflictions of their
flocks.” Private madhouses were established and run by members of the clergy to
treat the mentally afflicted who could afford such care. Catholic nations
regularly staffed mental health facilities with clergy, and most mentally ill
individuals in Russia were housed in monasteries until asylums spread to this
region of the world in the mid-1800s. To relieve mental illness, regular
attendance in church had been recommended for years as well as pilgrimages to
religious shrines. Priests often solaced mentally disturbed individuals by
encouraging them to repent their sins and seek refuge in God’s mercy. Treatment
in clergy-run facilities was a desirable alternative as the care was generally
very humane, although these establishments could not treat the whole of the
mentally ill population, especially as it seemed to grow in number.
In order to accommodate the burgeoning amount of mentally
ill individuals, asylums were established around the world starting, most
notably, from the sixteenth century onward. The first institution to open its
doors in Europe is thought to be the Valencia mental hospital in Spain, in
1406. Although not much is known about the treatment patients received at this
particular site, asylums were notorious for the deplorable living conditions
and cruel abuse endured by those admitted. For many years, asylums were not
facilities aimed at helping the mentally ill achieve any sense of normalcy or
otherwise overcome their illnesses. Instead, asylums were merely reformed penal
institutions where the mentally ill were abandoned by relatives or sentenced by
the law and faced a life of inhumane treatment, all for the sake of lifting the
burden off of ashamed families and preventing any possible disturbance in the
The majority of asylums were staffed by gravely untrained,
unqualified individuals who treated mentally ill patients like animals. A case
study describes a typical scene at La Bicetre, a hospital in Paris, starting
with patients shackled to the wall in dark, cramped cells. Iron cuffs and
collars permitted just enough movement to allow patients to feed themselves but
not enough to lie down at night, so they were forced to sleep upright. Little attention
was paid to the quality of the food or whether patients were adequately fed.
There were no visitors to the cell except to deliver food, and the rooms were
never cleaned. Patients had to make do with a little amount of straw to cover
the cold floor and were forced to sit amongst their own waste that was also
never cleaned up. These conditions were not all unique to La Bicetre, and this
case study paints a fairly accurate picture of a typical scene in asylums
around the world from approximately the 1500s to the mid-1800s, and in some
places, the early 1900s.
The most infamous asylum was located in London,
England—Saint Mary of Bethlehem. This monastery-turned-asylum began admitting
the mentally ill in 1547 after Henry VIII announced its transformation. The
institution soon earned the nickname “Bedlam” as its horrific conditions and
practices were revealed. Violent patients were put on display like sideshow
freaks for the public to peek at for the price of one penny; gentler patients
were put out on the streets to beg for charity. It was customary in the
middle ages until the 19th century in England and France to publicly display
the insane through windows where their behaviors could be observed while they
were chained to the walls of the asylum. In 17th century England, one penny was
required for such a viewing and, according to one accounting, 400 hundred
pounds was accumulated over the year which represented approximately 96,000
visits. It was not unusual for a family to take their children on a Sunday trip
to see the insane in these facilities surrounding urban areas. At this time in
history, madness or mental illness was not considered an illness; rather, it
was thought that "madness borrowed its face from the mask of the
beast," i.e., it was caused by sin and social deviance. According to a
writing by St. Vincent DePaul: “The principal end from which such persons have
been removed here, out of the storms of the great world, and introduced into
this solitude as pensioners, is entirely to keep them from the slavery of sin,
from being eternally damned, and to give them means to rejoice in a perfect
contentment in this world and in the next.” By the end of the 18th century one
out of every one hundred citizens of the city of Paris was confined in one or
more of these institutions. It was not until after the Renaissance that mental
illness was identified as an illness unique from other social deviancy, and
thus began the segregation of persons with mental illness from others whom
society thought undesirable.
Soon after the establishment of “Bedlam,” other countries
began to follow suit and founded their own mental health facilities. San
Hipolito was built in Mexico 1566 and claims the title of the first asylum in
the Americas. La Maison de Chareton was the first mental facility in France,
founded in 1641 in a suburb of Paris. Constructed in 1784, the Lunatics’ Tower
in Vienna became a showplace. The elaborately decorated round tower contained
square rooms in which the staff lived. The patients were housed in the spaces
between the walls of the rooms and the wall of the tower and, like at Bedlam,
were put on display for public amusement.
When staff did attempt to cure the patients, they followed
the practices typical of the time period—purging and bloodletting, the most
common. Other treatments included dousing the patient in either hot or ice-cold
water to shock their minds back into a normal state. The belief that patients
needed to choose rationality over insanity led to techniques aiming to intimidate.
Blistering, physical restraints, threats, and straitjackets were employed to
achieve this end. Powerful drugs were also administered, for example, to a
hysterical patient in order to exhaust them. Around the mid-1700s, the Dutch
Dr. Boerhaave invented the “gyrating chair” that became a popular tool in
Europe and the United States. This instrument was intended to shake up the
blood and tissues of the body to restore equilibrium, but instead resulted in
rendering the patient unconscious without any recorded successes.
Although cruel treatment in asylums surely felt to the
patients as if it had been going on for ages, conditions began to improve in
the mid-to- late 1800s as reforms were called for, and this shameful and
unenlightened period was somewhat brief in relation to the span of world
history. One of the earliest reforms occurred at an asylum in Devon, England.
This facility had employed opium, leeches, and purges as cures for mental
illness, but in the mid-1800s emphasized non-restraint methods to affect
patients’ health.
One of the most significant asylum reforms was introduced by
Philippe Pinel in Paris. During the year of 1792, Pinel took charge of La
Bicetre to test his hypothesis that mentally ill patients would improve if they
were treated with kindness and consideration. Filth, noise, and abuse were
eliminated quickly after patients were unchained, provided with sunny rooms,
allowed to exercise freely on the asylum grounds, and were no longer treated
like animals.
The same reforms were undertaken around this time by an
English Quaker, William Tuke. Founded in 1796, the York Retreat in York,
England was run by Tuke and other Quakers who stressed the importance of
treating all people with respect and compassion, even the mentally ill. In keeping
faithful to this ideal, the York Retreat was a pleasant country house, modeled
on a domestic lifestyle, that allowed patients to live, work, and rest in a
warm and religious environment that emphasized mildness, reason, and humanity.
This humanitarian movement spread across the Atlantic to the
United States in the early 1800s. Stemming largely from the work of Pinel and
Tuke, moral management emerged in America as “a wide-ranging method of
treatment that focused on a patient’s social, individual, and occupational
needs.” Applied to asylum care, moral management focused on the mentally ill
individual’s spiritual and moral development as well as the rehabilitation of
their personal character to lessen their mental ailments. These goals were
sought through encouraging the patient to engage in manual labor and spiritual
discussion, always accompanied by humane treatment.
Although moral management was highly effective, it largely
failed to continue through the late 1800s for several reasons. First, ethnic
prejudice created tension between staff and patients as immigration increased.
The leaders of the moral management movement also failed to pass along their
teachings, so there was a lack of replacements. Third, supporters of this
movement did not realize that bigger hospitals differed from smaller ones in
more ways than just size, leading to an overextension of hospital facilities.
Biomedical advances also led to the demise of moral management as most believed
that medicine would soon be the cure-all for physical as well as mental
afflictions and, therefore, psychological and social help was not necessary.
Lastly, the rise of a new movement called Mental Hygiene focused solely on the
patient’s physical health and ignored their psychological disturbances. Although
this new movement ended the effective reign of moral management and resulted in
many patients becoming helpless and dependent, there were several humanitarian
positives to Mental Hygiene.
Dorothea Dix was a schoolteacher forced to retire early due to
her bouts of tuberculosis. Soon after she began teaching in a women’s prison
and learned of the horrific conditions of jails, almshouses, and particularly
mental health facilities, Dix commenced a forty-year long campaign to reform
asylums called the Mental Hygiene movement. Although this movement did not
directly affect patients’ mental illnesses, it raised millions of dollars to
build hospitals that were suitable for proper care and influenced twenty
American states to respond to her pleas for change, resulting in greater
physical comfort of the patients. Dix also managed to oversee the opening of
two institutions in Canada and completely revamp the systems of mental health
care in Scotland and several other countries.
Improvements in asylum care continued in America and Europe,
although sub-par conditions persisted in numerous American and European
institutions. Many countries around the world were also slow, or failed
completely, to implement sufficient reforms. For example, asylums in Nigeria,
Africa were not even established until 1906 after citizens started complaining
about the disruptive behavior of mentally ill individuals that were left to
roam the streets and wander from village to village. Until that year, the
mentally ill were either sent to asylums in Sierra Leone or locked in the
lunatic ward of local prisons. When asylums were finally established in Lagos
and Abeokuta, the conditions were less than pleasant. Common complaints
included dark, overcrowded cells, a lack of basic supplies, poor bathing
facilities, and the use of chains to restrain patients. Very little treatment
was offered to help the patients with their mental illnesses with the exception
of minimal occupational therapy and agricultural work as well as the
administration of sedatives to keep patients calm and under control—a practice
that was likely more beneficial to the staff than the afflicted.
Significant advances in psychological concepts after the
mass establishment of asylums did not arise until the development of psychoanalysis
by Sigmund Freud in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Examination of an earlier
practice, Mesmerism, must be mentioned first though as it is commonly posited
to have provided a foundation for later psychoanalytic techniques. Austrian
physician Franz Mesmer believed that human bodies contained a magnetic fluid
that was affected by the planets and determined one’s health depending on its
distribution. Mesmer concluded that all persons were capable of using their own
magnetic forces to affect the magnetic fluid in others and considered himself
to be powerful enough to cure illnesses with his “animal magnetism.” Mesmer
gained a large following when he opened a clinic in Paris 1778 and started
practicing his “mesmerism.” In order to affect cures, several patients at a
time were seated around a tub containing various chemicals. Iron rods attached
to the tub were applied to the afflicted parts of their body (as patients were
generally hysterical and experiencing numbness or paralysis), after which
Mesmer would emerge in light purple robe and circle around the room touching
the patients either with his hand or with a wand. Although Mesmer’s techniques
reportedly were effective, he was branded a fraud by his medical colleagues,
and his “cures” were later believed to be the result of hypnotism, a
psychoanalytic practice.
Between the years of 1888 and 1939, Sigmund Freud, an
Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, published twenty-four volumes explaining
his thoughts about personality and psychopathology called Psychoanalytic
Theory. Freud believed that the human mind was structured in three
divisions—the id, the ego, and the superego. The id functioned unconsciously,
driven by the two main primal desires for sex and aggression. The superego
functioned both consciously and unconsciously, demanding that the individual
deny the id’s impulses and instead live a virtuous life, striving to meet
society’s ideals. The ego also functioned both consciously and unconsciously
and was deemed the mediator between an individual’s id and superego, always
working to find a balance between what one desired and what society considered
acceptable. The unconscious was thought to be the seat of psychopathology as it
contained unacceptable desires and painful memories that had been repressed by
the two higher functions as they would have been too unsettling to acknowledge.
Freud believed that anxiety arose as these three parts of the human mind
battled each other, resulting in mental illness and that if the individual
could only reveal and address the content of their unconscious, then their
mental ailments would be cured.
The resulting treatments created by Freud are known as
psychoanalysis, or “talking cures” and began with hypnosis, a revised form of
mesmerism. When this specific method did not prove to be effective, Freud
turned to free association in which the patient was instructed to relax and
share whatever thoughts came to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing
they might have been. Freud believed that these thoughts would create a path
that he could follow into the patient’s unconscious, where he could then
retrieve years of repressed thoughts and feelings. The unconscious was also
thought to be revealed through an individual’s beliefs, habits, and even slips
of the tongue and pen, which came to be known as “Freudian slips.” Dream
analysis was another popular method of treatment promoted by Freud. Patients
were asked to record their dreams, sometimes every morning in a journal kept
bedside. The psychoanalyst would then study the manifest content of the dream,
or what was remembered by the patient, and search for latent content, or the
unconscious materials that were thought to be censored by the conscious mind
and instead encoded as symbols. Although Freud provoked many critics who
considered his ideas pseudo-science, psychoanalysis was a very popular method
of treating mental illness from the early to mid 1900s.
Also in development and widespread use during this time were
somatic treatments for mental illness such as electroconvulsive therapy,
psychosurgery, and psychopharmacology. These treatments were based on the
biological model of mental pathology that assumes mental illness is the result
of a biochemical imbalance in the body and can be compared to physical
diseases. Therefore, somatic treatments were designed to correct an
individual’s chemical imbalance in order to restore their mental health.
Electroconvulsive therapy has roots in methods designed to
shock the body but without the aid of electricity. In 1933, Manfred Sakel
reported his first experimental findings, testing the efficacy of insulin-shock
treatment on schizophrenic patients in Berlin, Germany. Insulin was
administered to the patient in a dose high enough to induce coma, and although
the treatment seemed to be beneficial to individuals in the early stages of
schizophrenia, it was not proven to be useful in advanced cases of
schizophrenia. Sakel’s vague theoretical rationale for this specific method and
the difficult regimen of care this treatment required also led to the
abandonment of insulin-shock therapy.
Ladislaus Joseph von Meduna experimented with shock therapy
and schizophrenia in Budapest, Hungary, also during the year 1933. Instead of
insulin, Meduna injected patients with Metrazol, a less toxic synthetic
preparation of camphor. This treatment was soon abandoned as it possessed a
period of unpredictable length between injection and convulsions, giving the
patient just enough time to become fearful and uncooperative. It also often
produced convulsions that were so severe as to cause fractures.
Finally in 1938, Italian physicians Ugo Cerletti and Lucio
Bini administered the first shock therapy using electricity to a schizophrenic
patient and received successful results. This treatment soon became widespread
and was used most often in America and Europe. There is some history of abuse
associated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) though that took place in
mental institutions. Because the idea of an electrical current being passed
through one’s head is undoubtedly frightening, ECT was used to intimidate,
control, and punish patients, some of whom were subjected to this treatment
over a hundred times. Despite previous instances of abuse, this treatment is
still used today, albeit with significant reforms. It is generally reserved
only for the mentally ill who suffer from severe depression, especially of the
variety accompanied by psychotic symptoms, and only as a last resort after the
patient has not responded to any other treatments, including medication. Patients
are also administered a general anesthetic and muscle relaxant prior to the
treatment so that they do not suffer any discomfort and there is no danger of
fractured bones. Electroconvulsive therapy is commonly performed on a patient
three times a week until a dozen sessions are reached, although some patients
may require more or less sessions to benefit. The only negative side effects
reported are amnesia limited to the few hours before the session and
disorientation; both disappear soon after ECT is stopped.
When electroconvulsive therapy was not effective, patients
were sometimes forced to undergo psychosurgery, a practice that developed and
was widely practiced in the 1930s to 1950s. It was in Portugal, 1935, that Egas
Moniz performed the first lobotomy with the aid of a neurosurgeon, Almeida
Lima; Walter Freeman was responsible for popularizing lobotomies in America. To
execute this procedure, the patient was first shocked into a coma. The surgeon
then hammered an instrument similar to an icepick through the top of each eye
socket and severed the nerves connecting the frontal lobes to the
emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain. The intended purpose of the
lobotomy was to calm uncontrollably violent or emotional patients, and it
did--at first--prove to be successful. Because of the preliminary positive
results and the facts that it was easy, inexpensive, and the average time it
took to complete the procedure was only about ten minutes, lobotomies quickly
spread around the world as a popular practice for severely mentally ill
patients who were resistant to other treatments. It was only after tens of
thousands of patients worldwide had undergone this procedure during the
following twenty years that people started to take notice of its undesirable side
effects. Lobotomies generally produced personalities that were lethargic and
immature. Aside from a twenty-five percent death rate, lobotomies also resulted
in patients that were unable to control their impulses, were unnaturally calm
and shallow, and/or exhibited a total absence of feeling. Not surprisingly,
this practice was quickly abandoned with the introduction of psychoactive
Since the late 1800s, substances such as chloryl hydrate,
bromides, and barbiturates were administered to the mentally ill in order to
sedate them, yet they were ineffective in treating the basic symptoms of
psychosis. It was not until Australian psychiatrist J.F.J Cade introduced the
psychotropic drug Lithium in 1949 that psychopharmacology really took off. A
series of successful anti-psychotic drugs were introduced in the 1950s that did
not cure psychosis but were able to control its symptoms. Chlorpromazine
(commonly known as Thorazine) was the first of the anti-psychotic medications,
discovered in France, 1952. Valium became the world’s most prescribed
tranquilizer in the 1960s, and Prozac, introduced in 1987, became the most
prescribed antidepressant.
The introduction of psychopharmacology is arguably one of
the most significant and successful contributions to mental illness treatment,
although it did lead to a movement that has been devastating to mental health
care systems around the world, especially in the United States. The advent of
psychoactive drugs convinced many that all illnesses would soon be effectively
managed with medication, leading to the deinstitutionalization movement that
rapidly occurred starting in the 1960s. It was believed that numerous
community-based facilities would be conveniently available to the mentally ill
should they choose to seek it out, although this plan was never sufficiently
realized. Instead, thousands of the mentally ill discharged from institutions
were incapable of living independently, medicated or not, and became homeless
as a result of inadequate housing and follow-up care. In the 1980s, it was
estimated that one-third of all homeless individuals in America were considered
severely mentally ill. Lack of support and guidance led to the incarceration of
over 100,000 mentally ill individuals in America as well. A 1992 survey reported
that 7.2 percent of the inmate population was “overtly and seriously mentally
ill;” over one-fourth of that population was being detained without charges
until beds became available in one of the country’s few remaining mental
Psychotropic medication has additionally allowed individuals
to avoid directly confronting their mental health issues, for example through
counseling. Despite successful advances in therapy, such as Roger’s
Client-Centered Counseling and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, among many others,
mentally ill individuals have found it easier to avoid the shame associated
with mental illness in countries where psychopathology is profoundly
stigmatized. For instance, since deinstitutionalization, community health
centers, day-care facilities, short- and long-term residencies, vocational
training programs, and mobile units have all been established in Greece, yet
the majority of the mentally ill, aside from those suffering from severe
psychosis, still treat themselves only with psychotropic medication as they
find it easier to hide their mental ailments from their friends, family, and
communities. Supernatural beliefs about mental illness persist in other
countries around the world, motivating most individuals to consult traditional
healers first to help restore their mental health before they seek out
professional, medical assistance. Workers in Nigerian asylums claimed that
individuals were often only admitted after traditional healers has exhausted
all treatment possibilities, and even today this country is known for its
ethnopsychiatry as its mental health facilities employ traditional healers and
frequently incorporate their practices into more modern treatments. It is also
common in several countries that mental health is a grossly misunderstood and
ignored problem, leading to serious underdevelopment of mental health
facilities. Some countries in the Arab world have the highest income per
capita, yet all have mental health systems that are severely lacking, including
Morocco, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates, and more. Individuals in these
countries also continue to hold supernatural beliefs about mental illness and
feel ashamed due to stigma, so they often consult traditional healers first
with physical complaints, which are more likely psychosomatic symptoms. China
is another country whose mental health services are limited due to stigma and
misunderstanding. Confucian ideals about social order allow no wiggle-room for
mental illness. Those afflicted with psychopathology rush to traditional
healers, seek out prescriptions for psychoactive medication, or are
begrudgingly taken care of by family members; the mentally ill who become
disruptive to society are likely to be incarcerated.
This article has examined the major developments in mental
health care as well as some interesting details about mental illness treatments
throughout world history. Perceptions of mental health have changed greatly
since the earliest civilizations and will continue to change as more is learned
about the minds of humankind. Although significant advances have been made in
this field of study that greatly benefit many individuals suffering from
psychopathology, there remains much room for improvement. It will likely be
ages before the workings of the human mind will be fully understood, if this is
indeed an attainable goal.
A Terrifying Asylum Tour Of The Past
Featured 02/10/2014
Psychiatric Hospital. Photo taken by George Georgiou who worked in Kosovo and
Serbia between 1999 and 2002.
patients receiving Radium Therapy, early 20th century.
used to calm hysterical patients -- looks an awful lot like an electric chair.
insane asylum patient restrained by warders, Yorkshire, 1869, Henry Clarke.
patient undergoing lateral cerebral diathermia treatment in the early 1920's.
Diathermia used a galvanized current to jolt psychosis sufferers. Doctors
eventually deemed it unsafe and unreliable.
Michigan, USA insane asylum, 1870's
chronic schizophrenic patient stands in a catatonic position. He maintained
this uncomfortable position for hours.
Pilgram Psychiatric Center in Long Island, NY, USA could house as many as
14,000 patients at a time. This self-sufficient mental asylum adopted extremely
aggressive methods of "curing the insane." Lobotomies and electric
shock therapy were the norm. The doctors at this asylum started using large
doses of insulin and metrozol to drive patients into a violent coma, just to be
rid of them.
list of actual reasons for admission into the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
from the late 1800's
State Hospital, Brentwood, NY, USA, 1940's
State Hospital at Byberry. Man in restraints, B, violent ward. 1945.
slapping massage device at BC sanitarium.
State Hospital, Connecticut, USA
mother who has tuberculosis, and is on strict bed rest, leaves her room at the
sanatorium for a Sunday walk with her family... but she does not leave her bed.
by a paranoid schizophrenic patient
Spain, 1961 Insane asylum
of brain encased in wax. West Park Mental Hospital "Mortuary."
D.C., circa 1921. "Foundling Hospital, playroom." Tots at the
Washington Asylum for 'Foundlings.'
harm at an Asylum, 1964
in steam cabinets, c 1910.
X-ray image of needles driven into the flesh by a psychiatric patient.
asylum, Limbiate, Italy
the late 19th century it was a widely held belief that masturbation caused
insanity and devices such as this were designed to prevent the wearer from
touching or stimulating himself. They were often used in mental institutions.
Insanity Mask.
first used in the early 1900's, immersion in a tub of water to make a patient
relax when agitated or relieve some ailment, lasted a few hours to overnight.
patient, Asylum life 1800's
Asylum...Dr. Freeman, the quack who did ice pick lobotomies. The procedure
turned most "problem" patients into zombies.
in restraint chair at the West Riding Lunatic Asylum, Wakefield, Yorkshire ca.
is no way out...
Some four
thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians did not differentiate between mental
and physical illnesses; they believed that despite their manifestations, all
diseases had physical causes. They thought the heart was responsible for mental
symptoms. Hippocrates and the early Greeks believed as well that all illness
resulted from a biological malfunction; in the case of depression, from an
excess of “black bile”.
ancients may have been off the mark as to specific causes, but their
nonperjorative view of mental suffering and their search for medical causes
were right on track. Some of the
earliest views of mental illness follow:
Egypt: During this time period mental illness was believed to be caused by loss
of status or money. The recommended
treatment was to “talk it out”, and to turn to religion and faith. Suicide was accepted at this time.
Testament: Despair and cognition was the accepted cause of mental illness;
faith the cure.
Homer believed that mental illness was caused by God's taking a mind away. He offered no treatment.
Demon possession was the theory of Aeschylus to explain Mental illness ;
exorcism the cure.
Socrates believed that mental illness was heaven-sent and not shameful in the
least. He believed it to be a blessing,
and therefore no treatment was required.
Melancholia was the cause of mental illness according to Aristotle, and music
was the cure.
It was the belief of Hippocrates that both melancholia and natural medical
causes contributed to mental illness. He
advised abstinence of various types, a natural vegetable diet and exercise as
Celsus believed mental illness to be a form of madness to be treated with
entertaining stories, diversion and persuasion therapy.
Psychic functions of the brain were considered by Galen to be the foremost
cause of mental illness. Treatment
consisted of confrontation, humor and exercise.
As history
progressed, however, the “mind” view of mental illness came to predominate, and
with it the conviction that the victim was to blame. Possession by evil
spirits, moral weakness, and other such “explanations” made a stigma of mental
illness and placed the responsibility for a cure on the resulting outcasts
themselves. The most apparently ill were chained to walls in institutions such
as the infamous Bedlam, where the rest of society could forget they existed.
in these institutions were horrible.
“Inmates” as they were called were crowded into dark cells, sometimes
sleeping five to a mattress on dank damp floors, chained in place. There was no fresh air, no light, very little
nutrition and they were whipped and beaten for misbehavior much like wild
animals. No differentiation was made
between mentally ill and criminally insane; all were packed together. Some women were committed at this time simply
for the “crime” of attempting to leave their husband, or at their husband's
insistence in order to gain control of her assets.
They were
not recognized as sick people and were accused of having abandoned themselves
to shameful and forbidden practices with the devil, sorcerers and other demons
(unbelievably there are people who still believe this today). The mentally ill were accused of having
succumbed to spells, incantations and of having committed many sinful offences
and crimes. They were persecuted without
mercy and many of them were burned at the stake.
The few
doctors who tried to convince the authorities and general public that the
“insane” were mentally ill, and sick people who needed attention and care were
ridiculed. Often they faced danger to
their professional reputations and to their person as well.
During the
1700's many people were simply locked away by their families, perhaps for a
lifetime. Poorer individuals were jailed
or placed in publicly funded almshouses.
They received basic car, but conditions were undeniably bad.
During the
18th and 19th centuries, hospitals and asylums assumed the care of the mentally
ill. The first hospital to accept and
treat mentally ill patients was the Pennsylvania Hospital founded by the
Quakers in 1752. Treatment there was the
same as for other patients…clean surroundings, good care and nutrition, fresh
air and light…in short the mentally ill were treated as human beings.
Asylums for
the Mentally Ill
The word
“asylum” means shelter or refuge. One
definition found in the 10th edition of Webster's Dictionary is “an institution
for the care of the destitute or sick and especially the insane”.
The first
actual mental asylum in America opened in 1769 under the guidance of Benjamin
Rush, who became known as “America's first psychiatrist.”
Rush, who became known as America's first psychiatrist was a professor at
America's first psychiatric hospital in 1769.
This hospital, located in Williamsburg, Virginia was to be the only such
institution in the country for fifty years.
graduated from Princeton University at the age of fifteen, and studied medicine
at the University of Edinburgh in his twenties.
Soon after he began to practice medicine he realized that his primary
interest was in the treatment of the mentally ill. He divided the mentally ill roughly into two
groups; those who suffered general intellectual derangement and whose problems
seemed only partial.
disapproved completely of restraint of any kind, for long periods of time. He outlawed the use of whips, chains and
straitjackets and developed his own methods for keeping control. Looking at some of his methods, we may feel
he was quite harsh, but in his day his methods were considered exceedingly
tranquilizing chair seen above (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD
drawing) was a device intended to heal by lowering the pulse and relaxing the
muscles. It was designed to hold the
head, body, arms and legs immobile for long periods of time and enable the
patient to settle.
gyrator, as its name suggests was a contraption similar to a spoke on a wheel. The patient was strapped to the board head
outward and the wheel was rotated at a high rate of speed, sending the blood
racing to his head and supposedly relieving his congested brain.
circulating swing worked similar to the gyrator with the patient bound in place
in a sitting position.
back it is obvious the treatments were still primitive, but a change had been
fifty years later America's second asylum was built near Philadelphia by the
Quakers and was called “The American Friends' Asylum”. This asylum, and others that followed
embraced the teaching of Englishman William Tuke in providing “moral treatment”
for its patients. No chains were used
and violent patients were separated from the others.
In 1841
Dorothy Dix, an American woman, appalled at the conditions in jails and mental
institutions where the mentally ill were housed began a forty-year quest to
champion the mentally ill. Through her
efforts more than thirty hospitals for indigent patients with mental illnesses
were built.
By the mid
1800's many institutions were making the effort to truly help their residents,
yet by today's standards their efforts were crude.
changes began to occur with the arrival of the twentieth century. During World War 1 it was discovered that
large numbers of soldiers were incapacitated by emotional problems and it was
plain to see that not just a few, but many suffered from abnormal
behavior. It was reasoned that if trauma
such as the war could cause such widespread symptoms, then it was reasonable to
assume lesser trauma, perhaps occurring frequently could produce the same
illnesses began to be recognized as medical in origin and the classification as
to type and symptoms proceeded.
In the
1940's and 50's medication was discovered that helped the severely mentally
ill. Great hope was placed in these drugs, but it was soon discovered they did
not cure the illness, although they were quite successful at ameliorating some
of the symptoms. These medicines, the anti psychotics, are still in use today.
ECT and insulin therapy was also discovered, and went a long way to helping
especially those in depression. ECT, in
a refined and safer mode is also practiced today.
serendipitous discoveries in the next several years nearly revolutionized the
treatment of the mentally ill. New medications were discovered to help in most
cases of severe mental conditions, and more new ones are being found.
institutionalization is rare as patients recover enough to be cared for in their
own homes and communities. Community help for the mentally ill has progressed
enormously in the past even twenty years.
No, we
still do not know the cause of the major mental illnesses, schizophrenia,
bipolar affective disorder (manic depression) or clinical depression but
treatment is available. Researchers continue to look at the genetics in an
attempt to identify the cause. Though it may not come in our time, it will for
our children and their children.
The stigma
of mental illness has not been eradicated, though the move to equate mental
illness with physical illness has resulted in greater understanding on some
fronts. We still have a long way to go in this area.
45,000 BC
Among archaeological finds, there are at least 30 cases in
which the disease or pathology was so severe, they must have had care in order
to survive. These are case studies where direct support or accommodation was
necessary (first Peer Support predates medicine by several thousand years). One
Neanderthal, Shanidar 1,
from a site in Iraq, dating to 45,000 years ago, who died around age 50 with
one arm amputated, loss of vision in one eye and other injuries. Another is
Windover boy from about 7,500 years ago, found in Florida, who had a severe
congenital spinal malformation known as spina bifida, and lived to around age
15. The conclusion is that contrary to popular stereotypes of prehistoric
people, under some conditions life 7,500 years ago and longer included an
ability and willingness to help and sustain the chronically ill and
handicapped. In another well-known case, the skeleton of a teenage boy, Romito 2,
found at a site in Italy in the 1980s, and dating to 10,000 years ago, showed a
form of severe dwarfism that left the boy with very short arms. His people were
nomadic and they lived by hunting and gathering. He didn’t need nursing care,
but the group would have had to accept that he couldn’t run at the same pace or
participate in hunting in the same way others did. Another case is a skeleton
of a young woman about 18 years old from a site on the Arabian Peninsula more
than 4,000 years old indicated that the woman had a neuromuscular disease,
perhaps polio. Her condition likely made it difficult for her to walk. She had
exceedingly thin arm and leg bones with very little buildup of normal muscle
attachments. She probably received round-the-clock care. But one problem that
she had was apparently not a result of the disease. The teeth that she had were
full of cavities, and she was “missing teeth from abscesses and periodontal
disease. Those who cared for the young woman may have been too kind. Her people
grew dates, and, perhaps to make her happy, they fed her a lot of sticky, gummy
dates, which eventually just rotted her teeth out, unusual for someone so
33,000 BC
Dogs have been
domesticated since approximately 33,000 years ago. Research shows that Dogs are
the only animals in the animal kingdom that can read the emotions on your face
much like humans. In other words dogs can tell at a glance if we are happy,
angry or sad just by looking at our faces. Research shows that by petting a dog
you help lower your blood pressure.
10,000 BC
In prehistoric times there was, as far as historians can
tell, no division between medicine, magic and religion. In the Stone Age there
is evidence of trepanning the skull, and also that parts of the cut skull were
used as amulets. Study of cave drawings
indicates that mesolithic people utilized a magical law relating to all human
activities of the time, by which they made sense of the world. A cave painting
in Ariege, France, shows a strange being with human feet and hands and antlers
who has been identified as a 'psychiatrist (witch doctor)', but it is not clear
how this identification has been made. Katherine Darton's “Notes of the
history of mental health care” begins in 10,000 BC. She says
"in prehistoric times there was, as far as historians can tell, no
division between medicine, magic and religion." History of
Mental Illness at the University of Derby begins some 10,000 years
ago with trepanning - possibly to let evil spirits out, but this was before
written records.
5,000 BC
Attempts to treat mental illness date back as early as 5000
BCE as evidenced by the discovery of trephined skulls in regions that were home
to ancient world cultures
3,500 BC
The Disability Social History Project's Disability
Social History Timeline begins in 3,500 BC with an account
of the fitting of an artificial limb the Rig-Veda (sacred poem of India written
in Sanskrit between 3500 and 1800 B.C. The Rig-Veda, an ancient sacred poem of
India, is said to be the first written
record of a prosthesis. Written in Sanskrit between 3500 and 1800
B.C., it recounts the story of a warrior, Queen Vishpla, who lost her leg in
battle, was fitted with an iron prosthesis, and returned to battle.
3,100 BC
The Society of Laingian Studies' Timeline in the treatment of Madness
begins in 3,100BC when "Menes, the founder of the 1st Dynasty writes The
Secret Book of the Heart, describing 3 kinds of healers, the physician, the
priest and the sorcerer".
2,850 BC
At Memphis, the temple of Imhotep, a great Egyptian healer
who was deified, became a medical school where patients received sleep therapy,
occupational therapy, excursions on the Nile, concerts, dances and painting.
There were carefully worded malpractice laws and detailed clinical treatises;
however psychiatric theory was largely magical, and successful treatments were
attributed to amulets worn or to the patron god.
2,000 BC
The Talmud is full of psychological commentary. Rabbi Hunah
stated that good men have bad dreams, implying that dreams are a safety valve
for wishes repressed by moral principles. Judaism also suggested that sickness
and madness were punishments for sins. In the Old Testament, Saul suffered from
suicidal depression, Nebuchadnezzar had a psychotic fear of being a wolf, and
Ezekial was coprophagic (eating of feces or dung), while David feigned madness
to escape from the King of Gath. One effect of Hebrew psychiatry was that the
religion of one God caused a lot of magical ideas to be discarded. However,
despite the caring of the Hebrews, and the building of a special hospital for
mentally ill people, statements like, 'a wizard shall surely be put to death;
they shall stone them with stones' were to be used in an inhumane way for
centuries. Deuteronomy names insanity as one of the many curses that God will
inflict on those who do not obey Him: 'the Lord shall smite thee with madness,
and blindness, and astonishment of heart'. Saul's psychotic episodes were
attributed to an evil spirit sent by the Lord, and treated with music therapy:
'And it came to pass, when the evil spirit was upon Saul, that David took an
harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil
spirit departed from him.' Rabbi Asi in ancient Judea recommended that
disturbed patients should talk freely about their worries.
King Hammurabi of Babylon issues the Code of Hammurabi,
which creates the first code of laws: 3,600 lines of cuneiform, written on a
diorite column, include protection of widows, orphans, and the weak against the
strong. In Mesopotamia, according to the code of Hammurabi preserved
in Cuneiform clay tablets, priest-physicians dealt especially with mental
disturbance which was attributed to demonic possession, whilst 'lay' physicians
dealt solely with physical injury. This was the first known division between
mental and physical symptoms. These priest-physicians, the Asu, used
psychotherapy, and studied dreams that were regarded as showing the will of the
gods. Every physician had his own god and every disease its own demon. Diseases
and drugs were codified, and the doctor was responsible for his patient, whose
life story was studied in a holistic approach.
1550 BC
A page from the Ebers Papyrus.
The Ebers papyrus,
one of the most important medical papyri of ancient Egypt,
briefly mentioned clinical depression. In 1550 BC, the
Egyptians wrote a book of medicine. It is likely a copy of a much older book,
but it is quite fascinating to realize just how much the ancients knew about
the human body and various diseases. While the cures were no better than a
witches brew with "eye of newt", they did understand the various
diseases. The only reference to anything coming close to psychiatry is in the
section on the heart where anger and sadness are discussed. Biopsychiatrists
love to quote the papyrus as proof that the Egyptians believed depression was
caused by bodily diseases. But this is simply untrue. In fact the opposite is
true. The Egyptians understood that anger and sadness caused body diseases in
the heart. The papyrus reads: "When his Heart is afflicted and has tasted
sadness, behold his Heart is closed in and darkness is in his body because of
anger which is eating up his Heart."
900 BC
Ed Brown's
annotated cases at Brown Medical School - archives
begins with the feigned madness of David who became king of the Jews (9th century BC)
800 BC
The insanity defense, i.e., the forgiveness of criminal
liability due to presence of a mental illness that impairs judgment or
behavior, can be found in ancient Greek mythology. In the extensive myths
concerning the demi-god Hercules, he is said later in his life to have killed
his wife and three children due to a curse from the goddess Hera. Despite this
massacre being witnessed by the town's people, he was nevertheless deemed to be
nonculpable due to the mental confusion caused by the curse. That is, he was
truly unaware that his acts were wrong and/or he was unable to conform his
conduct to the law. This is precisely the formula of the modern "insanity
defense." Accordingly, Hercules was found to be in need of care and
treatment by his best friend, Amphitryon, and the townspeople, and he was given
sympathetic counseling to prevent his own subsequent attempted suicide upon
regaining his mental competency and realizing what he had done.
According to Homer, an eminent specialist, Melampus,
pioneered the use of white hellebore for treating delusions, and Greek comedies
frequently satirized the taking of the drug, which was considered a panacea. An
eminent physician, Aesculapius, developed a form of sleep-therapy in luxurious
surroundings, taking great care with patients' diet and exercise. Aesculapian temples, named after him, were
built in places of particular beauty or near springs with medicinal waters, and
there patients with psychological problems could be cared for and encouraged to
sleep, with the suggestion that Aeculapius would appear in their dreams to cure
them. The Asklepeia were
ancient Greek dream hospitals where priests would prescribe treatment based on
the patients' dreams.
735 BC
During the reign of Romulus in Rome, wife beating is
accepted and condoned under The Laws of Chastisement. Under these laws, the
husband has absolute rights to physically discipline his wife. Since by law a husband
is held liable for crimes committed by his wife, this law was designed to
protect the husband from harm caused by the wife's actions. These laws permit
the husband to beat his wife with a rod or switch as long as its circumference
is no greater than the girth of the base of the man's right thumb, hence
"The Rule of Thumb." The tradition of these laws is perpetuated in
English Common Law and throughout most of Europe.
600 BC
Many cities
had temples to Asklepios known as an Asklepieion that provided cures for
psychosomatic illnesses
600-500 BC
Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama
(Buddha), teaches that all other forms of righteousness "are not worth the
sixteenth part of the emancipation of the heart through love and charity."
In India, Buddha
attributed human thoughts to our sensations and perceptions, which, he said, gradually
and automatically combine into ideas. In
China, Confucius said, 'A man can command his principles; principles do not
master the man', and 'learning undigested by thought is labor lost; thought
unassisted by learning is perilous'. In Greece, either Solon or Thales (sources
differ) gave the famous advice, 'Know thyself'.
Witch doctors in Africa could only qualify for their
profession by first having undergone convulsions and sickness themselves and a
thorough exposure of their dreams.
Nebuchadnezzar or Nabonidus (whichever), in the 6th century BC, is the
earliest in Joan's mad
monarchs series
500-400 BC
The Talmud, a vast compilation of Oral Laws of
Jews, prescribes exactly how charitable funds are collected and distributed,
including the appointment of tax collectors to administer the system.
460-379 BC
Earliest records of the study and practice of alchemy among the Greeks
of Asia Minor. It was long thought among the Magi that the various metals were
connected with their astrological properties, but the goal of the alchemist was
the pursuit of a "stone which isn't a stone"1
reflected in the mystic's aim to free the soul from the evil confines of matter
and return it to God.
430 BC
forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippocrates,
called the “Father of Medicine,” who was born in 460BC at Kos wrote 76
treatises which are still considered to be the foundations of modern medicine
and psychiatry. Hippocrates
(460-377 BC), influenced by humoral theory, proposed a triad of mental
disorders termed melancholia,
mania and phrenitis (an acute mental
disorder accompanied by fever). He also spoke of other disorders such as phobia, and is credited
with being the first physician to reject supernatural or divine explanations of
illness. He believed that disease was the product of environmental factors,
diet and living habits, not a punishment inflicted by the gods, and that the
appropriate treatment depended on which bodily fluid, or humour, had caused the
problem. However, he also objected to speculation about the etiology of madness
(for example that it was seated in the heart and diaphragm or "phren") and favoured
instead close behavioural observation. He treats mental disorders as diseases
to be understood in terms of disturbed physiology, rather than reflections of
the displeasure of the gods or evidence of demonic possession, as they were
often treated in Egyptian, Indian, Greek, and Roman writings. Hippocrates recommended
that the treatment of mental illness should be conducted in an asylum, i.e., a
secure and safe retreat from the chaos, pressures and impure environment of
crowded urban centers rather than having persons with mental illness whipped in
public, or incarcerated in dungeon-like buildings. Later, Greek medical writers
set out treatments for mentally ill people that include quiet, occupation, and
the use of drugs such as the purgative hellebore. Family members care for most
people with mental illness in ancient times. He described melancholia,
postpartum psychosis, mania, phobias and paranoia, and was called as a
psychiatric witness in trials. Hippocrates also believed that thoughts and
feelings occur in the brain, rather than the heart as was often thought, and
classified personality in terms of the four humors – fluids which in health
were naturally equal in proportion (pepsis). When the four humors, blood, black
bile, yellow bile and phlegm, were not in balance (dyscrasia, meaning “bad
mixture”), a person would become sick and remain that way until the balance was
somehow restored. Hippocratic therapy was directed towards restoring this
balance. For instance, using citrus was thought to be beneficial when phlegm
was overabundant. Hippocrates is credited with being the first physician to
reject superstitions, legends and beliefs that credited supernatural or divine
forces with causing illness. Hippocrates was credited by the disciples of
Pythagoras of allying philosophy and medicine.
He separated the discipline of medicine from religion, believing and
arguing that disease was not a punishment inflicted by the gods but rather the
product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. Indeed there is not
a single mention of a mystical illness in the entirety of the Hippocratic
Corpus. Hippocratic medicine was humble and passive. The therapeutic approach
was based on “the healing power of nature” (“vis medicatrix naturae” in Latin).
According to this doctrine, the body contains within itself the power to re-balance
the four humors and heal itself (physis).
Hippocratic therapy focused on simply easing this natural process. To
this end, Hippocrates believed “rest and immobilization [were] of capital
importance”. In general, the Hippocratic
medicine was very kind to the patient; treatment was gentle, and emphasized
keeping the patient clean and sterile. For example, only clean water or wine
were ever used on wounds, though “dry” treatment was preferable. Soothing balms
were sometimes employed. Hippocrates was reluctant to administer drugs and
engage in specialized treatment that might prove to be wrongly chosen;
generalized therapy followed a generalized diagnosis. However, potent drugs were used on certain
occasions. This passive approach was very successful in treating relatively
simple ailments such as broken bones which required traction to stretch the
skeletal system and relieve pressure on the injured area. Hippocrates
believed the brain was involved in sensation and was as well the center of
intelligence, argued that psychological disorders
originated from natural reasons as other diseases, rather than
reflections of the displeasure of the gods or evidence of demonic possession, and defined such clinical pictures as mania and
melancholia. He further pointed out the relationship between the human brain
and epilepsias and mentioned dementia Greek medical writers set out
treatments for mentally ill people that include quiet, occupation, and the use
of drugs such as the purgative hellebore.
400 BC
Greek student of Socrates, proposed a view of the soul (psyche) as a charioteer
driving two horses, one noble, the other driven by base desires. Plato (427-347 BC) argued
that there were two types of mental illness: "divinely inspired"
mental illness that gave the person prophetic powers, and a second type that
was caused by a physical disease. The charioteer struggles to balance their
conflicting impulses. This is similar to
Freud's theory of the superego, ego and id. Plato also discussed the origin of
dreams, as well as the nature of sexual sublimation. In “The Laws” Plato also
describes the place where those who did not measure up to the Greek ideal
should be set aside. This was the earliest known description of what were to
later to be places of isolation, a model for both asylums as well as German
Concentration Camps in World War II. In ancient Greece and Rome, madness was
associated stereotypically with aimless wandering and violence. However, Socrates considered
positive aspects including prophesying (a ‘manic art’); mystical initiations
and rituals; poetic inspiration; and the madness of lovers. Now often seen as
the very epitome of rational thought and as the founder of philosophy, Socrates
freely admitted to experiencing what are now called "command hallucinations" (then
called his ‘daemon’). Pythagoras
also heard voices. Socrates (in Plato's The Republic) recommends that "the offspring of the inferior,
or of the better when they chance to be deformed, will be put away in some
mysterious, unknown place, as they should be." In 387 BC Plato
suggested that the brain is the mechanism of mental processes.
384-322 BC
(384-322 BC), who studied under Plato, abandoned the divinely caused mental
illness theory, and proposed instead that all mental illness was caused by
physical problems. Aristotle said those "born deaf become senseless and
incapable of reason." Aristotle recognizes man as a social animal who
necessarily must cooperate with and assist his fellow man. Aristotle showed an
awareness of the importance of genetic inheritance, and saw mental
growth as a sequence of cause and effect: aspirations influence behavior and
thus become causes. Aristotle saw actions, feelings and thoughts as a single
unit. His awareness of the potential for change and his image of a
self-actualized person accords with Erich Fromm's description. Aristotle, like
Meyer, also believed in the concept of total reactions, rather than separating
man's faculties. Aristotle
said those "born deaf become senseless and incapable of reason."
Arateus antedated modern concepts of mental disease as extensions of normal
personality traits. The concept of personal will and ego and of emotional and
rational behavior was defined by Pythagorus. Aristophanes' plays include
classic Freudian free-association sessions, beginning 'come onto the couch'. It
was Aristotle who not only defined the legal principle of informed consent
which is essentially unchanged to this day, but also defined the two essential
powers of a democratic government which are found in our own culture and law
and underlie the two legal justifications for civil commitment of certain
persons who are mentally ill. Aristotle, in his work the Nicomachean Ethics,
essentially defined informed consent as a person's actions which are done with
knowledge, rationality and without coercion. Informed consent in modern law -
whether it concerns medical consent, involuntary psychiatric commitment or
medication, the ability to enter into marriage or a contract, or whether a
confession was voluntarily given to the police, etc. - is still a matter of a
person's ability to receive and absorb the relevant knowledge, intelligently
evaluate the risk and benefits of the decision, and to be free from any
coercion. These same three legal elements still form the basis of court
decisions, statutes, and they were endorsed by the Report of President's
Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and on Biomedical and
Behavioral Research. In terms of the government's role in society, Aristotle
postulated that the government has two basic powers: the police power to
protect its citizens from danger and harm (known as the "police
power"), and its parens patriae power (a later Latin term applied to this
concept by Roman Law) to help those in need of parental-type care, i.e.,
sustenance, protection, nurturing, and education. In other words, under parens
patriae power, it is the government's responsibility to act as the ultimate
parent of all citizens of the country who have no immediate family or friends
to help them in times of need. These two powers respectively underlie and
justify the two
traditional forms of involuntary civil commitment. Aristotle
believed the heart was the centre of intelligence and that the brain was a kind
of radiator that cooled the blood that was overheated by a seething heart,
which explained man's rational temperament. In 335 BC Aristotle suggested that
the heart is the mechanism of mental processes.
280 BC
Theophrastus, having "...a long time observed the divers
dispositions of men, having now lived ninety-nine years, conversed with all
sorts of natures bad and good, and comparing them togither..." writes The Characters, the
original DSM, comprised of exactly 28 personality disorders. The work contains thirty brief,
vigorous, and trenchant outlines of moral types, which form a most valuable
picture of the life of his time, and in fact of human nature in general.
physician and philosopher Herophilus studied the nervous system and distinguished
between sensory nerves and motor nerves. His work on blood and its movements
led him to study and analyze the brain. He proposed that the brain housed the
intellect rather than the heart. He was the first person to differentiate
between the cerebrum and the cerebellum and to place individual importance on
each portion. He looked more in depth into the network of nerves located in the
cranium. He described the optic nerve and the oculomotor nerve for sight and
eye movement. Through his dissection of the eye, he discovered the different
sections and layers of the eye: the cornea, the retina, the iris, and the
choroid also known as the choroid coat. Further study of the cranium led him to
describe the calamus scriptorius which he believed was the seat of the human
soul. Analysis of the nerves in the cranium allowed him to differentiate
between nerves and blood vessels and to discover the differences between motor
and sensory nerves. He believed that the sensory and motor nerves shot out from
the brain and that the neural transmissions occurred by means of pneuma. Part
of his belief system regarding the human body involved the pneuma, which he
believed was a substance that flowed through the arteries along with the blood.
Playing off of medical beliefs at the time, Herophilos stated that diseases
occurred when an excess of one of the four humors impeded the pneuma from
reaching the brain.
250 BC
anatomist Erasistratus studied the brain and
distinguished between the cerebrum and cerebellum. He considered atoms to be
the essential body element, and he believed they were vitalized by the pneuma
that circulated through the nerves. He also thought that the nerves moved a
nervous spirit from the brain. He then differentiated between the function of the sensory
and motor nerves, and linked them to the brain. He is credited with one of the
first in-depth descriptions of the cerebrum
and cerebellum.
218 BC
Sergius, a Roman general who led his legion against Carthage (presently Tunis)
in the Second Punic War, sustained 23 injuries and a right arm amputation. An
iron hand was fashioned to hold his shield and he was able to go back to
battle. He was denied a chance to be a priest because one needed two normal
202 BC
At the end of the Punic Wars, the family structure changes
giving women more freedoms, including property rights and the right to sue
their husbands for unjustified beatings.
120-70 BC
Asclepiades introduced humane treatment of the mentally
deranged; some of those treatments were based on interpreting dreams, described
and defined the errors in perception and reasoning of the insane and emphasized
the point that they should be treated under favorable environmental conditions
110 BC
To elicit the state of mind of the mentally disturbed
person, Cicero designed an interview format that contained the following items:
1. Nomen (clan/tribe, region,
2. Natura (sex, nationality,
family status age, physique)
3. Victus (education, association,
4. Fortuna (rich/poor, free/slave,
social class)
5. Habitus (appearance)
6. Affectio (passions, emotions,
7. Studium (interests)
8. Consilium (motivation)
9. Factum (working history)
10. Casus (significant life
11. Orationes (form and content of
This assessment tool was used
throughout the Roman Empire, was still used by the Celtic monasteries in the
following centuries and continued in use until the Dissolution of the
Monasteries in the 16th century (i.e for about 1600 years). Cicero rejected the
concept of the four humors, saying that melancholia was caused, not by black
bile, as Hippocrates had suggested, but by violent rage, fear and grief.
Through long contact with Greek
culture, and their eventual conquest of Greece, the Romans absorbed many Greek
(and other) ideas on medicine.[9]
The humoral theory fell out of favor in some quarters. The Greek physician Asclepiades
(c. 124 – 40 BC), who practiced in Rome, discarded it and advocated humane
treatments, and had insane persons freed from confinement and treated them with
natural therapy, such as diet and massages. Arateus (ca AD 30-90)
argued that it is hard to pinpoint where a mental illness comes from. However, Galen (AD 129 –ca. 200),
practicing in Greece and Rome, revived humoral theory.[6]
Galen, however, adopted a single symptom approach rather than broad diagnostic
categories, for example studying separate states of sadness, excitement,
confusion and memory loss.[7]
such as Homer,
and Euripides
described madmen driven insane by the Gods, imbalanced humors or circumstances.
As well as the triad (of which mania was often used as an overarching term for
insanity) there were a variable and overlapping range of terms for such things
as delusion, eccentricity, frenzy, and lunacy. Physician Celsus argued that insanity is really
present when a continuous dementia begins due to the mind being at the mercy of
imaginings. He suggested that people must heal their own souls through
philosophy and personal strength. He described common practices of dietetics,
bloodletting, drugs, talking therapy, incubation in temples, exorcism,
and amulets,
as well as restraints and "tortures" to restore rationality,
including starvation, being terrified suddenly, agitation of the spirit, and stoning
and beating. Most, however, did not receive medical treatment but stayed with
family or wandered the streets, vulnerable to assault and derision. Accounts of
delusions from the time included people who thought themselves to be famous
actors or speakers, animals, inanimate objects, or one of the gods. Some were
arrested for political reasons, such as Jesus
ben Ananias who was eventually released as a madman after showing no
concern for his own fate during torture. It has been argued that Jesus
of Nazareth was widely considered a dangerous madman, due partly to
antisocial and disruptive outbursts including physical aggression, grandiose
and nonsensical claims, and terse responses to official questioning - and may
have been mocked as a king and crucified for that reason.
43 BC
March 20 in
the year 43 BC Birth date of Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso, better known as
Ovid. He is especially famous for his 15-volume Metamorphoses, based on stories
from classic mythology. But here I include him because of the Tristia poems he
wrote about 10 AD, two years after Roman emperor August had him exiled to the
town of Tomis (present-day Constantza, a Black Sea port in Romania). Even
experts are not sure about why Ovid was forced into exile. Some of the Tristia
poems are fine examples of someone describing symptoms of depression – 2,000
years ago. Of course we can dispute whether Ovid’s depression does qualify as a
form of mental illness, as in his case there was a very clear external reason for
feeling depressed: his exile, his nostalgic longing for home. On the other
hand, doesn’t the word “homesick” also suggest illness? And of course we could
also, after the fact, interpret Ovid’s exile as a metaphor for depression.
Isn’t depression a kind of permanent, hopeless exile from the happier world of
our family and friends? Ovid’s troubles lasted until his death. He died in
exile in Tomis, about 17 AD (when he was 60).
40 BC
Asclepiades was a Greek doctor who
practiced in Rome, using a form of physiotherapy designed to move the
oppositely charged 'atoms' of which the human body was formed. He invented a
swinging bed which had a relaxing effect on emotionally disturbed patients,
found music helpful, and spoke out strongly against incarceration of mentally
ill people. He disliked the term 'insanity', referring to 'passions of
sensations', and differentiated between hallucinations and delusions.
Asclepiades waged a strong campaign against bleeding, which in fact went on for
another 1500 years.
In the last
years before Christ the influence of enlightened views of the Roman doctors
began to decline, and Cornelius Celcus (25BC-50AD) recommended starvation,
fetters and flogging and anything 'which thoroughly agitates the spirit'. He reinstated the idea that some illnesses
were caused by the anger of the gods, and his words were used in the Middle
Ages to justify the burning of witches. A contemporary of Christ's,
he defends the idea that force had to be applied during treatment of insane. To
him, the insane had to be punished with famines, fetters and beating, asserting
that a sudden sense of fear could cause the insane to recover.
Pliny the Elder, the great Roman naturalist (who asserted that the
Earth was a sphere and the heavens unfathomable) composes in 37 volumes a Natural
History, devoting many of the volumes to the medicinal properties of plants
and herbs, animals and the human body's own products, as well as the uses of
charms in healing the afflictions of mind and body.
Christianity, a martyr's church during its first 250 years,
in its religious writings cites Jesus Christ as teaching people's love for one
another as God's will. The writings emphasize sympathy for poor, disabled, and
dispossessed people. Recognized in law in the 4th century the Canon Law was
codified in the 12th century to provide an elaborate discussion of the theory
and practice of charity.
The use of nonconvulsive electrotherapy as a method for
alleviating symptoms through suggestion dates back to Scribonius Largus (c.
A.D. 47), who treated the headaches of the Roman emperor with an electric eel.
The Roman, Aretaeus, an eclectic medical philosopher,
established the fact that manic and depressive states occur in the same
individual and that lucid intervals exist between manic and depressive
episodes. He also understood that not everyone with mental illness is destined
to suffer intellectual deterioration, a fact not adequately emphasized until
the twentieth century, if then, and he was very concerned about the welfare of
his patients, understanding the undesirability of treatments that patients find
unacceptable. He abandoned terms relating to the four humors and gave clear
descriptions of emotional states. The Romans tended to concentrate on pleasant
physical therapies: warm baths, massage, diet, well-lighted and pleasant rooms,
and music. They also used shocks by electric eels.
Galen, Greek physician, born AD 129 in Pergamum, in what is
now Turkey. He died about AD 216. His massive writings on medicine included the
theory of the humours or body fluids (like blood) whose preponderance had a
marked affect on a person's health and personality. (i.e., melancholy).
Galen (129-200) was an anatomist rather than a physician, and borrowed ideas
from many sources. He dedicated many of his writings to a Creator, a fact that led to his having
a far greater influence over the Christian world in later centuries than his
work perhaps merited, and helped to retard the development of medicine. As physician to the gladiators, Galen, (Claudius Galeno) who was
also a writer, likely observed first-hand the consequences of brain and spinal
injury. He dissected many animals and believed as Hippocrates did that the
brain was the center of intelligence. His views on the role of the cerebrum and
cerebellum prevailed for close to 1,500 years.
Soranus of Ephesus lived in the second century A.D. in Rome,
and was a physician of Greek extraction. His recommendations for treatment of
mental illness were more advanced than some employed fifteen hundred years
later. He belonged to the "methodist" school of physicians (related
to the philosophers Heraclitus and Epicurus) believing that the human body is
composed of atoms constantly in motion. He theorized that disease was caused by
a disturbance or an irregularity of these atoms. In light of the recent
revelation that much of schizophrenia might be caused by a disturbance to
chromosome number six, Soranus' view was remarkably close to the latest
findings on the possible causes of some mental illness. Follower of
Asclepiades, Soranus of Ephesus, said that patients should be kept in light,
airy conditions, should not be beaten, kept in the dark or given poppy to make
them drowsy, and he stressed the importance of convalescence and aftercare. He
also took social background and culture into account and insisted on the
importance of the doctor-patient relationship. Although he described mental
distress in terms of an organic disturbance he treated it by psychological
methods, minimizing the use of drugs and other physical treatments. But he also
suggested that mania should be treated with the alkaline waters of the town.
These waters contained high levels of lithium salts. Lithium treatment was
rediscovered for manic depression by John Cade, an Australian psychiatrist, in
1948. Soranus described two kinds of mental illness, mania and melancholy,
which are what we now call schizophrenia and depression. Although the actual
treatments of Soranus' time included confinement in a dark room, flogging,
starvation diet, making a patient drunk, and inducing sleep with drugs and
opium, he dismissed these treatments as futile and haphazard. Rather, Soranus
recommended treatments that included patients be: kept in rooms with modest
light and adequate warmth and always on the ground floor to prevent suicide
attempts; put on a simple diet with regular exercise; and restrained only if
necessary, and if so, with bonds made of wool or soft materials to prevent injury.
He also recommended that to avoid unnecessary injury, the servants who
restrained them should use their hands and not clubs or other instruments.
Soranus thought that the patient should be engaged in intellectual activities
not only for therapeutic purposes but to detect the progress of the illness;
accordingly, patients should be encouraged to talk to philosophers to
"banish their fear and sorrow."(
The Church fathers re-establish the husband's patriarchal
authority and the patriarchal values of Roman and Jewish law. The Roman
Emperor, Constantine the Great, has his wife burned alive when she is no longer
of use to him.
When the Western Roman Empire began to
disintegrate, Augustine of Hippo developed the concept of the Catholic
Church as a spiritual City of God (in a book of the same name), distinct from the
material Earthly City. His thoughts profoundly influenced the medieval worldview.
Augustine's City of God was closely identified with the segment of the
Church that adhered to the concept of the Trinity
as defined by the Council of Nicaea and the Council of Constantinople.
Augustine writes The City of God in part to respond to claims
that Rome fell because it had abandoned paganism. Augustine's arguments against magic, differentiating it from miracle, were
crucial in the early Church's fight against paganism and became a central
thesis in the later denunciation of witches and witchcraft.
Caelius Aurelianus announces that devils were existing in
the appearance of male or female human beings, whose primary task was to
deceive the opposite sex, issuing in the centuries to follow of murder of
thousands of the insane for the purpose of getting rid of the evil-souls and
devils that possess them.
flight from Mecca to Medina, the beginning of Islam. The Koran, the book
considered to be the revelation of God to Muhammad and the foundation of the
religion Islam, sets forth five duties, the third of which is to give,
prescribed alms generously and also to give some alms beyond the minimum.
Boniface brings Anglo-Saxon Christianity to the pagans in
Germany, cutting down the pagan's sacred tree to build a church out of it
Hospitals in
Islamic History by Dr Hossam Arafa "The first known hospital in
Islam was built in Damascus in 706 AD". After 750 - Al-Fustat Hospital, Cairo,
for the so-called "insane" were established by the eighth century in
Arabic countries (an asylum in Fez, Morocco early in the eighth century).
Baghdad Academy of Science founded
Rhazes (865-925), called 'the Persian Galen' (but 700 years
later), was chief physician at Baghdad hospital where there was a psychiatric
ward, and, because the Arabs had no fear of demons, patients were kindly
treated. They used the writings of Galen and Aristotle to guide them, and
appear to have made use of forms of behavior therapy.
In the Islamic world, the Bimaristans
were described by European travelers, who wrote on their wonder at the care and
kindness shown to lunatics. Ahmad ibn
Tulun built a hospital in Cairo that provided care
to the insane which included music therapy.
Ages (900 – 1300)
In Europe, squires and noblemen beat their wives as
regularly as they beat their serfs; the peasants faithfully followed their
lords' example. The Church sanctions the subjection of women. Priests advise
abused wives to win their husbands' good will through increased devotion and
obedience. The habit of looking upon women as a species apart, without the same
feelings and capacity for suffering which men possess, becomes inbred during
the Middle Ages. In a Medieval theological manual, a man is given permission to
"castigate his wife and beat her for correction…”
Leechdom, Wortcunning and Star
Craft of Early England, a collection of herbal
prescriptions, gives remedies for melancholia, hallucinations, mental vacancy,
dementia, and folly.
Pūr Sinɑʼ (Persian ابن سینا or ابو علی سینا or پور سينا Pur-e
Sina; [ˈpuːr ˈsiːnɑː] "son of Sina"; August c. 980 – June 1037),
commonly known as Ibn Sīnā, or in Arabic writing Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sīnā (Arabic أبو علي الحسين
بن عبد الله بن سينا) or by his Latinized name Avicenna, was a Persian polymath,
who wrote almost 450 works on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240
have survived. In particular, 150 of his surviving works concentrate on
philosophy and 40 of them concentrate on medicine. His most famous works are
The Book of Healing, a vast philosophical and scientific encyclopedia, and The
Canon of Medicine, which was a standard medical text at many medieval
universities. The Canon of Medicine was used as a textbook in the universities
of Montpellier and Leuven as late as 1650. Ibn Sīnā's Canon of Medicine
provides an overview of all aspects of medicine according to the principles of
Galen (and Hippocrates). His corpus also includes writing on philosophy,
astronomy, alchemy, geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics,
physics, as well as poetry. He is regarded as the most famous and influential
polymath of the Islamic Golden Age. In The Canon of Medicine, Avicenna
described a number of conditions, including melancholia. He described
melancholia as a depressive type of mood disorder in which the person may
become suspicious and develop certain types of phobias.Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
suggests that the three ventricles of the brain perform five distinct
cognitives processes: common sense, imagination, cogitation, estimation and
memory. His Canon of Medicine, which asserted the fundamentals of
neuroanatomy, was in use as a textbook in Europe and the East as late as
the 17th century. His treatise De Anima, discusses the relationship of
body and soul in man and the causes of melancholy, and advocated only humane
treatment of the insane. Avicenna was the first to employ analytical treatment,
including use of a free association method, in his treatment of the insane. Persian physician Avicenna
recognized "physiological psychology" in the treatment of illnesses
involving emotions, and developed a system for associating changes in the pulse
rate with inner feelings.
In Salerno
University, Constantinus Africanus (1020-1087) a Jew who became a Christian
translated Hippocrates from Arabic into Latin. Once again the nervous
system was examined and the brain seen as the seat of mental illness.
Hydrotherapy was used.
laymen had more enlightened attitudes toward mental health problems than did
professionals, for poetry and other literature present very realistic views of
the subject. The poems Amadas (late 12th century), and also Tristan both
indicate an understanding of the idea that emotional crises may result in severe
emotional disorders and that they may be corrected by a realistic psychological
Date given
for "an asylum exclusively for sufferers from mental diseases at
Mets" (Metz, northern France) (Catholic Encyclopedia)
“In the patient let me ever see only the person.” -- From the Oath of
Maimonides (Moses Maimonides 1135-1204)
Geel, Belgium becomes an established place of pilgrimage
and settlement for the mentally ill, it survives the centuries and still exists
as a therapeutic community, although in modern times under the supervision of
medical authorities.
Ch'an Buddhism spreads from China to Japan where it is
called (at least in translation) Zen Buddhism
Universities of Paris and Oxford founded
The Children's Crusade. Children marched in tens of thousands from
Germany and France to Italy, believing that they could free the Holy Land
supernaturally because they were pure in heart. Most of them were drowned,
murdered, or sold into slavery
King John of England signs the Magna Carta, forerunner of
modern civil rights documents. The original of the Magna Carta documents is
signed and issued in Runnymede, England. The Charter, also called Magna Carta
Libertatum, required King John of
England to proclaim certain liberties, and accept that his will was
not arbitrary, for example by
explicitly accepting that no "freeman" (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished
except through the law of the
land, a right which is still in existence today. Magna Carta was the
first document forced onto an English King by a group of
his subjects, the feudal barons,
in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. It was
preceded and directly influenced by the Charter of
Liberties in 1100, in which King Henry I had specified
particular areas wherein his powers would be limited. The modern right of due
process traces its lineage directly to the Magna Carta. In the Magna Carta of
1215, the king relinquished some of his sovereignty to the courts of law when
government actions affected a citizen's liberty or property. The same principle
is what basically underlies the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
of the United States Constitution.
Bethlehem Royal Hospital established in Bishopsgate outside
the wall of London; later, one of the most famous old psychiatric hospitals was
founded as a priory of the Order of St. Mary of Bethlem to collect alms for
Crusaders; after the English government secularized it (confiscated by King Edward
III), it started admitting mental patients by 1377, becoming known as Bedlam
Hospital; in 1547 it was acquired by the City of London, operating until 1948;
it is now part of the British NHS Foundation Trust. Bethlem Royal Hospital of
London is a psychiatric hospital at Beckenham in the London Borough of Bromley.
Although no longer in its original location and buildings, it is recognised as
the world's first and oldest institution to specialize in the mentally ill. It
has been variously known as St. Mary Bethlehem, Bethlem Hospital, Bethlehem
Hospital and Bedlam. Bethlem has
been a part of London since 1247, first as a priory for the sisters and
brethren of the Order of the Star of Bethlehem, from where the building took
its name. Its first site was in Bishopsgate (where Liverpool Street station now
stands). In 1337 it became a hospital, and it admitted some mentally ill
patients from 1357, but did not become a dedicated psychiatric hospital until
later. Early sixteenth century maps show Bedlam, next to Bishopsgate, as a
courtyard with a few stone buildings, a church and a garden. Conditions were
consistently dreadful, and the care amounted to little more than restraint. The
hospital was small; in 1403-4, it held six “insane” patients and three “sane”
patient. In the 1600’s there were about 30 patients and the noise was “so
hideous, so great; that they are more able to drive a man that hath his wits
rather out of them.” Violent or dangerous patients were manacled and chained to
the floor or wall. Some were allowed to leave, and licensed to beg. It was a
Royal hospital, but controlled by the City of London after 1557, and managed by
the Governors of Bridewell. Day to day management was in the hands of a Keeper,
who received payment for each patient from their parish, livery company, or
relatives. In 1598 an inspection showed neglect; the “Great Vault” (cesspit) badly needed
emptying, and the kitchen drains needed replacing. There were 20 patients
there, one of whom had been there over 25 years. In 1676, it was
replaced by the larger Moorfields Bedlam.
Pietro Albano (1250-1316) was burned to death by the
Inquisition for minimizing spiritual principles in his attempt to unite
Aristotle's thinking with the medical facts.
Al- Mansuri
Hospital, Cairo opened. At some time, this had music therapy for its
mental patients.
Dave Sheppard's Development of Mental Health Law and
Practice begins in 1285
with a case that linked "the instigation of the devil" and being
and mad"
Praerogativa Regis, the Act giving the King (or, possibly,
regulating and already established) custody of the lands of natural fools and
wardship of the property of the insane, may have been drawn up between 1255 and
1290. This is part of feudal law
relating to the idea that all land is by gift from the highest lord (in
England, the King). Until the English civil war and interregnum, all land
reverted to the king on the chief tenant's death, to be reclaimed by any lawful
heir on payment of a fee. The King's Officers, throughout the country, who
regulated these affairs were called "Escheators." Escheators also
held the inquisitions to determine if a land holder was a lunatic or idiot.
The Black Death. 1/3 of the population from India to
Iceland is wiped out, including about 1/2 of Britain
Casting out devils becomes the common treatment for the
mentally ill
laymen had more enlightened attitudes toward mental health problems than did
professionals, for poetry and other literature present very realistic views of
the subject.
It was not until the 14th century that people with mental
health problems were considered witches and again became victims of
persecution. The physical care of the insane was better in the early middle
ages than it was during the 17th and 18th centuries. In the early days of the
Bethlehem hospital (Bedlam), which began to care for people with mental health
problems in the 12th century, patients were treated with concern, and were
issued with arm badges to wear so that they could be returned to hospital if
their symptoms should recur. Apparently vagrants sometimes counterfeited the
badges so that they could be taken for former patients of Bethlem.
Ironically, witchhunts began at the dawn of the Renaissance
(1300-1700), provoked at least in part by anxiety about the sexual activities
of some monks and nuns. The Church needed to take action against this and the
blame fell upon women who stirred men's passions and were therefore seen as
agents of the devil. At the same time severe plague killed 50 per cent of the
population in Europe, leading to a conviction among some groups that it was
sent as punishment for sin. These groups therefore practiced self-flagellation
and humiliation to relieve their guilt. In the 15th century the ideology of the
mass movement of witch hunting was codified in the Malleus Maleficorum, a
gruesome and pornographic book. It consisted of three main parts, the first a
collection of arguments in support of the existence of witches and witchcraft,
concluding that to doubt their existence was to be a heretic; the second
describing witches and how they may be identified; the third concerned with
their treatment. A lot of the information was about deviant behavior, much of
it overtly sexual. This was at least partly due to the belief that insanity was
caused by possession by the devil, and a devil possessed a witch by copulating
with her. As the ultimate salvation of the immortal soul was more important
than the comforts of the possessed body, physical punishments such as drowning
and burning were used to make the body an intolerable refuge for the devil. The
wide dissemination of this book was greatly facilitated by the development of
printing, and it ran into 10 editions. Another obvious and kinder treatment for
the supposed possession was exorcism which often succeeded.
Some enlightened care was offered in monasteries. The
Sisters of the Society of Hospitalers created hospitals offering good food,
rest and calm, and a Franciscan monk, Bartholemew Anglicus in his book De
Proprietatibis Rerum, prescribed music and occupation for depressed patients
and sleep and gentle binding for frenzied patients. There was no hint of
A section of
a hospital was set aside for the “insane” in Europe.
The Statute of Labourers, the first national level English
law to control the movement of laborers, fixes a maximum wage and treats poor
people as criminals, thus influencing colonial poor laws.
Robert Denton, chaplain, obtained a license from King
Edward III (paying 40 shillings for the license) to found a hospital in a house
of his own in the parish of Berking Church, London, "for the men and women
in the sad city who suddenly fall into a frenzy and lose their memory, who were
to reside there until cured; with an oratory to the said hospital to the
invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary", establishing the first “peer
respite” household, predating the opening of Bedlam by close to 200 years.
before her death in around 1438, Margery Kempe wrote The Autobiography of Margery Kempe,
the first written record of a person having a vision and recovering from that
vision. It is also believed to be first autobiography written in English.
The Christian church vacillates between support of wife
beating and encouraging husbands to be more compassionate and using moderation in
their punishments of their wives. A medieval Christian scholar, Friar
Cherbubino of Siena, writes Rules of Marriage, in support of wife
In general, medieval Europeans allow the mentally ill
their freedom -- granted they are not dangerous. However, less enlightened
treatment of people with mental disorders is also prevalent, with those people
often labeled as witches and assumed to be inhabited by demons. Some religious
orders, which care for the sick in general, also care for the mentally ill. Muslim
Arabs, who establish asylums as early as the 8th century, carry on the
quasi-scientific approach of the Greeks.
Already towards the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning
of the new period an interest developed in attempting to treat schizophrenics
by some form of shock. In Switzerland, schizophrenics were put into nets and
lowered into lakes until they were almost drowned and then pulled out again.
Sometimes short-lasting
remissions were witnessed. In other countries patients were
hit with chains and whips. Some of these patients died. But again there were
some very impressive recoveries and remissions. This kind of primitive shock
treatment was considered to be of a magic [sic] nature. It was believed
that the devil had possession of the human body and mind, and the only logical
consequence of such ideas seemed to be the attempt to make the devil’s stay in
these strange places of residence as miserable as possible.
St. Mary of Bethlehem, or Bedlam, just outside London, first accepted psychiatric patients
Christine de Pizan writes in The Book of the City of Ladies
about women's basic humanity and better education and treatment in marriage for
women. She accuses men of cruelty and beating their wives.
Asylum at Valencia founded by a monk named Joffre, out of
pity for the lunatics whom he founded hooted by the crowds. The movement thus
begun spread throughout Spain, and asylums were founded at Saragossa in 1425,
at Seville in 1435, at Valladolid in 1436, and at Toledo before the end of the
century. The first
institution to open its doors in Europe is thought to be the Valencia mental
hospital in Spain. Although not much is known about the treatment patients received
at this particular site, asylums were notorious for the deplorable living
conditions and cruel abuse endured by those admitted. For many years, asylums
were not facilities aimed at helping the mentally ill achieve any sense of
normalcy or otherwise overcome their illnesses. Instead, asylums were merely
reformed penal institutions where the mentally ill were abandoned by relatives
or sentenced by the law and faced a life of inhumane treatment, all for the
sake of lifting the burden off of ashamed families and preventing any possible
disturbance in the community.
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Father Jofré
By Henk
van Setten
A Street
24, 1409 According to a traditional story, on this day an incident happened in
the streets of the Spanish town of Valencia that would inspire the founding of
an asylum for the insane. Some people claim that the Valencia asylum was the
first one in Europe that functioned as a proper mental hospital rather than
just a place to lock up the insane.
To follow
the often-told story, on February 24, 1409 in a Valencia street a priest of the
Order of Mercy (Father Joan-Gilabert Jofré, 1350-1417) ran into a group of
youngsters who were harassing and assaulting a man who was mentally ill. They
did so because they thought that the insane man was possessed by the devil.
1887 depiction of Father Jofré’s intervention
Jofré intervened and took the wounded man to his convent to give him some
protection and care. When the Father delivered a sermon in the Cathedral two
days later, he used this opportunity to preach against “the irrational and
cruel persecution” of mentally ill people who were “innocent, impotent and
A Sermon
to a romanticized version of this story (written down in 1848, four centuries
later) the priest had said in his sermon:
“There are
many important pious and charitable initiatives in this town, but a necessary
one is lacking: a hospital or house where the innocent and frenzied would be
brought together.
poor, innocent and frenzied people wander through this city now, and they
suffer great hardship, hunger and cold and harm, because due to their innocence
and rage they do not know how to earn a living or to ask for the maintenance
they need. Therefore, they sleep in the streets and die from hunger and cold.
“And many
evil persons, who do not have God in their conscience, hurt them and point to
where they are sleeping, and they also hurt and kill and abuse some innocent
“It also
occurs that the frenzied poor themselves hurt other persons who are out
wandering through the city. These things are known in the entire city of
it would be a holy enterprise for Valencia to build a hostel or hospital where
such insane or innocent persons could be housed, so that they would not be
wandering through the city and could not hurt nor be hurt.”
Among the
people present in the church was a rich merchant, Lorenzo Salom. Touched by the
sermon, he took the initiative to collect funds for establishing such a hospital
and to get the initiative approved by the city council. They acquired a site to
build an asylum just outside one of the city gates.
The Asylum
Asylum gate
On June 1,
1410 the institution was opened. It was called the ‘Hospital of the Innocents,
Insane and Lunatics, under the protection of Our Lady St. Mary of the
“innocents” here referred to the babies who at the time of Jesus had been
killed by King Herod. The intended implication was that just like all these
small innocent children had been admitted to heaven, so would there be a place
for the insane – on earth and, after their death, in heaven.
The asylum
proved successful and grew rapidly. Within a few years, in 1414, a special
fraternity was founded to run it and to collect funds for the institution. One
of their dedicated tasks was to make sure that when insane people died, they
got a decent Christian burial.
original asylum remained a well-functioning institution, although in 1545 it
burnt down and 30 patients died in the fire. It was rebuilt. In the meantime
several Spanish towns had quickly followed the Valencia example and established
similar asylums: Saragossa in 1425, Seville in 1435, Valladolid in 1436, Toledo
in 1480.
Father Jofré’s tomb
After his death in 1417, people began to
venerate Father Jofré almost like a saint, although he never was officially
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Insane asylum built in Padua, Italy.
Bernard of Siena suggests that his male parishioners
"exercise a little restraint and treat their wives with as much mercy as
they would their hens and pigs."
Margery Kempe tells a priest of her story of madness.
Hospital in London, England completes its conversion into a mental institution.
Malleus Maleficorum (The Witches’ Hammer) by two Dominican
German monks, Johann Sprenger and Heinrich Kraemer backed by a Papal Bull
became the witch-hunter’s bible.
Juan Luis Vives, born in Valencia in 1492, died in Bruges at
the age of 48, respected by Erasmus, Henry VIII and St Thomas More. He put
forward a concept of treatment for mental distress which we might do well to
bear in mind today: “Since there is nothing in the world more excellent than
man, nor in man than his mind, particular attention should be given to the welfare
of the mind; and it should be considered a highest service if we either restore
the minds of others to sanity or keep them sane and rational ... One ought to
feel great compassion for so great a disaster to the health of the human mind,
and it is of utmost importance that the treatment be such that insanity be not
nourished and increased, as may result from
mocking, exciting or irritating madmen…”
Since he was also deeply committed to education for women, presumably he
included everyone in this view.
The care of orphans
was particularly commended to bishops and monasteries during the Middle Ages.
Many orphanages practised some form of "binding-out" in which
children, as soon as they were old enough, were given as apprentices to
households to ensure their support and their learning an occupation. Common law maintaining the
King's peace was
administered by the Court of
Common Pleas (England) dealing with civil cases between parties by ordering the
fine of debts and seizure of the goods of outlaws. Following the Peasants' Revolt, British constables were authorised
under a 1383 statute
to collar vagabonds
and force them to show their means of support; if they could not, the penalty
was gaol. Under a 1494 statute, vagabonds could be sentenced to the stocks for
three days and nights; in 1530, whipping was added. The assumption was that
vagabonds were unlicenced beggars.
Virtually every form of care of the insane, as well as the monastic
establishments in which they were received, disappear with the Reformation. Institutions for the insane start cropping up in Britain
and across Europe:
In the 16th century, while demonology and witch-hunts
continued, there were again those who put forward more enlightened beliefs.
Civil commitment was largely unknown as a governmental
policy until the 16th century, and its use was not reserved exclusively to
persons who were mentally ill, but rather began as isolation of many persons
considered "undesirable" by society. Mental illness was not
differentiated from other conditions such as idleness, drunkenness,
homelessness, etc., which society condemned or sought to correct by the power
of the state. Thus, the 16th century is sometimes called the era of "The
Great Confinement."
Lord Hale, an English Jurist, sets the tradition of
non-recognition of marital rape. He states that when women married, they
"gave themselves to their husbands" in contract, and could not
withdraw that consent until they divorced. "The husband cannot be guilty
of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife, for by their mutual
matrimonial consent a [sic] contract with wife hath given herself in this kind
unto her husband, which she cannot retract." This is the basis of the
"contractual consent" theory. Lord Hale burned women at the stake as
witches and has been characterized as a misogynist.
Abbe de Brantome raises the question, "but however
great the authority of the husband may be, what sense is there for him to be
allowed to kill his wife?"
Early settlers in America base their laws on old English
common-law that explicitly permits wife-beating for correctional purposes.
However, the trend in the young states is towards declaring wife-beating
illegal. One step towards that end is to allow the husband to whip his wife
only with a switch no bigger than his thumb.
During the reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia, the State
Church sanctions the oppression of women by issuing a Household Ordinance that
describes when and how a man might most effectively beat his wife. He is
allowed to kill a wife or serf for disciplinary purposes. A half a century
later, many Russian women fight back. When they kill their husbands for all the
injustices they have been forced to endure, their punishment is to be buried
alive with only their heads above the ground, and left to die. It is not
against the law for a husband to kill his wife.
In England, "the Golden Age of the Rod" is used
against women and children who are taught that it is their sacred duty to obey
the man of the house. Violence against wives is encouraged throughout this
Cardano (1501-1576) was the first physician to recognize the ability of the
deaf to reason.
Gotz von
Berlichingen, German mercenary knight, had a reputation as a Robin Hood,
protecting the peasants from their oppressors. In 1508 he lost his right arm in
the Battle of Landshut. Gotz had two prosthetic iron hands made for himself.
These were mechanical masterpieces. Each joint could be moved independently by
setting with the sound hand and relaxed by a release and springs. The hand
could pronate and supinate and was suspended with leather straps.
Innocent XIII, commissioned two priests to prepare a book concerning how to get
rid of the devils and demons from the Christian World, by getting acquainted
with them. These priests then prepared a book describing the devil, the ways to
know it, and how to kill it, as well as the method of torturing the insane,
with full details of various torturing methods and techniques. The insane were
prosecuted before the religious courts (Inquisition) and burned alive to get
rid of the devil located in their souls. Thus, more than hundred thousand mentally ill people were killed during
the reign of Francois the First (1515-1547) in France. In the 16th. Century, in
Geneva of Switzerland, more than five hundred insane people were burned in the
squares of the city before the public, by fastening them to poles, within three
months. Even in the 16th, century, Johann Wayer was thinking that seven million
of devils were existed in the universe and advising to torture the insane who
carried the devils in their body.
Paracelsus, a contemporary of Vives, totally rejected
demonology in dealing with mental distress. He saw it as a natural disease,
writing, “We must not forget to explain the origin of the diseases which
deprive man of his reason, as we know from experience that they develop out of
man's disposition. The present-day clergy of Europe attribute such diseases to
ghostly beings and threefold spirits: we are not inclined to believe them.”
Paracelsus (1493-1541) and another contemporary, Agrippa
(1486-1535), disliked dangerous dispensing methods and complained of physicians
recommended for their esoteric religions, splendid clothes and amulets. 'Simple
and native medicines are quite neglected. Costly foreign remedies are preferred
which latter are mixed in such enormous numbers that the action of one is
counteracted by that of another'. But such ideas were treated with great
suspicion by the religious community. Paracelsus claimed he learned all he knew
from wise women – women skilled in the use of herbal remedies who acted as
community midwives and laid out the dead.
Agrippa's pupil Johann Weyer (b.1515) managed to bring a
profound influence on the treatment of mental distress. Weyer emphasized that
illnesses attributed to witches came from natural causes, and made the
revolutionary demand that witches should themselves be sent to physicians for
treatment. Weyer also considered the effects of drug-induced hallucinations,
and provided clinical descriptions of auditory hallucinations and persecution
mania. However his book, De Praestigiis Daemonum was proscribed by the Catholic
church, and he himself was accused of being a sorcerer.
Susannah Hornebolt (later, Whorstly)
was the first known female artist in England.
English Parliament registered the poor so that they could
beg. The first poor law enacted a weekly collection of taxes to be distributed
by the parishes in England.
In 1532, the Parliament of Paris decided to arrest beggars
and force them to work in the sewers of the city while chained in pairs. Such
forced labor was also imposed upon poor scholars, indigents, peasants driven
from their farms, disbanded soldiers or deserters, unemployed workers,
impoverished students and even the sick.
The Act for the Punishment of Sturdy Vagabonds and Beggars,
enacted in England, increases penalties for begging and makes the parish the
local government unit for poor relief, requiring local officials to provide
resources by making voluntary contributions in churches.
Wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, beheaded for 'adultery'.
Wife of
Henry VIII, Catherine Howard, beheaded for 'improper conduct'.
Poet Anne Askew (1521-1546) tortured
in the Tower of London and burnt at the stake as a heretic.
Insane asylum refounded as St. Mary of Bethlehem in
London, England. Became known as Bedlam. Devoted entirely to psychiatric
patients. The most
infamous asylum was located in London, England—Saint Mary of Bethlehem. This
monastery-turned-asylum began admitting the mentally ill in 1547 after Henry
VIII announced its transformation. The institution soon earned the nickname
“Bedlam” as its horrific conditions and practices were revealed. Violent
patients were put on display like sideshow freaks for the public to peek at for
the price of one penny; gentler patients were put out on the streets to beg for
John Knox published The First Blast
of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.
Bullein stated that rejection in love, coveting and greed are causes
of madness, and he clearly rejects madness as having a physical cause. We all
understand that "love sick" or "spring fever" are not
bodily diseases, but a spiritual choices of emotions we feel. Bullein says that
"talking" is the only hope a cure for insanity, not drugs: "The
syckenes of the body must have medicine, the passions of the mind, must have
good counsel. What pleasure hath a condemned man in music, or a dead man in
phisicke? Nothing at all God knoweth. 'how many men have been caste away by
thought, and most for loss of estimation, and some of other affections of the
mind, as inordinate love, or coveting things that they can not gain, or
obtaining those things that they can not keep, or ire of men's prosperity or
good happy." (William Bullein, A new book
entitled the government of health, 1558 AD)
The national Church of Scotland set out
a programme for spiritual reform, setting the principle of a school
teacher for every parish church and free education. This was
provided for by an Act of the Parliament of
Scotland, passed in 1633, which introduced a tax to pay for this
San Hipolito was built in Mexico
1566 and claims the title of the first asylum in the Americas.
Mother Waterhouse became the first
Englishwoman hanged for the 'crime' of witchcraft.
Felix Platter,
Switzerland, among the first to distinguish between various types of mental
In England, Elizabethan
Poor laws started a tax to provide care for the poor which would put migrants
to work as relief workers for the other poor
In England, by an act of
Parliament of 1575, the government punished vagrants and confined the poor to
institutes known as "houses of correction."
Lasso, a Spanish lawyer, concluded that those who learn to
speak are no longer dumb and should have rights to progeniture.
The British gave the poor
materials to use to work from their homes and paid them by piece for what they
got finished.
Bessie Dunlop of Lyne, Ayrshire,
became the first Scottish woman to be burned as a witch.
Publication of The Praise and
Dispraise of Women (Anon, or poss C. Pyrrye.).
St Osyth witch trials. Ursula Kempe
and Elizabeth Bennet put to death.
Thomas Cogan
viewed man as having both a body and a soul. He stated that the mind was not
connected with the body, but the soul. However, he took the view that the mind
can cause the body to get sick if a student studies endlessly in the night.
This is exactly what the Bible says: "But beyond this, my son, be warned:
the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is
wearying to the body." Ecclesiastes 12:12. He outlines that physical
exercise is for the body and study is exercise of the mind. He warns that that
the mind will be harmed by laziness and lack of use. "As man doeth consist
of two partes, that is of bodie, and soule, so exercise is of two sortes, that
is to say of the bodie and of the minde. Hitherto I have spoken of exercise of
the bodie, nowe I will entreat of exercise of the minde, which is Study. ...
The activity of the mind is never still. Idlenesse therefore is not onely
against nature, but also dulleth the minde, as Ovid woorthily writeth: In
addition the mind grows dull when harmed by long inactivity, and its ability is
much less than it was before." So Cogan clearly believes that over use or
under use of the mind can lead to physical illness. While this is not true, the
fact remains that Thomas rejected the idea that insanity was something the body
does to the mind. (The haven of
health, Thomas Cogan, 1584 AD, p 12)
Bright, doctor and priest, viewed that the spirit could make the
body sick and the body could make the mind delusional. He focuses on how the
mind causes the body to become melancholy and forbids the taking medicines as a
cure. Instead Bright recommends only counsel to be the cure. "The dayly
experience of phrensies, madnesse, lunasies, and melancholy cured by .. . art
in that kinde, hath caused some to judge more basely of the soule... I have
layd open howe the bodie, and corporall things affect the soule, & how the
body is affected of it againe : what the difference is betwixt natural
melancholie, and that heavy hande of God upon the afflicted conscience,
tormented with remorse of sinne, & feare of his judgement. ... The mad man,
of what kinde soever he be of, as truly concludeth of that which fantasie
ministreth of conceit, as the wisest : onely therein lieth the abuse and
defect, that the organicall parts which are ordained embassadours, &
notaries unto the mind in these cases, falsisie the report, and deliver corrupt
recordes. This is to be helped, as it shall be declared more at large
hereafter, by counsell only sincerely ministred, which is free from the
corruptions of those officers, and delivereth truth unto the mind, wherby it
putteth in practise contrary to these importunate and furious sollicitors. ...
Here it first proceedeth from the mindes apprehension: there from the humour,
which deluding the organicall actions, abuseth the minde, and draweth it into
erronious judgement, through false testimony of the outward reporte. Here no
medicine, no purgation, no cordiall, no tryacle or balme are able to assure the
afflicted soule and trembling heart, now panting under the terrors of God :
there in melancholy the vain opened, neesing powder or bearefoote ministred,
cordialls of pearle, Saphires, and rubies, with such like, recomforte the heart
throwne downe, & appaled with fantasticall feare. In this affliction, the
perill is not of body, and corporall actions, or decay of servile, and
temporall uses, but of the whole nature soule and body cut of from the life of
God, and from the sweet influence of his favour, the fountaine of all happines
and eternall felicity." (A treatise of
melancholie, Timothy Bright, 1586 AD)
Jane Anger
published Jane Anger: Her Protection for Women.
The Act for
the Relief of the Poor of 1597 was a piece of poor law legislation in England
and Wales. It provided the first complete code of poor relief and was later
amended by the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601, which formed the basis of poor
relief for the next two centuries. The Act established Overseers of the Poor.
Poor Relief refers to any actions taken by either governmental or
ecclesiastical bodies to relieve poverty experienced by a population. More
specifically, the term poor relief is often used to discuss how European
countries dealt with poverty from the time just around the end of the medieval
era to modernity when systems changed from barter style economy to the early
days of capitalism. Throughout this time frame, authorities have been
confronted with such questions as, "Who exactly should benefit from
legislation that is passed?" and "Who is ultimately responsible for the
care of these individuals?". As a result of trying to answer these
difficult questions, in addition to ever changing attitudes towards poverty,
many methods have been instituted to remedy this social crisis. From the early
part of the 16th century to the modern day, poverty legislation passed by the
English Parliament has transformed from a systematic means of punishment to a
system of governmental support and protection as a result of the creation of
the Welfare State. The English Poor Laws were a system of poor relief which
existed in England and Wales that developed out of late-medieval and Tudor-era
laws being codified in 1587–98. The Poor Law system was in existence until the
emergence of the modern welfare state after the Second World War. English Poor
Law legislation can be traced back as far as 1536, when legislation was passed
to deal with the impotent poor, although there is much earlier Tudor
legislation dealing with the problems caused by vagrants and beggars. The
history of the Poor Law in England and Wales is usually divided between two
statutes, the Old Poor Law passed during the reign of Elizabeth I and the New
Poor Law, passed in 1834, which significantly modified the existing system of
poor relief. The later statute altered the Poor Law system from one which was
administered haphazardly at a local parish level to a highly centralised system
which encouraged the large-scale development of workhouses by Poor Law Unions.
The Poor Law system fell into decline at the beginning of the 20th century
owing to factors such as the introduction of the Liberal welfare reforms and
the availability of other sources of assistance from friendly societies and
trade unions, as well as piecemeal reforms which bypassed the Poor Law system.
The Poor Law system was not formally abolished until the National Assistance
Act 1948, with parts of the law remaining on the books until 1967.
In the 17th century there was a widespread belief that if
mad people behaved like animals, they should be treated like animals. People with mental health problems were often
cared for privately.
Where an unmarried mother concealed the death of her baby,
she was presumed guilty of infanticide
unless she could prove that the baby was born dead (this requirement that the
defendant prove her innocence was a reversal of the normal practice of
requiring the prosecution to prove the defendant's guilt). Women were acquitted
of this charge if they could demonstrate that they had prepared for the birth
of the baby, for example by acquiring some kind of bedding. In 1678 children
aged 10 were deemed able to engage in consensual sex.
Native American shamans, or medicine men, summoned
supernatural powers to treat the mentally ill, incorporating rituals of
atonement and purification.
The Elizabethan Poor Law is enacted by the
English Parliament, establishing three categories of people eligible for
relief: (1) able-bodied poor people; (2) "impotent poor" people (that
is, "unemployables"-aged, blind, and disabled people); and (3)
dependent children. This law, on which colonial poor laws were based, became a
fundamental concept in U.S. public welfare. The Poor Law Act was made to
counter the first poor laws, parish workers start to whither away. The Poor Law
was the social security system operating in England and Wales from the 16th
century until the establishment of the Welfare State in the 20th century. The Impotent poor was a classification
of poverty used to refer to those poor considered deserving of poor relief; a vagrant
was a person who could work, but preferred not to. The law did not distinguish
between the impotent poor and the criminal, so both received the same
punishments. The law provided for "the putting out of children to be
apprentices". Main points of the 1601 Act: The impotent poor (people who
can't work) were to be cared for in almshouse or a poorhouse. The law offered
relief to people who were unable to work: mainly those who were "lame,
impotent, old, blind". The able-bodied poor were to be set to work in a
House of Industry. Materials were to be provided for the poor to be set to work.
The idle poor and vagrants were to be sent to a House of Correction or even
prison. Pauper children would become apprentices.
In 1603, William Shakespeare wrote a series of plays that
depicted insanity. In many of Shakespeare's plays, insanity plays a central
role. Shakespeare always provides a clear reason for the insanity in each play:
Lady Macbeth from guilt of murder. King Lear goes mad because he is betrayed by
his two daughters: "Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks; rage, blow. You
cataracts and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd
the cocks.". Hamlet goes insane after learning that his mother murdered
his father. It is never given a biologic cause and the insane are not dragged
off against their will to a mad house, because that was not the practice of the
day, and insanity was not viewed as something medical doctors could treat.
Shakespeare therefore, gives us a perfect window into history in 1600 AD and
understands that the only hope of cure for the insane rests solely within
themselves. Guilt from murder causes Lady Macbeth to go insane, hallucinate
blood on her hands that she cannot clean and suffer insomnia: MACBETH:
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No,
this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine [flesh-colored],
making the green one red." (Macbeth: Act 2, Scene 2, 1603 AD) Later
Macbeth calls for a doctor to cure his wife of her insanity: MACBETH: "How
does your patient, doctor?" Doctor: "Not so sick, my lord, As she is
troubled with thick coming fancies, That keep her from her rest." MACBETH:
"Cure her of that. Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased, Pluck from
the memory a rooted sorrow, Raze out the written troubles of the brain And with
some sweet oblivious antidote Cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that perilous stuff
Which weighs upon the heart?" Doctor: "Therein the patient must
minister to himself." MACBETH: "Throw physic [medical treatments] to
the dogs; I'll none of it." (Macbeth: Act 5, Scene 3, 1603 AD) Notice that
the doctor understood insanity was not a bodily illness, refused to treat her,
stated only she can cure herself, and left her to live her life freely, though
insane. This is exactly opposite to what would happen today when the
psychiatrist would claim only he can treat her, lock her up in a mental
hospital and treat her even it if was against her will. Notice MacBeth demanded
some "potion", but the doctor knew non existed... exactly the same it
true today.
Francis Bacon
believed that medical science was not helpful in understanding insanity.
However Bacon did believe that the body could affect thinking and that the mind
could affect the body: "Medicine is a Science, which hath been (as we have
said) more professed, than labored, & yet more labored, than advanced; the
labor having been, in my judgement, rather in circle, than in
progression." He believed that insanity was something that occurred in the
mind "affection" alone: "So in medicining of the Mind, after
knowledge of the divers Characters of mens natures, it followeth in order to
know the diseases and infirmities of the mind, which are no other then the
perturbations & distempers of the affections ... Now Come we to those points
which are within our own command and have force and operation upon the mind to
affect the will & Appetite & to alter Manners: wherein they ought to
have handled Custom, Exercise, Habit, Education, example, Imitation, Emulation,
Company, Friends, praise, Reproof, exhortation, fame, laws, Books, studies :
these as they have determinate use, in moralities, from these the mind
suffereth, and of these are such receipts & Regiments compounded &
described, as may seem to recover or preserve the health and Good estate of the
mind, as far as pertaineth to humane Medycine." ... "So this league
of mind and body, hath these two parts, How the one discloseth the other, and
how the one worketh upon the other". (Advancement
of Learning, Francis Bacon, 1605 AD)
The British started migrating to North America some started
calling the states home, but Britain was still their country. No matter what at
this point most of the new American's whether wealthy or poor had to work to
survive, they all had to pitch in and do the growing of food and building of
homes and the education of their children.
In Ireland, from 1367 to 1607, suppression of the Brehon Laws which
enumerated the rights and responsibilities of fostered children, their
birth-parents and foster-parents. The Brehon Law concept of family was eroded
and the Gaelic tradition of fosterage
lost. It was ultimately replaced by the State controlled Poor Law system.
In 1606, by decree of the French Parliament, it was ordered
that the beggars could be whipped in the public squares, branded on the
shoulders, shorn and then driven from the city. Archers were posted at the city
gates to prevent re-entry.
Grymeston published Miscellanea.
Perkins believed that the Devil caused madness in people who were in
a physically weakened melancholy state. The resulting actions that manifested
madness were delusion, self deception, "conceits, and imaginary
fancies". Insanity was caused partly from the devil's temptations and
partly from the choices of the persons themselves. This was not demon
possession, but demonic temptation that weak people yielded to. He stressed
that madness was not caused by physical diseases, but spiritual choices. "This
man hath a crazie braine, and is troubled with melancholy ... Witches of our
times (say they) are aged persons, of weake braines, and troubled with
abundance of melancholie, and the devill taketh advauntage of the humor, and so
deludes them, perswading that they have made a league with him, when they have
not, and consequently mooving them to imagine, that they doe, and may doe
strange things, which indeed are done by himselfe, and not by them." (A discourse
of the damned art of witchcraft, William Perkins, 1608 AD)
John Downame
describes how anger, being a "disease of the mind", has both a
physiological effect on the body (red face, high blood pressure, hair standing
on end) but a spiritual effect on the mind (loss of reason, wits). There are
many case stories of people driven to raving madness because of unchecked
anger. Ephesians 4:26 says, "Be angry, but to not sin; do not let the sun
go down on your anger." He states that the behaviour and effects of shorts
bursts of anger are identical to madness, except for the length of time. His
solution to anger to be silent or speak softly, is taken straight from the
Bible: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up
anger." Proverbs 15:1 "Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to
fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife." Proverbs 26:21. The final
solution is to gently warn and rebuke the person about the dangers anger will
bring on his soul. Downame clearly understood that anger had its origin in the
mind, but that it affected both mind and body. This was true. The Bible says
that sin will make you sick. (A treatise of Anger, John
Downame, 1609 AD)
Lanyer published Salve Deus Rex Iudaeorum.
Elizabeth Carew's play The Tragedie of Marian the faire Queen of Jewry was the
first play by a woman to be published.
G. Bonifacio
published a treatise discussing sign language, "Of The Art of Signs."
Speght published her defence of women, as A Mouzell (i.e. muzzle) for
Melastomus, The Cynicall Bayter of, and foule mouthed Barker against Evahs Sex.
Or an Apologetical Answere to the Irreligious and Illiterate Pamphlet made by
Joseph Swetnam.
Ester Sowernam (pseud) published her
defence of women, as Ester hath hang'd Haman, or An Answere to a lewd Pamphlet,
entituled, The Arraignment of Women
Constantia Munda (pseud) published
her defence of women, as The Worming of a mad Dogge.
On 9-14 August, 20 African blacks were brought to Jamestown on a Dutch
ship and bought as indentured servants – which will lead to the introduction of
black slavery in North America. (The Spanish had already brought African
slaves with them to Central and South America.) Jamestown was a settlement
in the Colony of Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in the
Americas. Established by the Virginia Company of London as "James
Fort" on May 24, 1607 and considered permanent after brief abandonment in
1610, it followed several earlier failed attempts, including the Lost Colony
of Roanoke. Jamestown served as the capital of the colony for 83
years, from 1616 until 1699. Within a year of Jamestown's founding, the Virginia
Company brought Polish and Dutch colonists to help improve the settlement.
In 1619, the first documented Africans were brought to Jamestown, though the
modern conception of slavery in the future United States did
not begin in Virginia until 1660.
Patients of the notoriously harsh Bethlem Hospital banded
together and sent a “Petition of the Poor Distracted People in the House of
Bedlam (concerned with conditions for inmates)” to the House of Lords.
Robert Burton, Britain, published Anatomy of
Melancholia, a description of depression. Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (1621)
written from his own experience, noted the aggression that lies behind depression,
and proposed a therapeutic program of exercise, music, drugs and diet, with a
stress on the importance of discussing problems with a close friend, or, if one
is not available, with a doctor.
The Privy Council set up a commission to administer the poor
laws, to see that they were fairly enacted and people were supposedly being
treated fairly.
Virginia Colony passes the first legislation recognizing
services and needs of disabled sol-diers and sailors based on "special
work" contributions to society.
In 1630, the King of England established a commission to
assure vigorous enforcement of the "poor laws," which of course
included persons with mental illness, but did not differentiate them from this
population of persons in need of correction. Specifically, these laws applied
to: all those who live in idleness and will not work for reasonable wages and
who spend what they have in taverns.... For those with wives and children
inquiry must be made whether they were married and the children baptized.
Brathwaite published English Gentlewoman, which emphasised widows' chastity.
of The Lawes Resolutions of Women's Rights, or the Lawes Provision for Woemen,
A Methodicall Collection of such Statutes and Customes, with the Cases,
Opinions, Arguments and Points of Learning in the Law as doe properly concern
Women (by an anonymous man).
It was
recorded that Bethlem Royal Hospital, London had "below stairs a parlor, a
kitchen, two larders, a long entry throughout the house, and 21 rooms wherein
the poor distracted people lie, and above the stairs eight rooms more for
servants and the poor to lie in." Inmates who were deemed dangerous or
disturbing were chained, but Bethlem was an otherwise open building for its
inhabitants to roam around its confines and possibly throughout the general
neighborhood in which the hospital was situated. In 1676, Bethlem expanded into
newly built premises at Moorfields with a capacity for 100 inmates.
Leigh published The Mothers Blessing.
Anne Hutchinson (Women’s and religious rights) is convicted
of sedition and expelled from the Massachusetts colony for her religious ideas.
First patent
granted to a woman: Amye Everard, for her method of making tinctures from
William Austin
published Haec Homo Wherein the Excellency of the Creation of Woman is
described by way of an Essaie.
Tattle-well and Ioane Hit-him-home (pseuds) published The Women's Sharpe
La Maison de Chareton was the
first mental facility in France, founded in 1641 in a suburb of Paris.
of A True Copie of the Petition of the Gentlewoman and Tradesmen's Wives in and
about the City of London. Delivered to the Honorable the Knights, Citizens and
Burgesses of the House of Commons in Parliment the 4th of February 1641.
Heywood published Gynaikeion: or, Nine bookes of various history. Concerning
Plymouth Colony enacts a poor law that directs
that relief cases be discussed at town meetings.
The first colonial Poor Law enacted by Rhode Island
emphasizes public responsibility for relief of the poor, to maintain the
impotent, and to employ the able, and shall appoint an overseer for the same
purpose. Sec. 43 Eliz. 2.
The maids
petition. To the Honourable members of both Houses. Or the humble petition of
the well-affected, within and without the lines of communication, virgins,
maids, and other young women not married.
women demonstrated in London, calling for equal rights for women and presenting
a petition.
Ten thousand
Leveller women signed the second women's petition to parliament. To
the supream authority of England the Commons assembled in Parliament. The
humble petition of diverse wel-affected weomen.
Mary Stiff
published The good womens cryes against the excise of all their commodities.
The Society of Friends, better known as the Quakers, is
founded in England. Quakers will make vital contributions to the abolitionist
and suffrage movements in the United States. One Quaker woman, Mary Dyer, will
be hanged in 1660 for preaching in Boston.
Pierre Le
Moyne published The gallery of heroick women.
King Louis XIV
of France
founded Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris for
prostitutes and the mentally defective. In relative terms, a major improvement
and dramatic change of social attitude came with the decree in 1656 of King
Louis XIII establishing the Hôspital Général in Paris to help the poor,
military invalids, and the sick. For the first time, this decree required the
publicly chartered hospital to accept, lodge, and feed those who presented
themselves. The director of the hospital had a lifetime appointment and
city-wide jurisdiction, which was immune from review by courts or any other
government body. The decree provided: “They have all power of authority, of
direction, of administration, of commerce, of police, of jurisdiction, of
correction and punishment over all the poor of Paris, both within and without
the Hôspital Général....” The directors having for these purposes stakes,
irons, prisons, and dungeons in said Hôspital Général and the places hereto
appertaining so much as they deem necessary. No appeal would be accepted from
the regulations they establish within the said Hôspital; and as for such
regulations as intervene without, they would be executed according to their
form and tenor, not withstanding opposition or whatsoever appeal made or to be
made and without prejudice to these, and for which, notwithstanding all defense
or suits for justice no distinction would be made. The purpose of the Hôspital
Général Act of Paris was to prevent "mendicancy [begging] and idleness as
source of all disorders." When England's King Henry IV began the siege of
Paris it had one hundred thousand inhabitants, 30,000 beggars with 6,000
residents in the Hôspital Général. Despite the draconian nature of the Hôspital
Général of Paris, it was nevertheless an improvement over banishment and
posting archers at the city gates or, in the words of Anatole Francois
Thibauet: "The Law in its majestic equality, forbids all men to sleep
under bridges, to beg in the street, and to steal bread - the rich as well as
the poor." For the first time, there was a governmental obligation to take
care of all the needy who "presented" themselves, the unemployed, the
sick, etc., at the expense of the nation, albeit there was also an obligation
upon the recipients of such care to work for their keep.
Horton published Now or never: or, a new Parliament of women assembled and met
together neer the Popes-Head in Moor-Fields, on the Back-side of Allsuch;
adjoyning upon Shoreditch.
George Fox
published The woman learning in silence: or, The mysterie of the womans
subiection to her husband.
Scots' Charitable Society, the first American
"friendly society," founded in Boston, represents the starts of
voluntary societies to meet special welfare needs.
The first almshouse is established in Rensselaerswyck, New
York, followed by one in Plymouth in 1658 and another in Boston in 1660.
T. Heywood
published The Generall History of Women, containing lives of the most Holy and
Profane, the most Famous and Infamous of all ages.
Anna Maria
von Schurman (a German) published in London The Learned Maid; or, Whether a
Maid May Be a Scholar? A logick exercise written in latine by that incomparable
virgin Anna Maria a Schurman of Vtrecht.
Rev. John Ashbourne was stabbed by a patient who had been
cared for in his house. Ashbourne was renowned in Suffolk as a 'clerical
mad-doctor', and after his death Ashbourne's wife and son, who unlike Ashbourne
had received the Cambridge license to practice medicine from Trinity College,
continued to run the 'mad-business' until at least 1686. This system of private
treatment began with Helkiah Crooke, physician to James I and Bethlem Hospital
who took patients into his own home for treatment. From boarding a single
lunatic it was a short step to providing accommodation for numbers of patients,
and thus setting up a private madhouse.
The Settlement Act (Law of Settlement and Removal) is passed
by the English Parliament to prevent movement of indigent groups from parish to
parish in search of relief. The law makes residence a requirement for
assistance, thus influencing American colonies.
Maria Askew
published Women's Speaking.
Andriannszoon Verduyn (verduuin), a Dutch Surgeon, introduces the first
non-locking, below knee prosthesis. It bears a striking similarity to today's
joint and corset prosthesis.
Two doctors set up madhouses in London in the 1670s. John
Archer, one of Charles II's 'Physicians in Ordinary', and Thomas Allen, a
physician at Bethlem Hospital who also ran a private asylum. Allen seems to
have been a humanitarian scientist who prevented his colleagues from
transfusing sheep's blood into a man, and also ordered the first postmortem
recorded at the Bethlem Hospital. One of his patients was James Carkesse, a
clerk in Samuel Pepys's office at the Admiralty. Treatment varied according to ability
to pay. Elsewhere in the country a Mistress Miller 'mad for two years' was treated by diet,
glysters (large syringes used for purging), leeches, fresh cyder drinks, warm
herb baths, and applying animal organs such as 'warm lungs of lambs' to her shaven
The first
play written by a woman was performed on the stage. Aphra Behn's The Forc'd
marriage ran for six days at the Duke's Theatre, Lincoln's Inn.
Willis, a neuroanatomist and doctor and a founder of the Royal Society,
speaking of treatment of the mentally ill said, “The primary object is
naturally curative discipline, threats, fetters and blows are needed as much as
medical treatment...Truly nothing is more necessary and more effective for the
recovery of these people than forcing them to respect and fear intimidation. By
this method, the mind, held back by restraint, is induced to give up its
arrogance and wild ideas and it soon becomes meek and orderly. This is why
maniacs often recover much sooner if they are treated with torture and torments
in a hovel instead of with medicaments.” In 1672 he published the earliest
English work on medical psychology, 'Two Discourses concerning The Soul of
Brutes, Which is that of the Vital and Sensitive of Man'. His anatomical
treatise De Anima Brutorum,
described psychology in terms of brain function. Willis could be seen as an
early pioneer of the mind-brain supervenience claim prominent in present day
neuropsychiatry and philosophy of mind. Unfortunately, his enlightenment did
not affect his treatment of patients, advocating in some cases to hit the
patient over the head with sticks.
Mrs. Bathsua
Makin published An Essay to Revive the Ancient Education of Gentlewomen in
Religion, Manners, Arts and Tongues.
T. Golborne
published A Friendly Apology on behalf of Women's Excellency, with Examples of
more Women Worthies.
George Fox
published This is an encuragement to all the womens-meetings in the world.
The old
“Bedlam” hospital is replaced by the larger Moorfields Bedlam. The
new Bethlem was for show, and it was showy. It had public gardens and was
modeled on a French palace. Lunatics were on display for a fee, with locals and
foreigners coming to look, perhaps after a visit to the zoo animals at the
Tower of London. In 1695, Thomas Tryon, an early anti-slavery abolitionist and
pacifist, complained about allowing such visits on holy days: “It is a very
undecent, inhuman thing to make... a show... by exposing them, and naked too
perhaps of either sexes, to the idle curiosity of every vain boy, petulant
wench, or drunken companion, going along from one apartment to the other, and
crying out; this woman is in for love, that man for jealousy. He has
over-studied himself, and the like.” It took several
hundred years for English law to become concerned with the conditions in
institutions and the procedure for confining people in them. In 1744, Parliament
enacted An Act for Regulating Madhouses, which for the first time gave
physicians the power to commit.
Poulain de La Barre published The woman as good as the man, or, The equallity
of both sexes.
In England, children aged 10 were deemed able to engage in
consensual sex.
of Haec Et Hic, or the Feminine Gender more Worthy than the Masculine (Anon),
with a Dedication in MS to Mrs Eldridge.
"Discipline, threats, fetters, and blows are needed as
much as medical treatment.... Truly nothing is more necessary and more
effective for the recovery of these people than forcing them to respect and
fear intimidation. By this method, the mind, held back by restraint,
is induced to give up its arrogance and wild ideas and it soon becomes meek
& orderly. This is why maniacs often recover much sooner if they are
treated with tortures & torments in a hovel instead of with
medicaments." -Thomas Willis
Molland of Exeter became the last Englishwoman to be hanged as a witch.
Isaac Newton‚s "Principia Mathematica" set the
stage for hundreds of years of scientific and technological discoveries. This
was the beginning of new forms of transportation and electrical advances
Witchcraft and demonic possession were common explanations
for mental illness. The Salem witchcraft trials sentenced nineteen people to
hanging. The Salem Witch Trials set a tone for future harsh treatment of
marginalized citizens.
The Province of Massachusetts Bay Acts establish indenture
contracting or "binding out" for poor children so they will live
"under some orderly family government."
First ever
women's magazine. The Ladies' Mercury was a single sheet, published by John
Dunton, and consisting of a problem page.
Mary Astell
published A Serious Proposal to the Ladies for the Advancement of Their True
and Greatest Interest, by a Lover of Her Sex. Dedicated to Princess Ann of
Denmark. (Anon)
of The Ladies' Dictionary. (Written by men, mainly about property law.)
The Workhouse Test Act is passed by the English
Parliament as a means of forcing unemployed people to work for relief; the act
is copied by the colonies.
The poor had to wear certain colored badges to identify
themselves. In England, a decree of 1697 created an appointed office of justice
of the peace to establish houses of correction in various provinces and to
collect taxes for their support. By the end of the 18th century in England
there were 126 such facilities. Through the 17th century, persons with mental
illness were not segregated in any way from persons who were poor,
unemployment, physically ill or debilitated, merely idle or social deviant. The
horrors of these hospitals were numerous and punitively based upon theories of
illness and idleness. In this age, the view of mental illness was largely that
of the "animalistic theory," i.e., those who were mentally ill were
very similar to animals who did not feel pain, nor cold, nor severe punishment
but rather thrived under such conditions. Indeed, many of the cells in which
such persons were confined were built to resemble animal cages and the resident
inmates, including women, were often crowded naked in these very tiny rooms.
Mary Astell
published An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, in a Letter to a Lady, by a
Lady (Anon).
The 18th century saw the development of new asylums built to
house people with mental health problems separately from houses of correction
and poor houses. One of these was the New Bethlem, seen to be so magnificent it
was thought 'everyone might become half
mad in order to lodge there'. (Palatial as it looked, it was built on a
land-fill site and deteriorated rapidly.)
Whilst mental hospitals that followed New Bethlem were reasonably
managed in London, the provincial institutions were often very poor. At
Newcastle there were 'chains, iron bars, dungeon-like cells, many close, cold,
dark holes, less comfortable than cow houses. There was no separation of the
sexes, no classification, and for medical treatment the old exploded system of
restraint and coercion.'
Private mad houses proliferated in Britain, becoming prosperous and
competitive. Due,
perhaps, to the absence of a centralised state response to the social problem
of madness until the nineteenth-century, private madhouses proliferated in
eighteenth-century England on a scale unseen elsewhere. References to such
institutions are limited for the seventeenth-century but it is evident that by
the start of the eighteenth-century the so-called 'trade in lunacy' was well
established. In a curious precursor to group homes and outpatient
commitment, the 1700s and 1800s saw in England not only the creation of small
private madhouses but one or two person commitments/confinements for the rich,
with the referring physicians often having a financial stake in the facility. Daniel Defoe, an ardent critic of
private madhouses, estimated in 1724 that there were fifteen then operating in
the London area. Defoe may have exaggerated but exact figures for private
metropolitan madhouses are only available from 1774 when licensing legislation
was introduced and sixteen institutions were recorded. At least two of these,
Hoxton House and Wood's Close, Clerkenwell, had been in operation since the
seventeenth-century. By 1807, the number had only increased to seventeen. It is
conjectured that this limited growth in the number of London madhouses is
likely to reflect the fact that vested interests, especially the College of
Physicians, exercised considerable control in preventing new entrants to the
market. Thus, rather than a proliferation of private madhouses in London,
existing institutions tended to expand considerably in size. The establishments
which increased most during the eighteenth-century, such as Hoxton House, did
so by accepting pauper patients rather than private, middle-class, fee-paying
patients. Significantly, pauper patients, unlike their private counterparts,
were not subject to inspection under the 1774 legislation.
Madhouses for the Rich: When the very rich were lunatic or idiot, their
relatives could afford to confine them as single lunatics - as the British
Royal Family did in 1788, 1801, 1811 and 1916. One motive for this was secrecy.
Madhouses for two or more inmates were more vulnerable to the risk of exposure,
because more people were involved, and because the registration of inmates was
required from 1774, but they might provide more humane custody at a lower
price. Physicians and others who arranged single confinement, would also refer
people to private madhouses, in which they would have some financial stake.
Some of these catered especially for the rich. Whitmore became a madhouse in
1757. Thomas Warburton's association with Willis, building up its aristocratic
clientele, probably dates from the 1790s, before the second episode of the
King's madness. Rev Willis became Dr Willis in 1759 - which gives some
indication of the start of his business. John Monro opened Brooke House in
1759. Ticehurst may have opened in 1763, Cleve Hill (later Brislington) in
1794. Sidney House (later Manor House) admitted its first patient on 1.8.1829.
An article by Harriet Martineau in 1834 argued that rich lunatics would be
better cared for in asylums than singly. The case for the "domestic"
(single) treatment of some patients was argued by Dr Edward James Seymour
(1831/1832). Those who managed asylums for the rich usually also provided
single houses as an option.
published The freedom of the fair sex asserted: or, Woman the crown of the
Mary Astell
published Some Reflections Upon Marriage Occasioned by the Duke and Duchess of
Mazarine's Case.
of Baron and Feme: a Treatise of the Common Law Concerning Husbands and Wives.
Lady Mary
Lee Chudleigh published The Ladies Defence.
John Broughton first used the word "psychology" in his book
Psychologia: ...the nature of the rational soul.
The New Plymouth Colony Acts establish systems
of indenture and apprenticeships for children.
women's magazine edited by a woman - The Female Tatler - was published by Mary
de la Riviere Manley.
Jane Wenham,
the wise woman of Walkerene, became the last woman to be tried for
Lady Mary
Wortley Montagu published Answer to a Love Letter.
A German trial transcript documents lesbian violence. The
women are on trial for lesbianism when domestic violence is revealed. The
defendent, Catharina Linck, is sentenced to death. The codefendent, Catharina
Muhlhahn, receives 3 years in jail and is then banished - not because she was
the victim, but because she was "simple-minded.
The Poor Act established work houses.
After being
plagued with guilt over the Salem Witch Trials, influential New England
Puritan minister Cotton Mather (1663-1728), broke with
superstition by advancing physical explanations for mental illnesses over
demonic explanations
Janet Horne
or Dornoch became the last woman in Scotland to be burned as a witch.
The Ursuline Sisters of New Orleans establish a private home
to care for mothers and children who are survivors of Indian massacres and a
smallpox epidemic.
In England, a woman pregnant with a "bastard"
was required to declare the fact and to name the father. In 1733, the putative
father became responsible for maintaining his illegitimate child; failing to do
so could result in gaol. The parish would then support the mother and child,
until the father agreed to do so, whereupon he would reimburse the parish —
although this rarely happened. In 1744, a bastard took the 'settlement' of its
mother (under the Poor Law,
a person's place of origin or later established residence, being the Parish
responsible for the person if destitute) regardless of where the child was
actually born. Previously, a bastard took settlement
from its place of birth. The mother was to be publicly whipped.
of A Treatise of Feme Couverts: Or, the Lady's Law, Containing all the Laws and
Statutes Relating to Women.
Lady Mary
Wortley Montagu published (as 'Sophia') Woman not Inferior to Man.
of An Essay in Praise of Women, or a Looking Glass for Ladies (Anon).
of The Hardships of the English Laws, In relation to Wives. With an Explanation
of the Original Curse of Subjection Passed Upon the Woman. In an Humble Address
to the Legislature. (by an anonymous woman).
Sir Matthew
Hale's Pleas of the Crown decreed that no husband can be guilty of rape for on
marriage every woman gives up her right ever to refuse sex.
English Statues
against witchcraft repealed.
The London-Citizen Exceedingly Injured; or, a British
Inquisition Display’d, in an Account of the Unparallel’d Case of a Citizen of
London, Bookseller to the Late Queen, Who Was in a Most Unjust and Arbitrary
Manner Sent on the 23rd of March Last, 1738, by One Robert Wightman, a Mere
Stranger, to a Private Madhouse. London: T. Cooper by Cruden, Alexander.
The Foundling Hospital was established in London by the philanthropic sea captain Thomas Coram as a home for
the "education and maintenance of exposed and deserted young
children." Children were seldom taken after they were twelve months old.
On reception they were sent to wet nurses
in the countryside, where they stayed until they were about four or five years
old. At sixteen girls were generally apprenticed as servants for four years;
at fourteen, boys became apprentices in varying occupations for seven years.
Mary Collier
published The Woman's Labour.
Mr. Cruden Greatly Injured: An Account of a Trial between
Mr. Alexander Cruden, Bookseller to the Late Queen, Plaintif, and Dr. Monro,
Matthew Wright, John Oswald, and John Davis, Defendants; in the Court of the
Common-Pleas in Westminster Hall July 17, 1739, on an Action of Trespass,
Assault and Imprisonment: the Said Mr.
Cruden, Tho’ in His Right Senses, Having Been Unjustly Confined and Barbarously
Used in the Said Matthew Wright’s Private Madhouse at Bethnal-Green for Nine
Weeks and Six Days, till He Made His Wonderful Escape May 31, 1738. To Which is Added a Surprising Account of
Several Other Persons, Who Have Been Mostly Unjustly Confined in Private
Madhouses. London: A. Injured by Alexander Cruden
The first Almshouse (poor house) established in Boston
Lady Mary
Wortley Montagu published (as 'Sophia') Woman's Superior Excellence over Man.
Parliament enacted An Act for Regulating Madhouses, which
for the first time gave physicians the power to commit.
One of the earliest records dealing with the issue of
insanity among African-Americans was in 1745 when the South Carolina Colonial
assembly took up the case of Kate, a slave woman, who had been accused of
killing a child. After being placed in the local jail, it was determined that
Kate was “out of her Senses” and she was not brought to trial. However, the
problem of how to care for Kate was an issue since her owner was too poor to
pay for her confinement and South Carolina had made no provision for the public
maintenance of slaves. Ultimately, the colonial assembly passed an act that
made each parish in the colony responsible for the public maintenance of
lunatic slaves whose owners were unable to care for them (McCandless, 1997). Not
surprisingly, there is no further record of what happened to Kate or what
circumstances led to the murder of the child.
Hannah Snell enlisted in
the English army, disguised as a man. She became a marine, and her true sex was
not discovered until 1750.
Benjamin Rush was born in Philadelphia. He was about 15
years old when he graduated from the College of New Jersey at Princeton and
decided that his life career should be as a doctor. He is widely identified as
the father of American psychiatry.
Bills of Enclosure forced many farmers off their lands which
ended in high unemployment and riots, the relief taxes started growing out of
control again
The Acts and Laws of His Majesty’s
English Colony of Connecticut in New England in America provided an Act for
Relieving, and Ordering of Idiots, Impotent, Distracted, and Idle Persons. This
act stated that those considered “idiots, impotent, distracted, and idle
persons” should be cared for at home by their closest relative. If such a
person had no relative then the town or the colony itself took direct
gyrator, as its name suggests was a contraption similar to a spoke on a
wheel. The patient was strapped to the
board head outward and the wheel was rotated at a high rate of speed, sending
the blood racing to his head and supposedly relieving his congested brain.
Around the mid-1700s, the Dutch
Dr. Boerhaave invented the “gyrating chair” that became a popular tool in
Europe and the United States. This instrument was intended to shake up the
blood and tissues of the body to restore equilibrium, but instead resulted in
rendering the patient unconscious without any recorded successes
Hutchinson of Ely became the first documented female poisoner when she laced
her husband's ale with arsenic. She was convicted of 'petit treason' and burned
to death.
First mental hospital in the United States, Pennsylvania
University Hospital where a basement was reserved for people identified as mentally
ill. It began admitting mentally disturbed patients in 1752. Pennsylvania
authorized the Benjamin Franklin-founded Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia
to accommodate mental patients. An 1895 history reported: “In the earlier days of the
Hospital, even down to quite recent times, the mode of commitment of the insane
was so easy and free from formality that a few words hastily scribbled upon a
chance piece of paper were sufficient to place a supposedly insane person in
the Hospital and deprive him of personal liberty... [After application
to the hospital managers or a physician, the person was admitted.] Once in his cells, or quarters
for the insane, the patient had no appeal from the opinion of the attending
of Beauty's Triumph, or the Superiority of the Fair Sex invincibly Proved.
Ballard (Magdalen College, Oxford) published Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great
Britain who have been celebrated for their Writings or Skill in the Learned
The Adventures of Alexander the Corrector, Wherein Is Given
an Account of His Being Unjustly Sent to Chelsea, and of His Bad Usage during
the Time of his Chelsea Campaign . . . with an Account of the
Chelsea-Academies, or the Private Places for the Confinement of Such As Are
Supposed to Be Deprived of the Exercise of Their Reason by Alexander
Heinicke establishes first oral school for the deaf in the world in Germany.
Michel Abbe del' Epee establishes first free school for the deaf in the world,
Paris, France.
Mrs Eliza
Haywood published The Female Spectator, the first magazine for women written by
a woman. (Pub. as 'Anon' - only in the 7th edition was her name printed.)
Probably the first electroconvulsive treatment for mental
illness was administered by the French physician J. B. LeRoy in 1755 on a
patient with a psychogenic blindness.
Having procured an apparatus on purpose, I ordered several
persons to be electrified who were ill of various disorders; some of whom found
an immediate, some a gradual, cure. From this time I appointed, first some
hours in every week and afterward an hour in every day, wherein any that
desired it might try the virtue of this surprising medicine.... To this day,
while hundreds, perhaps thousands, have received unspeakable good, I have not
known one man, woman, or child, who has received any hurt thereby; so when I
hear any talk of the danger of being electrified (especially if they are
medical men who talk so), I cannot but impute it to great want either of sense
or honesty. JOHN WESLEY (English evangelist and founder of Methodism),
journal, 9 November 1756. Comment: “The desideratum [: or, electricity made
plain and useful. By a lover of mankind, and of common sense] was written
to popularize what he considered the cheapest, safest, and most successful
treatment for ‘nervous Cases of every Kind,’ namely electricity” (Richard
Hunter and Ida Macalpine, eds., “John Wesley,” Three Hundred Years of
Psychiatry (1535-1860), 1963). The desideratum was published in 1760.
Benjamin Franklin introduced a form of ECT, for which the
rich were expected to make a donation of sixpence, but the poor 'to be
electrified gratis'.
William Battie (1703-1776) was a pioneer in the care of
mental patients (from whose name the term 'batty' is derived), who helped raise the 'mad
business' to a respectable medical specialty. He wrote Treatise on Madness in
1758, calling for treatments to be utilized on rich and poor mental patients
alike in asylums, helping make psychiatry a respectable profession, and was
founding medical officer of St Luke's Hospital in London. He was part of a new
school of thought, that institutionalizing patients in asylums was in itself
therapeutic: their purpose in confining individuals was not just to protect
them and society, but was in itself curative. He recognized that
mental nurses needed special training, and wrote that madness is 'as manageable
as many other distempers' and that its victims 'ought by no means to be
abandoned, much less shut up in loathsome prisons as criminals or nuisances to
the society'. He advocated therapeutic asylums as opposed to prisons.
Hutchinson published her republican history of the Interregnum (she also wrote
about her early life and the biography of Elizabeth Cary was written by one of
her daughters)
Thomas Braidwood opened first school for the deaf in
Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris (INJS) school
for the deaf founded in Paris, France.
Macaulay published History of England (in eight volumes, final one pub. 1783).
of An Unfortunate Mother's Advice to her Absent Daughters, in a letter to Miss
Pennington. 4th edition. (Anon.)
Angelica Kauffman and Mary
Moser (Mrs Lloyd) became the first two women elected to the Royal Academy.
Benjamin Rush gets his degree from the University of
Edinburgh and returned to the United States to become the first professor of
chemistry in the American colonies and later University of Pennsylvania‚s first
professor of medicine. He was also one of the patriot plotters of the
Revolution, a member of Congress, and a signer of the Declaration of
Independence. Rush was named Physician General of the Continental Army. He came
to the conclusion that heavy drinking was destroying the fighting ability of
more American soldiers then British weapons ever would. He studied the effects
of intemperance and decided its greatest cause was the false view the general public had
of alcohol as a health tonic and medicinal cure all.
The term neurosis
was coined by Doctor William Cullen (Scottish) to refer to "disorders of
sense and motion" caused by a "general affection of the nervous
New therapies at this time included water immersion: “the
greatest remedy is to throw the patient unwarily into the sea, and to keep him
under water as long as he can possibly bear without being stifled.” Another
method was a special spinning stool which spun the patient round until he was dizzy.
The spinning was supposed to rearrange the brain contents into the right
positions. Another specialist created a novel form of drama therapy involving
lion's dens and executions which was part of a concept of 'non-injurious
torture'. Other doctors believed in horse-riding, and George Cheyne, who saw
melancholia as a particularly English condition, advocated a milk, seed and
vegetable diet. Even King George III was subjected to hot irons, enemas and
emetics and was chained to his bed in a straitjacket.
The Boston Massacre took place between the British and the
statesmen, there was growing frustrations against Britain by the states.
A law was
passed in England against women entrapping husbands by 'scents, paints,
cosmetics, washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish wool, iron stays,
high-heeled shoes or bolstered hips'.
James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw's life narrative
The earliest
recorded mutual self-help societies of individuals with alcohol abuse problems
are created by Native Americans - White WL. Slaying the Dragon: The
History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery, Lighthouse Institute Publications,
first public mental hospital, Williamsburg Asylum, is established in
Williamsburg, Virginia, the Public Hospital for Persons of
Insane and Disordered Minds was the first building in North America devoted
solely to the treatment of the mentally ill. It was later named the Eastern
Lunatic Asylum.
Dr. Benjamin Rush, of the Pennsylvania Hospital in
Philadelphia, begins pioneering efforts to improve mental health treatment
leading him to be known as the "Father of American Psychiatry". Dr.
Rush also articulates the concept of alcoholism as a disease and is among the
first individuals to prescribe abstinence from alcohol as the sole remedy. It is later renamed Eastern Hospital. Three years
before the Declaration of Independence was written, the first mental health
hospital in U.S., named Eastern State Hospital, opens in Williamsburg, Virginia
in 1773. On October 12, 1773, the first patient
was admitted to the Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds
in Williamsburg, Virginia, the first North American facility of its kind. The
governor, an Enlightenment man, had prevailed upon the assembly to create a
place where "a poor unhappy set of people who are deprived of their senses
and wander about the countryside, terrifying the rest of their fellow
creatures" could, with the help of experts, reclaim their "lost
reason." The Governor pressed for the facility because he believed
science could be employed to cure "persons who are so unhappy as to be
deprived of their reason." He was concerned about "a poor unhappy set
of people who are deprived of their senses and wander about the countryside,
terrifying the rest of their fellow creatures." He proposed a hospital for
these unfortunates staffed by doctors who would "endeavour to restore to
them their lost reason." There were 24 cells, each had a strong door with
a barred window that looked on a central hall, a mattress, a chamber pot, and
an iron ring in the wall to which the patient's wrist or leg fetters were
attached. The cells were reserved for dangerous individuals or for patients who
might be treated and discharged. In those days, treatment consisted of
restraint, strong drugs, plunge baths and other "shock" water
treatment, bleeding, and blistering salves. An electrostatic machine was
installed. In 1790, the hospital was expanded and, in 1799, two dungeon like
cells were dug "under the first floor of the hospital for reception of
patients who may be in a state of raving phrenzy." Over the next 100 years, the rest of
the country followed suit, taking "lunaticks" out of cages in jail
basements after Boston schoolteacher Dorothea Dix happened into one such
dungeon in 1841 and launched a fact-finding and activism rampage that led to
the establishment of 110 public psych hospitals by 1880.
Chair - Benjamin Rush, the “father of American psychiatry,”
theorized that insanity was caused by “morbid” qualities in the blood, leading
him to conclude that as much as “four-fifths of the blood in the body” should
be drawn away; Rush bled one patient 47 times, removing four gallons of blood
over time. He also strapped patients horizontally to a board and spun them
around at great speeds. He confined others in his “Tranquilizer Chair' that
completely immobilized every part of their body for long periods and blocked their sight with a bizarre wooden
shroud, while they were doused in ice-cold water.
Dr. Benjamin Rush’s portrait still adorns the official seal
of the American Psychiatric Association. As part of his program to improve the
care given mental patients admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital in
Philadelphia, Dr. Rush struck at the hearsay, superstition, and ignorance
surrounding mental illness. He introduced occupational therapy, amusements, and
exercise for patients and saw to it that they had decent, clean quarters. The
person most responsible for the early spread of moral treatment in the United
States was Benjamin Rush (1745–1813), an eminent physician at Pennsylvania
Hospital. He limited his practice to mental illness and developed innovative,
humane approaches to treatment. He required that the hospital hire intelligent
and sensitive attendants to work closely with patients, reading and talking to
them and taking them on regular walks. He also suggested that it would be
therapeutic for doctors to give small gifts to their patients every so often.
However, Rush's treatment methods
included bloodletting (bleeding), purging, hot and cold baths, mercury, and
strapping patients to spinning boards and “tranquilizer” chairs.
In England a
Bill passed the Commons on The Regulation of Private Madhouses, but it was
thrown out by the Lords.
The Boston tea party shows America’s non compliance with the
Kings rules.
Poor Law in
England stipulated that fathers must pay towards support of illegitimate
Mr Russell
published Essay on the Character, Manners and Genius of Women in different
ages. Enlarged from the French of M. Thomas.
In England it became essential to produce a medical
certificate confirming insanity before non-pauper lunatics could be confined,
but the rights of paupers were totally disregarded. For the wealthy there was
still the far more human alternative of being the individual private patient of
a doctor or clergyman.
One More Proof of the Iniquitous Abuse of Private Madhouses
by Samuel Bruckshaw.
The Case, Petition, and Address of Samuel Bruckshaw, who
Suffered a Most Severe Imprisonment, for Very Near the Whole Year, Loaded with
Irons, without Being Heard in his Defense, Nay Even without Being Accused, and
at Last Denied an Appeal to a Jury.
Humbly Offered to the Perusal and Consideration of the Public by Samuel
On July 28,
1774, Franz Otto Mesmer, a Viennese doctor stumbled on what may have been a
clue to mental illness. Mesmer, an Austrian doctor who
believed that "animal magnetism" would cure medical illness, seemed
to be successful at treating hysteria in group sessions. Although his ideas and
methods met with skepticism and ridicule within the medical profession and he
was forced to retire, the concepts of suggestion and hypnotism survived. He was treating a twenty nine year
old woman who suffered from severe episodes of convulsions (beginning with
headache, and followed by delerium, vomiting, paroxysms of rage, then a partial
paralysis). On this day he tried something
new, and brought to her bed three magnets, placing one over each leg and a
third heart-shaped one on her stomach. She convulsed…then was amazingly free of
pain! Following a few more treatments her attacks disappeared completely…though
they later returned and further treatment was required. For the most part
Mesmer was judged a “quack” by his colleagues and accused of fraud. Mesmer's
discovery that one man may possess enough power over another to relieve psychic
illness led to the knowledge that, with help, man possesses the power within
himself to heal himself. In effect, Mesmer mesmerized his patients and helped
open the door to psychoanalysis. Franz Mesmer detailed his cure for some mental
illness, originally called mesmerism and now known as hypnosis.
The First
Continental Congress met and the first shots at the American Revolution rang
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By Rose Gallenberger is a graduate student in the Public
History program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, June 23, 2015
Curator Dr. Katherine Ott invited students in Dr. Samuel J.
Redman's Museum/Historic Site Interpretation Seminar to explore the museum's
disability history collections and write blog posts sharing their
me liberty, or give me death!" School children learn these words that
Patrick Henry exclaimed on the eve of the American Revolution. However, that is
nearly all most Americans know about this Founding Father from Virginia. This
year's anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act is a good time to
recover the history of how people in the past, including statesmen such as
Patrick Henry, understood disability. Henry's wife, Sarah Shelton Henry, dealt
with depression and violent outbursts. Despite recommendations, together they
refused to place her in a hospital, instead providing care for her at home
until her death.
Patrick and Sarah knew each other from childhood and fell in
love. They married in 1754 at a very young age, even by 18th century American
standards. He was 18 and she 16, and together they had six children. After the
sixth child, Sarah became increasingly unwell.
is little information on the specific nature of Sarah's illness, nor is there a
record of Sarah's participation in decisions about her treatment. But there is
no doubt that she experienced mental instability. She was ill in 1774 with
signs dating back to 1767. She was emotionally unsettled and became violent at
times, to the point that she had to be restrained by a strait-dress (an early
form of a strait-jacket) to prevent her from harming herself and others.
Patrick knew he had to do something to help his wife and care for his family.
illness was understood very differently in the 18th century compared to now.
The populace generally viewed it as sinful and criminal, a sign of the devil. A
new hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia, the Eastern State Hospital, opened in
1773 specifically for the mentally ill. It served as an alternative to prison
or other punishments. The treatments were harsh but also common—patients were
bled, blistered, subjected to pain, shock, and terror. They were dunked in
water and restrained, resulting in injury or death. The fact that there was an
institution separate from almshouses and hospitals for treating the mentally
ill is noteworthy. Eastern State Hospital represented progress in care for the
mentally ill.
Patrick Henry, who had spent much time in Williamsburg, knew
about the hospital and refused to send Sarah there. The Henrys were a family of
some wealth, and this probably helped in the decision for Sarah to remain at
their home, Scotchtown Plantation. They created a small apartment for her in a
sunny section of the mansion's basement. Patrick assigned a slave to serve as a
nurse to her, and he also aided directly in her care. He and the children
visited her often, and their eldest daughter and her husband moved home to help
care for her mother. Sarah died in 1775, possibly of suicide, but historians do
not know the exact cause of her death.
residence of Patrick and Sarah Shelton Henry. Courtesy of Preservation
Patrick had the option to send Sarah away to an institution,
and although ground-breaking at the time, hospitalization would have resulted
in a much lower quality of life for his wife. Whether his decision was a result
of love for his wife or concern for his reputation and political ambition, his
approach to mental illness was remarkably innovative for the 18th century. The
example of Sarah Shelton Henry and the Eastern State Hospital mark the beginning
of a wave of reform in the approach to mental illness and disability.
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The Battle of Bunker Hill, then Paul Revere's famous ride
through the night which called to the statesmen that the British were coming
and it was time to act.
Mrs Hester Chapone published
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, with a Dedication to Mrs Elizabeth Carter.
The Declaration of Independence is adopted on
July 4 by action of the Second Continental Congress. Stephen
Hopkins, a man with cerebral palsy, is one of the signers of the Declaration of
Independence. Hopkins is known for saying "my hands may tremble, my heart
does not."
Benjamin Rush, MD (1746–1813), signer of the Declaration of
Independence, Dean of the Medical School at the University of Pennsylvania and
the “Father of American Psychiatry,” described Negroes as suffering from an
affliction called Negritude, which was thought to be a mild form of leprosy.
The only cure for the disorder was to become white. It is unclear as to how
many cases of Negritude were successfully treated. The irony of Rush’s medical
observations was that he was a leading mental health reformer and co-founder of
the first anti-slavery society in America. Rush’s portrait still adorns the
official seal of the American Psychiatric Association. However, Dr. Rush’s
observation, “The Africans become insane, we are told, in some instances, soon
after they enter upon the toils of perpetual slavery in the West Indies,” is
not often cited in discussions of mental illness and African-Americans, however
valuable it might be in understanding the traumatic impact of enslavement and
oppression on Africans and their descendants.
Inhabitants of Bedlam were a tourist attraction.
Thomas Paine published his pamphlet called "Common
Sense", The colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence that stated,
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." They adopted
a flag of their own.
During the second Continental Congress, Abigail Adams
entreats her husband John to "remember the ladies" in the new code of
laws he is writing.
American Founding Fathers wrote the Articles of
John Howard completes his study of English
prison life and inhumane treatment of prisoners; his study influences reform
efforts in the United States.
Arnoldi, a
German pastor, believed education of the deaf should begin as early as four
English Publication
of The Law Respecting Women as they Regard their Natural Rights, or their
Connections and Conduct.
Austrian physician Franz Mesmer
believed that human bodies contained a magnetic fluid that was affected by the
planets and determined one’s health depending on its distribution. Mesmer
concluded that all persons were capable of using their own magnetic forces to
affect the magnetic fluid in others and considered himself to be powerful
enough to cure illnesses with his “animal magnetism.” Mesmer gained a large
following when he opened a clinic in Paris 1778 and started practicing his
“mesmerism.” In order to affect cures, several patients at a time were seated
around a tub containing various chemicals. Iron rods attached to the tub were
applied to the afflicted parts of their body (as patients were generally
hysterical and experiencing numbness or paralysis), after which Mesmer would
emerge in light purple robe and circle around the room touching the patients
either with his hand or with a wand. Although Mesmer’s techniques reportedly
were effective, he was branded a fraud by his medical colleagues, and his
“cures” were later believed to be the result of hypnotism, a psychoanalytic
Benjamin Rush published his
"Directions for Preserving the Health of Soldiers", where he refuted
that liquor relieved fatigue, sustained hard labor, and protected a man against
heat, cold, fevers, and other common diseases. When Rush retired he devoted
himself to research of the mind and body. Rush was among the first to advance
the theory that "mental" problems often could be traced to diseases
of the body. He became convinced that heavy drinking was a medical, moral, and
social evil, and the public needed to be educated about it.
Fanny Burney
published Evelina.
In England, the Penitentiary Act,
drafted by Prison
reformer John Howard,
introduced state prisons as an alternative to the death penalty or
transportation. The prison population had risen after the US Declaration of
Independence, because the American Colonies had been used as the destination
for transported criminals. Howard's 1777 report had identified appalling
conditions in most of the prisons he inspected. The Howard League
for Penal Reform emerged as a result, publishing in 2006 the
findings of an independent inquiry by Lord Carlile of Berriew QC into physical
restraint, solitary confinement and forcible strip searching of children in
prisons, secure training centres and local authority secure children's homes.
The Ladies
of LLangollen - Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831) and Lady Eleanor Butler - eloped and
set up home together.
Margaret Cavendish's pubished her science-fiction utopia The Blazing World.
English Justice
Buller opined that a man may beat his wife.
The Gilbert
Act established poor houses and gave the poor the right to work and not just
draw support.
Alexander M.D. published The History of Women from the Earliest Antiquity to
the Present Time 3rd edition.
Constructed in 1784, the Lunatics’ Tower in Vienna became a
showplace. The elaborately decorated round tower contained square rooms in
which the staff lived. The patients were housed in the spaces between the walls
of the rooms and the wall of the tower and, like at Bedlam, were put on display
for public amusement. When staff did attempt to cure the patients, they
followed the practices typical of the time period—purging and bloodletting, the
most common. Other treatments included dousing the patient in either hot or
ice-cold water to shock their minds back into a normal state. The belief that
patients needed to choose rationality over insanity led to techniques aiming to
intimidate: blistering, physical restraints, threats, and straitjackets were
employed to achieve this end. Powerful drugs (chloryl hydrate, bromides, and
barbiturates) were also administered, for example, to a hysterical patient in
order to exhaust them.
After seeing a group of blind men being cruelly exhibited in
a Paris sideshow, Valentin Valentin Haüy, known as the "father and apostle
of the blind," establishes the Institution for Blind Children to help make
life for the blind more "tolerable." Huay also discovered that sightless
persons could read texts printed with raised letters.
Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles (INJA) school for the
blind founded in Paris, France.
Benjamin Rush published his Inquiry into the "Effects
of Spirituous Liquors on the Human Body and Mind", the first scientific
attack against alcohol. He said alcohol had no nutritional value and instead of
improving health it aggravated most diseases and caused many. It might be okay
to consume an occasional beer or wine, but whiskey and rum caused a man to be
stupid, loud, cruel, filthy, and obscene.
Under the Enlightened concern of Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo
in Florence, Italian physician Vincenzo Chiarugi instituted humanitarian
reforms. Between 1785 and 1788 he managed to outlaw chains as a means of restraint
at the Santa Dorotea hospital, building on prior attempts made there since the
1750s. From 1788 at the newly renovated St. Bonifacio Hospital he did the same,
and led the development of new rules establishing a more humane regime.
The U.S. Constitution is completed in Convention on
September 17. The Constitution was drawn up, the Federalist Essays were
written in support of the constitution and against those that did not believe
in it.
Wollstonecraft published Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, with
Reflections on Female Conduct.
In the month of November, 1787, a porter of the India
warehouses was sent to me by a lady of great humanity for advice, being in a
state of melancholy [for almost a year], induced by the death of one of his children....
He was quiet, would suffer his wife to lead him about the house, but he never
spoke to her; he sighed frequently, and was inattentive to everything that
passed.... I covered his head with a flannel, and rubbed the electric sparks
all over the cranium; he seemed to feel it disagreeable, but said nothing. On
the second visit, finding no inconvenience had ensued, I passed six small
shocks through the brain in different directions. As soon as he got into an
adjoining room, and saw his wife, he spoke to her, and in the evening was
cheerful, expressing himself, as if he thought he should soon go to his work
again. I repeated the shock in like manner on the third and fourth day, after which
he went to work: I desired to see him every Sunday, which I did for three
months after, and he remained perfectly well. JOHN BIRCH (English
surgeon), “John Birch,” published in Richard Hunter and Ida Macalpine, eds., Three
Hundred Years of Psychiatry (1535-1860), 1963.
The Constitution is ratified into law.
of Hand-Spinners formed in Leicester, possibly the first female trades union.
During the
Enlightenment attitudes towards the mentally ill began to change. It came to be
viewed as a disorder that required compassionate treatment that would aid in
the rehabilitation of the victim. When the ruling monarch of the United Kingdom
George III, who suffered from a mental disorder, experienced a remission in
1789, mental illness came to be seen as something which could be treated and
cured. The introduction of moral treatment was initiated independently by the
French doctor Philippe Pinel and the English Quaker William Tuke.
Work Houses were established so the poor could make clothing.
The colony of New Jersey grants the vote to "all free
The first state public orphanage is founded in
Charleston, South Carolina.
Catherine Macaulay published
Letters on Education.
The Bill of Rights is ratified on December 15 by Virginia;
10 of the 12 proposed amendments became part of the U.S. Constitution. The Bill of
Rights was amended to the U.S. Constitution. The first ten amendments were
drawn up to limit governmental powers and protect the basic rights and
liberties of individuals. The Bill of Rights includes the following basic
ideas: 1. seperation of church and state 2. need for a regulated militia and
right to bear arms 3. no quartering of soldiers 4. no unreasonable search and
seizures 5. prohibits criminal charges without trial by jury of peers 6. right
to a speedy public trial with an impartial jury 7. juries can be demanded for
civil cases 8. no excessive bail or fines 9. these rights shall not infringe on
rights of other people 10. powers given to the United States government and not
prohibited to the states are reserved to the states or to the people
Wollstonecraft published A Vindication of the Rights of Women.
William Tuke (1732-1822), a Quaker tea merchant, founded the
Retreat at York. Tuke was the patriarch
of a notable Quaker family from York, England. Tuke admired Pinel greatly and
followed his ideas, providing an atmosphere of benevolence, comfort and
sympathy for his patients. William Tuke's son Henry (1755-1814) and grandson
Samuel (1784-1857) continued at York in the same humanitarian spirit.
In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft
seeks changes in the education for women and kinder treatment by husbands and
Pinel released the first mental patients from confinement in the first massive
movement for more humane treatment of the mentally ill. French physician Phillipe
Pinel was appointed to Bicêtre Hospital in south Paris, ordering
chains removed from mental patients, and founding Moral
Treatment. In 1809 he published the first description of dementia
praecox (schizophrenia). According to psychiatric legend, French psychologist Phillip Pinel strikes the chains from
mental patients held in the Bastille in France. Paris had two madhouses, the
Bicetre and the Salpetriere. Philip Pinel (1745-1826), the leading French
psychiatrist of his day, was the first to say that the "mentally
deranged" were diseased rather than sinful or immoral. In 1793, he removed
the chains and restraints from the inmates at the Bicetre Asylum, and later
from those at Salpetriere. Along with the English reformer William Turk, he originated the
method of "moral management," using gentle treatment and patience
rather than physical abuse and chains on hospital patients. Conditions were
horrific! Crying, screaming depressed men and women lived in damp dungeons
without light or air in chains, guarded by convicts who treated them like wild
Phillipe Pinel writes Treatise on Insanity in which he
develops a four-part medical classification for the major mental illnesses:
melancholy, dementia, mania without delirium, and mania with delirium. Philip
Pinel (1745-1826), the leading French psychiatrist of his day, was the first to
say that the “mentally deranged” were diseased rather than sinful or immoral.
In 1793, he removed the chains and restraints from the inmates at the Bicetre
asylum, and later from those at Salpetriere. Along with the English reformer William Tuke, he originated the method
of “moral management,” using gentle treatment and patience rather than physical
abuse and chains on hospital patients. Pinel is credited with revolutionizing
the Hospitals in France but in fact the humanitarian reforms were begun by Jean-Baptiste Pussin and his wife.
Pussin had himself been a patient at the Bicetre, and it became the policy
there to choose staff from among recovered or convalescing patients. Pinel
described these people as best placed to understand the needs of the inmates as
a result of what they themselves had experienced (Peer Support!). Pinel
went on to Salpetriere where he carried out similar reforms, establishing a
regime of study and medical care to replace the bloodletting, purging and
ducking that had previously been used. Chiarugi in Italy as well as Tuke in
England independently arrived at the same conclusions at the same time or earlier.
The ex-patient Jean-Baptiste Pussin and his wife Margueritte, and the physician
Philippe Pinel (1745–1826), are also recognized as the first instigators of
more humane conditions in asylums. From the early 1780s, Pussin had been in
charge of the mental hospital division of the La Bicêtre, an asylum in Paris
for male patients. From the mid 1780s, Pinel was publishing articles on links
between emotions, social conditions and insanity. In 1792 (formally recorded in
1793), Pinel became the chief physician at the Bicetre. Pussin showed Pinel how
really knowing the patients meant they could be managed with sympathy and
kindness as well as authority and control. In 1797, Pussin first freed patients
of their chains and banned physical punishment, although straitjackets could be
used instead. Patients were allowed to move freely about the hospital grounds,
and eventually dark dungeons were replaced with sunny, well-ventilated rooms.
Pussin and Pinel's approach was seen as remarkably successful and they later
brought similar reforms to a mental hospital in Paris for female patients, La
Salpetrière. Pinel's student and successor, Jean Esquirol (1772–1840), went on
to help establish 10 new mental hospitals that operated on the same principles.
There was an emphasis on the selection and supervision of attendants in order
to establish a suitable setting to facilitate psychological work, and
particularly on the employment of ex-patients as they were thought most likely
to refrain from inhumane treatment while being able to stand up to pleading,
menaces, or complaining. Pinel used the term “traitement moral” for the new
approach. “Moral” in French had a mixed meaning of both psychological/emotional
and moral. Before the Enlightenment, the mentally ill were treated in inhumane
ways - such as being chained, beaten and starved. There seemed to be no
effective treatment available. In 1793, Pinel challenged this idea when he
removed the chains from patients at the Asylum de Bicêtre in Paris. He replaced
purging, bleeding and blistering with simple humane psychological treatments
such as separating patients and categorising them according to different
disorders, along with observing and talking to patients. Before Pinel, 60% of
the patients at Asylum de Bicêtre died of disease, suicide or other causes
within their first 2 years of admission. Under Pinel’s supervision, this
decreased to less than 20%. Pinel thought that those suffering from mental
illness could be rehabilitated and released back into society. His theories on
mental illness were the first to span both physiological and psychological
explanations. He suggested that mental illness was the consequence of having
too much social or psychological stress, or the result of either hereditary
causes or damage to the body. He is credited as the first person to keep
written case studies on patients, which concentrated on their long-term
treatment. Pinel saw asylums as places for treatment and not places to hide the
mentally ill. They were to be places where patients were seen as sick human
beings deserving of dignity, compassion and medical treatment. Under Pinel, who
lived from 1745 to 1826, the place of residence for the mentally ill was
converted from a mad house into a hospital. His reforms were soon emulated all
over Europe.
The US Congress passes fugitive slave laws
In England,
the Speenhamland System, an amendment to the Poor Law, named after a meeting at
the Pelican Inn in Speenhamland, Berkshire, where the local magistrates or squirearchy
devised the system as a means to alleviate hardship caused by a spike in grain
prices. Families were paid extra to top up wages to a set level, which varied
according to the number of children and the price of bread. For example if
bread was 1s 2d a loaf, the wages of a family with two children was topped up
to 8s 6d. If bread rose to 1s 8d the wages were topped up to 11s 0d. The system
aggravated the underlying causes of poverty, allowing employers (often farmers)
to pay below subsistence wages, because the parish made up the difference to
keep their workers alive. Low incomes remained unchanged and the poor rate
contributors subsidised the farmers, so that landowners sought other means of
dealing with the poor e.g. the workhouse.
The Poor Law Commissioners' Report of 1834 called the Speenhamland System a
"universal system of pauperism."
Edgeworth published Letters for Literary Ladies.
“Address to Humanity, Containing a Letter to Dr. Thomas
Monro; a Receipt to Make a Lunatic, and Seize his Estate and a Sketch of a True
Smiling Hyena” by William Belcher.
Founded in 1796, the York Retreat
in York, England was run by William Tuke and other Quakers who stressed the
importance of treating all people with respect and compassion, even the
mentally ill. In keeping faithful to this ideal, the York Retreat was a
pleasant country house, modeled on a domestic lifestyle, that allowed patients
to live, work, and rest in a warm and religious environment that emphasized
mildness, reason, and humanity.
Publication of The Rights of Infants by the
revolutionary philosopher, Thomas Spence.
Massachusetts enacts the first law regarding
insane people as a special group of dependents.
Gisborne M.A. published An Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex.
Mary Hays
published An Appeal to the Men of Great Britain on Behalf of the Women (Anon.)
John Haslam (British) describes general paralysis of the
insane in Observations of Insanity, a condition that is now known to be
caused by syphilis.
The U.S. Public Health Service is established
following severe epidemics in Eastern sea-board cities, which were caused by
diseases brought into the country as a result of increased shipping and
Wakefield published Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex,
with Suggestions for its Improvement
Edward Moore
published Fables for the Female Sex.
Mary Ann
Radcliffe published The Female Advocate, or an attempt to Recover the Rights of
Women from Male Usurpation.
Anne Frances
Randall (pseud. of Mary Darby
Robinson) published Letter to the Women of England on the Injustice
of Mental Subordination.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century a public outcry
about conditions in asylums led to the setting up of a select committee 'to
consider of provision being made for the better regulation of madhouses in
England'. The report describes appalling conditions of inadequate clothing,
cramped and crowded accommodation filthy with excrement on straw, with patients
chained to the walls, and in one case, a surgeon who was known to be drunk and
insane. As David Stafford-Clark wrote in Psychiatry Today, “It may seem beyond
belief that physicians could contemplate other human beings naked, cold,
crusted with their own excrement, chained and starving in the dark on stone
floors, without pity and without remorse.
But they could, and they did, and it is only by the exertions and the
example of exceptional men that our own standards have been raised above this
appalling state.” Asylum staff spent much of their working life locked away
with their patients. Husband and wife teams were a feature of asylum
organization in the early 19th century, many sharing their home life with their
patients. In Britain, one such couple was George and Catherine Jepson at the Retreat in York, and Dr. and Mrs.
Ellis at the Hanwell Asylum. Patients who came under these humanitarian regimes
were lucky; many more were kept in conditions where fear and cruelty prevailed.
In America,
the recognition of excessive drinking as an addiction emerged between 1790 and
1830. Inebriates found themselves non-speciality places - jails, county farms,
almshouses, water cure institutions, and insane asylums. Failure to control or
rehabilitate inebriates lead to a call for new approaches and the rise of
Inebriate Asylums. Using a medical approach, people began thinking about
excessive drinking as an inherited or acquired disease and could be cured in
special institutions set up for that purpose. Emphasized physical causes of the
disorder and used physical methods of treatment such as: drug therapies;
aversion therapy; hydrotherapy; and, electrical stimulation.
In the first
part of the 19th century, a lot of doctors, such as Conolly, Kirkbride,
Bucknill, and Daniel Hack Tuke were proud to work in the new asylums. There was
also a new endeavor to study insanity. Esquirol in France followed the lead
given by Pinel in attempting a classification of mental disorder. A line of
successors in France and later in Germany culminated in Emil Kraepelin
(1855-1927), a student of Wundt's, who produced a systematic classification of
mental disease which forms the basis of modern systems. This is an attempt at
grouping by causes as well as by symptoms, and in Kraepelin's work can be seen
the merging of two psychological traditions: the experimental and the medical.
At the same time growth in populations of asylums mirrored growth in
unemployment and poverty following social upheaval caused by industrial
revolution. An English Quaker named William Tuke (1732–1819) independently led
the development of a radical new type of institution in northern England,
following the death of a fellow Quaker in a local asylum in 1790. In 1796, with
the help of fellow Quakers and others, he founded the York Retreat, where
eventually about 30 patients lived as part of a small community in a quiet
country house and engaged in a combination of rest, talk, and manual work.
Rejecting medical theories and techniques, the efforts of the York Retreat
centered around minimizing restraints and cultivating rationality and moral
strength. The entire Tuke family became known as some of the founders of moral
treatment. They created a family-style ethos and patients performed chores to
give them a sense of contribution. There was a daily routine of both work and
leisure time. If patients behaved well, they were rewarded; if they behaved
poorly, there was some minimal use of restraints or instilling of fear. The
patients were told that treatment depended on their conduct. In this sense, the
patient's moral autonomy was recognized. William Tuke's grandson, Samuel Tuke,
published an influential work in the early 19th century on the methods of the
retreat; Pinel's Treatise On Insanity had by then been published, and Samuel
Tuke translated his term as “moral treatment”.
The 18th century saw the beginning of modern psychology as a
separate discipline. The word psychology was used in the first half of the
century to mean the secular philosophical analysis and interpretation of mental
phenomena. In the latter half of the 19th century its reference shifted from a
predominantly philosophic to a predominantly scientific study of mental
phenomena. Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) is commonly regarded as the founder of
scientific psychology. Although other people began experimental psychology
earlier, Wundt had the first laboratory for teaching and research in the
subject. Alexander Bain (1818-1903) was not an experimenter but wrote two very
influential books, The Senses and the Intellect (1855) and The Emotions and the
Will (1859). At the same time there were considerable influences from the
growing understanding of the physiology of the nervous system.
One development of the late 18th century which had a
significant influence on the development of psychological practice was
Mesmerism. Franz Mesmer began by using magnets in the belief that they
exercised some influence on the human body. He later abandoned this notion, but
induced a number of phenomena which are now recognized as suggestion and
hypnosis. Others in the 19th century took up mesmerism as an aid to medicine,
and it was James Braid who attributed the phenomena to processes within the
person, expectations arising from suggestion coupled with a narrowing of
attention. An active school of hypnosis developed in Paris under the leadership
of J.M. Charcot who established a notable neurological clinic at La
Salpetriere. His work influenced Ribot who established a psychological
laboratory under Beaunis and Binet.
teaching about “hysteria” with “Blanche” (Marie Wittman)
In the closing years of the 19th century several medical
psychologists were developing psychogenic theories of the neuroses. Outstanding
among them were Pierre Janet (1859-1949) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), a pupil
and protégé of Charcot. Janet's view was that the neurotic lacked sufficient
mental energy to hold his psyche together in a state of integration; as a
result parts of it functioned in disassociation from the rest. Freud's view by
contrast was that there were diverse mental energies in conflict with one
another. Early in the development of his theory he spoke of the sex instincts
versus the moral instincts; later of libido versus ego, and finally of eros
(life instincts) versus thanatos (death instincts). Freud also proposed three
major components to the psyche (strangely translated from German into Latin
rather than English by his translators): das Es (the It, or Id) symbolizing
instinct or unconscious desire, das Ich (the I, or Ego) and das UberIch (the
Upper-I, conscience or Superego). Freud's ideas are the basis for
psychoanalytic theory. Although this began as a contribution to
psychopathology, it quickly expanded into a more general theory. The
interpretation of dreams, the explanation of slips of the tongue and of the
pen, and an account of the psychic origins of art, religion and society began
with Freud and have become part of everyday currency. Literature and literary
criticism, art, morality and religion have all felt this influence.
There are only eight institutions for abused and neglected children in the
“The Strange Effects of Faith with Remarkable Prophecies” by
Joanna Southcott
Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard establishes the principles and
methods used today in the education of the mentally disabled through his
controversial work with Victor, the "wild boy of Aveyron."
Philippe Pinel in France, takes over the Bicêtre insane
asylum and forbids the use of chains and shackles. He removes patients from
dungeons, provides them with sunny rooms, and also allows them to exercise on
the grounds. Yet in other places, mistreatment persists. Simultaneously,
William Tuke in England and Eli Todd in America were working to reform
treatment in their respective countries.
English census
reveals that women outnumber men by 400,000 (surplus of unmarried women).
Dix, born April 4th in Hampden, Maine, whose devotion to the
mentally ill led to widespread reforms in the U.S. and abroad. She left home at 10, was teaching school by
14, and founded a Boston home for girls while still in her teens. She was one
of the first Americans to argue that mentally ill people should not be treated
as criminals and imprisoned, and she established the first hospitals dedicated
to humane treatment of the insane. A Boston schoolteacher, Dorothea Dix
(1802–1887), made humane care a public and a political concern in the US. In
1841 Dix visited a local prison to teach Sunday school and was shocked at the
conditions for the inmates. She subsequently became very interested in prison
conditions and later expanded her crusade to include the poor and mentally ill
people all over the country. She spoke to many state legislatures about the
horrible sights she had witnessed at the prisons and called for reform. Dix
fought for new laws and greater government funding to improve the treatment of
people with mental disorders from 1841 until 1881, and personally helped
establish 32 state hospitals that were to offer moral treatment. Many asylums
were built on the so-called Kirkbride Plan.
The Factory Acts
were a series of Acts of the English Parliament passed to limit the number of
hours worked by women and children, first in the textile industry, then later
in all industries. The Factories Act
1802, sometimes also called the "Health and Morals of
Apprentices Act,"
February 14, 1803 John Thomas
Perceval, founder of the Alleged
Lunatics Friend Society born (Gault, H.
2010, p.49). He died 1876.
Mary Hays
published Female Biography.
conference bans women from preaching.
First woman
jockey to compete in a horse race: Alicia Meynell (age 22), riding Colonel
Thornton's 20 year-old-horse horse Vingarillo against one other competitor over
four miles at York. She rode side-saddle, and lost.
Aldini was reported to have cured two cases of melancholia
by passing galvanic current through the brain
Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) became one of the earliest
advocates of humane treatment for the mentally ill with the publication in 1805 of
Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon Diseases of the Mind, the first
American textbook of psychiatry. Rush wrote the
first American book on psychiatry, Medical Inquiries and Observations upon
the Diseases of the Mind. The only psychiatric text in the U.S. for the
next 70 years emphasized moral treatment: respect and re-education, not
The Philanthropic Society was incorporated by Act of
Parliament, sanctioning its work with juvenile delinquents and began by opening
homes where children were trained in cottage industries working under the instruction of skilled tradesmen.
Remaining central in development of measures dealing with young offenders the
Society is now the charity, Catch 22, formerly Rainer.
became aware of innovations in France and England as Philippe Pinel’s treatise
on insanity appeared in 1806 with wide circulation in the United States.
New Jersey women lose their vote, with the repeal sponsored
by a politician who was nearly defeated by a female voting block ten years
physician Johann Christian Reil coined the term “psychiatry.” Reil used the term 'psychiaterie' in a short-lived
journal he set up with J.C. Hoffbauer, Beytrage zur Beforderung einer
Curmethode auf psychischem Wege (1808: 169). He argued there should not
just be a branch of medicine (psychische Medizin) or of theology or penal
practice, but a discipline in its own right with trained practitioners. He also
sought to publicize the plight of the insane in the asylums, and to develop a
'psychical' method of treatment, consistent with the moral
treatment movement of the times. He was critical of Frenchman Philippe
Pinel, however. Reil was mainly theoretical, with little direct
clinical experience, by contrast with Pinel. Reil is considered a writer within
the German Romantic context and his 1803 work Rhapsodien
uber die Anwendung der psychischen Kurmethode auf Geisteszeruttungen
('Rhapsodies about applying the methods of treatment to disorganized spirits')
has been called the most important document of Romantic psychiatry. Reil didn't
conceptualize madness as just a break from reason but as a reflection of wider
social conditions, and believed that advances in civilization created more madness.
He saw this as due not to physical lesions in the brain or to hereditary evil,
but as a disturbance in the harmony of the mind's functions (forms of awareness
or presence), rooted in the nervous system.
Franz Gall
wrote about phrenology (the idea that a person’s skull shape and placement of
bumps on the head can reveal personality traits.
Louis Braille is born (January 4) at Coupvray, near Paris.
At three years of age an accident deprived him of his sight, and in 1819 he was
sent to the Paris Blind School (originated by Valentin Hauy).
Austrian Franz Joseph Gall suggested that bumps on the
skull reflected personality traits such as generosity, secretiveness and
destructiveness. Start of phrenology.
An anonymous
woman in Leominster became the last one in England to be ducked as a common
“Madness: Exhibiting a Singular Case of Insanity, and a No
Less Remarkable Difference in Medical Opinion: Developing the Nature of
Assailment, and the Manner of Working Events; with a Description of the Torture
Experienced by Bomb-Bursting, Lobster-Cracking, and Lengthening the Brain” by
John Halsam (ed.)
Lucy Aikin
published Epistles on Women, exemplifying their Character and Condition at
Various Ages.
“A Letter to Dr. R. D. Willis: to Which are Added, Copies of
Three Other Letters: Published in the Hope of Rousing a Humane Nation to the
Consideration of the Miseries Arising from Private Madhouses: with a
Preliminary Address to Lord Erskine” by Anne Mary Crowe.
Female lace
workers combined to raise wages at Loughborough, England.
America is at war with Britian again
physician Benjamin Rush became one of the earliest advocates of humane
treatment for the mentally ill with the publication of Medical Inquiries and
Observations Upon Diseases of the Mind, the first American textbook on
“The Second Book of Wonders” by Joanna Southcott.
Dr. Benjamin Rush became the head of the Connecticut Society
for the Reformation of Morals; they had many of America’s most important citizens
involved, men of wealth, political power and social prestige. This helped the
wealthy take advantage of the poor. Before his death Rush predicted the day
that everyone would shun rum and whiskey entirely as a matter of self-control
and long and happy lives. A Dr. Billy J. Clark read Rush’s paper which he
agreed with, and then rushed to his minister’s house to proclaim they were
becoming drunkards which started the temperance movement. Then another man,
Reverend Lyman Beecher, who was taught by his parents that liquor was evil and
drinking a sin, decided to get it out of the churches. Temperance Reform: The Inebriate Homes; Reform inebriates by
enlisting their involvement in the growing American temperance movement; Mutual
aid societies arose such as the Washingtonians, Native American temperance
societies, reform clubs; Emphasized short voluntary stays and non-physical
methods of treatment; Alcoholism recovery viewed as a process of moral reform
As transportation changed and new technology came about the
few wealthy land-owners and those in positions of leadership took advantage of
this to grow a new industrial empire that took advantage of the poor. They
created a large military and financial advantage over one sixth of humanity.
This idea came to be viewed as the natural order of things, or the "White
man’s rule", which they did with a mix of naivete, compassion, and
brutality. The Indians were the first people that the British oppressed and
defeated, no matter the cost to civilization, calling them savages because the
Indians were trying to defend themselves, their territory, their customs and
their values. The Indians cherished nature more then the white man cherished
wealth. Then came mass production. Some Indians started to give up the fight to
keep their land.
Connecticut enacts the first labor legislation
to require mill owners to have children in fac-tories taught reading, writing,
and arithmetic.
Hamilton published Letters addressed to the Daughter of a Nobleman, on the
Formation of Religious and Moral Principle. 3rd edition.
Thomas H.
Gallaudet departed the America for Europe to seek methods to teach the deaf.
First school
for the deaf in US founded in Goochland, Virgina.
Laurent Clerc, a Deaf
French man, returns to America with Thomas H. Gallaudet.
“Early Life of William Cowper” by Wiliam Cowper.
The American
School for the Deaf, the Gallaudet School, is founded in Hartford, Connecticut.
This is the first permanent, free school for disabled children anywhere in the
Western Hemisphere. Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of
Deaf and Dumb Persons, the first permanent school for the deaf in America,
opened in Hartford on April 15.
“Bethlehem Hospital” by Urbane Metcalf.
A cobbler, John Pounds, began to use his shop in Portsmouth
as a base for educational activity for local poor children neglected by other
institutions. Part of his concern was also to educate his disabled nephew. The
Ragged School movement subsequently found powerful support in active
philanthropists when public attention was aroused to the prevalence of juvenile
delinquency by Thomas
Guthrie in 1840. An estimated 300,000 children passed through the
London Ragged Schools alone between the early 1840s and 1881.
New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia Societies
for the Prevention of Pauperism are established to help victims of the
depression following the War of 1812.
After visiting Newgate Prison, Elizabeth
Fry became particularly concerned at the conditions in which women prisoners
and their children were held. Fry later presented evidence to the House of
Commons in 1818, which led to the interior of Newgate being rebuilt with
individual cells.
The U.S. House of Representatives passes a bill that grants
the Connecticut Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb six sections of public land.
Longview State Hospital
According to the History of Cincinnati, “The movement for the erection
of a commercial hospital in Cincinnati was inaugurated by Dr. Daniel Drake, and
the plan of an insane department was added at his sole suggestion.” On January
22, 1821, Ohio’s legislature appropriated $10,000 to assist in the construction
of the Commercial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum for the State of Ohio at
Cincinnati. Construction was completed on January 27, 1824. It was primarily a
county institution, and the state regularly contributed to its maintenance. In
1860, it became Longview State Hospital.
The first law was passed barring abortions after
The element
Lithium was first isolated from Lithium oxide and described by English chemist
William Thomas Brande.
Harriet Martineau published
Female Writers on Practical Divinity (under a male pseudonym).
American School for the Deaf adds vocational training to
The first state institution for deaf people is established
in Kentucky.
Miss Sarah
Berry appointed by the Dean of Wells as Registrar of the Consistorial Diaconal
Court of Wells.
“Fiction or the Memories of Francis Barnett” 2 vols. by
Francis Barnett.
French physiologist Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens showed that
the cerebellum played a part in coordinating movement, and concluded that the
cerebrum was involved in perception and sensation.
John Stuart
Mill jailed for distributing pamphlets on birth control.
The first
poor house was established in New York
The House of Refuge, the first state-funded
institution for juvenile delinquents, is founded in New York.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs is organized in the
War Department. It is later (1849) moved to the Department of the Interior.
A decision by the Mississippi Supreme Court in Bradley v. State 2 Miss. (Walker) 156
(1824), allows a husband to administer only "moderate” chastisement in
cases of emergency.
Hannah More published
Essays on Various Subjects, Principally Designed for Young Ladies.
Mrs Taylor
of Ongar published Maternal Solicitude for a Daughter's best Interests. 11th
“A Description of the Crimes and Horrors in the Interior of
Warburton's Private Mad-House at Hoxton, Commonly Called Whibmore House” by
John Mitford.
Wheeler/William Thompson published Appeal of One Half of the Human Race, Women,
against the Pretentions of the Other half, Men, to retain them in political and
thence in civil and domestic slavery.
“Part Second of the Crimes and Horrors of the Interior of
Warburton's Private Mad-Houses at Hoxton and Bethnal Green and of These
Establishments in General with Reasons for Their Total Abolition” by John
Jean Baptiste Bouillaud read a paper before the Royal
Academy of Medicine in France that argued that speech was localized
in the frontal lobes, just as Josef Gall had suggested earlier based on brain
injury studies.
In England, 'S.E.'
wrote an
impassioned letter to the Liverpool Mercury on the Condition of
Women in Society.
In England, Mrs
B. published Women as Professionals.
“Observations on the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of
Derangement. Founded on an Extensive Moral and Medical Practice in the
Treatment of Lunatics. Together With the Particulars of the Sensations and
Ideas of a Gentleman During Mental Alternation, Written by Himself During His
Confinement.” by Paul Slade Knight.
The Massachusetts legislature suggests building asylums for
“lunatics and persons furiously mad” then being held in jails.
Textbook on phrenology sold more than 100,000 copies.
African-Americans were frequently housed in public (as
opposed to private) facilities such as the poorhouse, jail or the insane
asylum. These facilities almost always had substandard conditions. If
conditions in the facility were poor for white patients, conditions were completely
inhumane for African-American patients. For instance, one of the first patients
admitted to the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum in1829 was a fourteen year-old
slave named Jefferson. Jefferson’s name was not recorded in the admission book
and he was reportedly housed in the yard. The young slave was admitted as a
favor to his owner since the facility did not officially receive blacks.
Fanny Wright brought German mental science into the schools
as a way to bring about compliance. The 10 ideas behind this were 1) The
removal of active literacy 2) Destroying and changing real history 3)
Substituting Social Studies for other studies 4) The dilution of people‚s
understanding of economics; politics; and religion 5) The replacement of
learning with physical education and counseling 6) Lack of drills 7) The
forcing of both willing and unwilling students together 8) Longer school days
with shop classes substituting other real learning experiences 9) Shifting from
those with the most stake in a child‚s life to those with the least 10) Low levels of hostility
against interpretations of meaning and lack of debate or discussion.
Braille invents the raised point alphabet that has come to be known as Braille
Frances Wright travels the United States on a paid lecture tour, perhaps the
first ever by a woman. She attacks organized religion for the secondary
place it assigns women, and advocates the empowerment of women through divorce
and birth control.
The Parens Patriae laws or state laws over parents were
instituted from the old English King’s law. Parents were on trial with their
neighbors, they were being watched, and if not found suitable then children
were removed and transferred to the parent substitute.
In England, a husband's absolute power of chastisement is
The New England Asylum for the Blind (later the
Perkins Institution), the first such private institution, is founded in Boston.
John Fisher charters the first school for the blind in the United States upon
his return from France where he observed advancements in the education of
people who were blind.
“Narrative of the Treatment Experienced by John Tempest,
Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law during Fourteen Months Solitary
Confinement under a False Imputation of Lunacy” by John Tempest
The national underground railroad for slaves was started.
Congress wrote it into law that
the Indians land no longer belonged to them and forced them onto settlements.
Alice Cogswell (August 31, 1805 – December 30, 1830)
was the inspiration to Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet for the creation of the now
American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. At the age of two, she
became ill with "spotted fever" (cerebra-spinal meningitis). This
illness took her hearing and later she lost her speech as well. At the time,
deafness was viewed as equivalent to a mental illness, and it was believed that
the deaf could not be taught. Gallaudet moved into the house next door to hers
when she was nine years old. He soon noticed that she wasn't interacting with
the other children, and when he asked why, he was informed that she was deaf.
Intrigued, he decided to teach her to communicate through pictures and writing
letters in the dirt. He and Alice's father, Dr. Mason Cogswell, decided that a
formal school would be best for her, but no such school existed in the United States.
Gallaudet went to Europe for 15 months, bringing Laurent Clerc back with him
upon his return. During the time of his absence, Alice attended a hearing
school and somewhat furthered her education, though the situation was not
ideal. She was very lively, and enjoyed reading, sewing, and dancing. She was
reportedly very good at mimicking others, and was fascinated by the concept of
music. Alice Cogswell and six other deaf students entered the school that would
become the American School for the Deaf in April 1817. She died at the age of
twenty-five on December 30, 1830, exactly thirteen days after the death of her
father. On the campus of the present American School for the Deaf at Hartford
stands a statue of Gallaudet and Cogswell. Another statue of Gallaudet and
Cogswell stands in front of Gallaudet University campus as Gallaudet sit on
chair and Alice stood next to him to share their communication of "A"
in fingerspelling. The Alice Cogswell statue (American School for the Deaf
Founders Memorial), by Frances Laughlin Wadsworth, also represents her as a
young girl. Alice Cogswell is known today as a remarkable figure in the history
of deaf culture, representing an extraordinary breakthrough in deaf education.
She proved to the world that not only are the deaf capable of being taught,
they are also capable of the same level of intelligence that the hearing are.
Alice stands as a perfect example of Dr. I. King Jordan's famous quote,
"Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, except hear."
Christmas 1830 In Dublin, John Thomas Perveval was
"unfortunately deprived of the use of reason". He was admitted to a
private asylum (in England) in January 1831
Victor Cousin, French Philosopher, said public schooling
would be good economic and social control for the new industrial proletariat,
the class of industrial wage earners who, possessing neither capital nor
production means, must earn their living by selling their labor.
Abram Garfield (November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881) served as the 20th
President of the United States, after completing nine consecutive terms in the
U.S. House of Representatives.
He was a
strong opponent of slavery. Garfield was one of the founders of the Republican
Party and in 1859 was elected to the Ohio legislature. On the outbreak of the
American Civil War Garfield joined the Uni
on Army
and was commissioned as a lieutenant colonel. He helped recruit the 42nd Ohio
Volunteer Infantry and commanded a brigade at Shiloh (April, 1862). After
fighting at Chickamauga (September, 1863), Garfield was promoted to the rank of
major general.
left the army after he was elected to the 38th Congress and over the next few
years became a prominent member of the Radical Republicans. This group favoured
the abolition of slavery and believed that freed slaves should have complete
equality with white citizens.
opposed the policies of President Andrew Johnson and argued in Congress that
Southern plantations should be taken from their owners and divided among the
former slaves. He also attacked Johnson when he attempted to veto the extension
of the Freeman's Bureau, the Civil Rights Bill and the Reconstruction Acts.
November, 1867, the Judiciary Committee voted 5-4 that Andrew Johnson be
impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. The majority report contained a
series of charges including pardoning traitors, profiting from the illegal
disposal of railroads in Tennessee, defying Congress, denying the right to
reconstruct the South and attempts to prevent the ratification of the
Fourteenth Amendment.
supported Johnson's impeachment but was unhappy that his replacement would be
Benjamin Wade. Garfield warned that Wade was "a man of violent passions,
extreme opinions and narrow views who was surrounded by the worst and most
violent elements in the Republican Party." Despite this objections,
Garfield voted for impeachment. However, the 35 to 19 vote, was one short of
the required two-thirds majority for conviction.
remained a member of Congress for seventeen years. During this time her served
as chairman of the Banking Committee (1869-71) and in 1880 was asked to
organize the campaign of John Sherman, who was attempting to become the
Republican Party presidential candidate.
During the
campaign Garfield was so impressive that he became one of the candidates and
after 36 ballots defeated Ulysses S. Grant and James G. Blaine for the
nomination. To preserve party unity, the conservative Chester Arthur, became
the vice-presidential candidate.
Democratic Party nominated Winfield S. Hancock, who like Garfield had been a
senior officer during the American Civil War. It was a close election and
Garfield won by 4,449,053 votes to 4,442,030.
In his
inaugural speech Garfield returned to the issue that had first brought him into
politics: "The elevation of the (black) race from slavery to the full
rights of citizenship is the most important political change we have known
since the adoption of the Constitution of 1787. It has liberated the master as
well as the slave from a relation which wronged and enfeebled both."
attempted to select a Cabinet that would retain the unity of the Republican
Party. However, Roscoe Conking, the leader of the Stalwart group, was unhappy
with some of Garfield's choices and refused to serve in his administration.
On 2nd
July, 1881, Garfield was waiting for a train in Washington with Robert Lincoln,
his Secretary of War, when Charles J. Guiteau, shot him in the back. A
supporter of Roscoe Conking, Guiteau, surrendered to the police with the words:
"I am a Stalwart. Chester Arthur is now the president of the United
States. After a four month struggle James Garfield died on 19th September, 1881
and Chester Arthur became president.
An American slave, Nat Turner, led the most successful slave
rebellion in U.S. history. Being taught by his mother to fight slavery, he
embraced religion and felt he was called upon by God to help others escape from
slavery. Banding together with about 75 others, he killed the White man and
family who owned‚ him and went on for two days and nights to kill about 60
White people. Eventually the state
militia ended the revolt, and he was eventually hanged. This rebellion was
critical and one of many acts by slaves to demand just treatment in the
racially unjust civic society of the U.S. Though the rebellion led to harsher
legislation against slaves (education, assembly, movement), it also put an end
to the white Southern myth that slaves were content or too passive to revolt.
In England,
Mr Hunt MP presented Mary Smith's petition for votes for women to the
House of Commons.
Using rooms in his father's house located in downtown
Boston, Samuel Gridley Howe, the School's first director, begins teaching a
handful of blind students. The Perkins School for the Blind in Boston admits
its first two students, the sisters Sophia and Abbey Carter. This is the first
time “disabled” students are able to attend school.
The first state mental hospital, Massachusetts Worcester
Lunatic Asylum is built.
The New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and Other
Workingmen condemn child labor.
In England,
1500 women card-setters at Peep Green Yorkshire came out on strike for equal
“An Account of the Imprisonment and Sufferings of Robert
Fuller, of Cambridge, Boston” by Robert Fuller.
Enrollment grows at the Perkins School for the Blind in
Boston, and Thomas Perkins, vice president and School trustee, offers his
larger home to the School to meet the growing demand for educational services
for children who are blind.
In England, Mrs
John Sandford published Woman in her Social and Domestic Character, 3rd edition.
Vermont Asylum for the Insane also known as Battleboro
Retreat, founded. Anna Hunt Marsh (birth year unknown, died 1834) established
the Vermont Asylum of the Insane in 1834. Marsh was born and raised in
Hinsdale, New Hampshire. She was the widow of physician Perley Marsh. She is
responsible for the creation of the Brattleboro Retreat, originally known as
the Vermont Asylum for the Insane. She was the first woman credited with
starting a hospital for the mentally ill. She was responsible for selecting the
trustees before her death. A bad healing experience leading to the death of a
member of her family has been suggested as an impetus to her idea of creating a
humane care option. Her vision was a facility patterned on a Quaker concept
called moral treatment. She didn't have much to do with Brattleboro until she
died, but her influence is enormous. Upon her death, her will instructed heirs
to build a mental hospital in Brattleboro. This was founded in 1834 with her
$10,000 bequest. The Brattleboro Retreat grew in popularity and had success
treating people with a combination of fresh air, exercise, good food, and other
treatments for the “insane.” Large porches on the buildings allowed patients to
sit and read, relax, and recover. As of 2006, the Brattleboro Retreat, now
named Retreat Healthcare, is still in operation serving a wide variety of
mental conditions. It is a 1000-acre (4 km²) campus of many large buildings, a
working farm, and lots of land to explore.
In England,
the New Poor Law assumed all women dependent on men. All illegitimate children
to be the sole responsibility of the mother until they reached 16.
A Poor House tax was established that defined the poor on
the basis of adults, children, old or non-able bodied adults. The workhouse
system was set up in England and Wales under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834,
although many individual houses existed before this legislation. The Poor Law Reform Act, the first
major poor law legislation in England since the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601,
influences American social welfare with its emphasis on complete assumption by
able-bodied people of responsibility for their own economic security. Inmates entered and left as they
liked and would receive free food and accommodation. However, workhouse life was
made as harsh and degrading as possible so that only the truly destitute would
apply. Accounts of the terrible
conditions in some
workhouses include references to women who would not speak and
children who refused to play.
In England,
'M.B.' writes an extraordinary (for its time) piece about women in the Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music and
Heinrich Weber published his perception theory of ‘Just Noticeable DIfference,’
now known as Weber’s Law.
On March 5,
1835, the General Assembly passed an act to establish The Lunatic Asylum of
Ohio and appointed three directors. A 30-acre tract of land north of Broad
Street and about one mile east of where the Statehouse would be located was
purchased. Construction of the asylum cost $61,000 and the first patient was
admitted on November 30, 1838.
The Transcendental movement in literature and philosophy was
part of a general turn in U.S. literature to build national civic pride with a
distinctly American literary identity, it was viewed as the beginning of an
American Renaissance in literature. Transcendentalism was based on a belief in
the unity of all creation, the natural goodness of people, and insight over
logic for life’s truths. Transcendentalists were influential as leaders in
reform movements for anarchy, socialism, and communism; suffrage for women;
better conditions for workers; temperance; modifications of dress and diet; the
rise of free religion; educational innovation; and other humanitarian causes.
The first restrictive child labor law is enacted
in Massachusetts (at the time, two-fifths of all employees in New England
factories were aged 7 to 16 years). Massachusetts creates the first
state child labor law where children under 15 working in factories have to
attend school for at least 3 months per year.
Marc Dax presented case studies in Montpellier that showed
that speech disorders were consistently associated with lesions in the left
hemisphere. Dax's son published the manuscript in 1865.
The first state institution for blind people is established
in Ohio.
Laura Bridgman enrolls in the Perkins School for the Blind
in Boston and becomes the first documented deafblind person to be educated.
Years later, Bridgman teaches Perkins student Anne Sullivan how to communicate
with a person who is deafblind.
William IV
died, succeeded by niece, Princess Victoria.
In England, Harriet Martineau published
Society in America.
Although Tuke, Pinel and others had tried to do away with
physical restraint, it remained widespread in the 19th century. At the Lincoln
Asylum in England, Robert Gardiner Hill, with the support of Edward Parker
Charlesworth, pioneered a mode of treatment that suited "all types"
of patients, so that mechanical restraints and coercion could be dispensed
with—a situation he finally achieved in 1838. In 1839 Sergeant John Adams and
Dr. John Conolly were impressed by the work of Hill, and introduced the method
into their Hanwell Asylum, by then the largest in the country. Hill's system
was adapted, since Conolly was unable to supervise each attendant as closely as
Hill had done. By September 1839, mechanical restraint was no longer required
for any patient.
“Scenes in a Mad House” Boston: Samuel N. Dickinson authored
by John Barton Derby who spent time as an inmate of McLean Asylum for a brief
“A Narrative of the Treatment Experienced by a Gentleman,
During a State of Mental Derangement; Designed to Explain the Causes and the
Nature of Insanity, and to Expose the Injudicious Conduct Pursued Towards Many
Unfortunate Sufferers Under That Calamity.” 2 vols. by John Percavel 1838 and
1840 (republished, with an introduction by Gregory Bateson, Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 1961).
In 1838 Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Dickens'
second novel, is the first in the English language to centre upon a child
protagonist throughout. The book calls attention to various contemporary social
evils, including the Poor Law,
which required that poor people work in workhouses,[22]
child labour and the
recruitment of children as
criminals. A later character, Jo in Bleak House,
is portrayed as a street child,
relentlessly pursued by a police inspector.
Claflin, the sixth of ten children, was born in Homer, Ohio on September 23,
1838. When Victoria was a child the family was forced to leave Homer after her
father, Reuben Claflin, was accused of an insurance fraud. She received very
little education and spent most of her childhood with her family's travelling
medicine show.
At the age
of fifteen Victoria married Canning Woodhull. The following year she gave birth
to Byron Woodhull. Over the next few years she earned a living by telling
fortunes, selling patent medicines and performing a spiritualist act with her
sister, Tennessee Claflin.
Woodhull was an alcoholic and in 1864 she divorced him and two years later
married Colonel James Blood. In 1868 Victoria Woodhull moved to New York City
where she became friends with millionaire railroad magnate, Cornelius
Vanderbilt. With Vanderbilt's backing, the enterprising sisters went into
business as Wall Street's FIRST female stockbrokers. The sisters made a large
amount of money and this enabled them to publish their own journal, Woodhull
and Claflin's Weekly.
journal was used to promote women's suffrage and other radical causes such as
the 8 hour work day, graduated income tax, and profit sharing. Woodhull also
exposed fraudulent activities that were then rampant in the stock market.
Woodhull became the leader of the International Working Men's Association (the
First International) in New York City and in 1872 controversially became the
FIRST person to publish The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick
In May
1872 Victoria Woodhull was nominated as the presidential candidate of the Equal
Rights Party. (The FIRST female Presidentoal nominee.) Although laws prohibited
women from voting, there was nothing stopping women from running for office.
Woodhull suggested that Frederick Douglass should become her running partner
but he declined the offer.
During the
campaign Woodhull called for the "reform of political and social abuses;
the emancipation of labor, and the enfranchisement of women". Woodhull
also argued in favour of improved civil rights and the abolition of capital
punishment. These policies gained her the support of socialists, trade
unionists and women suffragists. However, conservative leaders of the American
Woman Suffrage Association, such as Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
were shocked by some of her more extreme ideas and supported Horace Greeley in
the election.
Friends of
President Ulysses Grant decided to attack Victoria Woodhull's character and she
was accused of having affairs with married men. It was also alleged that
Victoria's previous husband was an alcoholic and her sister, Utica Claflin,
took drugs. Woodhull became convinced that Henry Ward Beecher was behind these
stories and decided to fight back. She now published a story in the Woodhull
and Claflin's Weekly that Beecher was having an affair with a married woman.
was arrested and charged under the Comstock Act for sending obscene literature
through the mail and was in prison on election day. (Woodhull's name did not
appear on the ballot because she was one year short of the Constitutionally
mandated age of thirty-five.) Over the next seven months Woodhull was arrested
eight times and had to endure several trials for obscenity and libel. She was
eventually acquitted of all charges but the legal bills forced her into
In 1878
Woodhull moved to England. She continued to campaign for women's rights and in
1895 she established the Humanitarian newspaper.
Woodhull died on 9th June, 1927.
Sarah Grimké publishes
"Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women."
She and her sister Angelina will be active in both the suffrage and the
abolitionist movements.
In England, Harriet Martineau published
How to Observe; Morals and Manners.
Sarah Ellis
published The Women of England, Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits.
In England, R.
Mence Esq. published The Mutual Rights of Husband and Wife, with a Draft of a
Bill to replace that of Mr Sergt. Talfourd.
In England, under the Custody of
Infants Act, custody of children under 7 years old was assigned to
mothers. Child Custody
Act enabled a mother to be given custody of children under seven.
In England, Sarah
Lewis published Women's Mission.
Sixty-five students are enrolled at the Perkins School for
the Blind in Boston, and a still larger facility is needed. Thomas Perkins
sells his house and donates the proceeds in order to move the School to a
former hotel in South Boston. In honor of his generosity, the School is named
for Perkins.
The Washingtonians, an organization with the central tenant
that 'social camaraderie was sufficient to sustain sobriety,' enlist recovering
alcoholics as missionaries to individuals with drinking disorders, thus
pioneering the notion of service as a tool of self-help.
Dorothea Dix crusades for asylum reform.
Day nurseries began in Boston for low-income working wives
and widows of merchant
seamen. Day care
"was founded as a social service to alleviate the child care problems of
parents who had to work, and to prevent young children from suicidal acts from
thinking of being unloved ."
In 1840 there were only eight
asylums for the insane in the U.S. Dorothea Dix investigates the care provided to insane
people. She ultimately is responsible for establishing 41 state hospitals and
the federal St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, DC. Dorothea
Dix’s crusading led to establishment or enlargement of 32 mental hospitals, and transfer of the
mentally ill from poorhouses and jails. Dorothea
Dix begins her work on behalf of people with disabilities
incarcerated in jails and poorhouses. A Boston schoolteacher, Dorothea Dix
(1802-1887), made humane care a public and a political concern in the United
States. In 1841, Dix visited a local prison to teach Sunday school and was
shocked at the conditions for the inmates. She subsequently became very
interested in prison conditions and later expanded her crusade to include the
poor and mentally ill people all over the country. She spoke to many state
legislatures about the horrible sights (people were being housed in county
jails, private homes and the basements of public buildings) she had witnessed
at the prisons and called for reform. From 1841 to 1881, Dix fought for new
laws and greater government funding to improve the treatment of people with
mental disorders and personally helped establish 32 state hospitals that were
to offer moral treatment. In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Lynde Dix was
influential in changing conditions in institutions in New England. In 1881, at
40th anniversary of the Medico-Psychological Association at University College,
Daniel Tuke, the president, paid respect to her “who has a claim to the gratitude
of mankind for having consecrated the best years of her life to the fearless
advocacy of the cause of the insane.”
In Mettray, north of the city of Tours, France a private
reformatory, the Mettray Penal Colony, without walls, was opened by penal reformer
Frédéric-Auguste Demetz in 1840 for the rehabilitation of young males aged
between 6 and 21. At that time children and teenagers were routinely imprisoned
with adults. Boys who were mostly deprived, disadvantaged or adandoned
children, many of whom had committed only Summary offences or petty crime, were housed.
Their heads were shaved, they wore uniforms, and up to age 12 spent most of the
day studying arithmetic, writing and reading. Older boys had one hour of
classes, with the rest of the day spent working. Reformatory
Schools were modelled on Mettray, and the Borstal system,
established in 1905, separated adolescents from adult prisoners. In the twentieth century Mettray became the
focus for Michel
Foucault because of its various systems and expressions of power and
led Foucault to suggest that Mettray began the descent into modern penal
theories and their inherent power structures.
The first attempt to measure the extent of mental illness
and mental retardation in the United States occurred with the U.S. Census of
1840. The census included the category ‘insane and idiotic.’ The census used
the single category of "idiocy/insanity." The 1840 census revealed
dramatically increased rates of insanity among free blacks. African-American
physician James McCune Smith challenged the findings of the 1840 census, which
was frequently used by pro-slavery writers to confirm that enslavement was
beneficial to slaves. Dr. Smith wrote, “Freedom has not made us ‘mad.’ It has
strengthened our minds by throwing us upon our own resources.” Former slaves
were also incarcerated because they played a role in providing cheap labor to
staff psychiatric hospitals. The Georgia Lunatic Asylum, which would come to be
known as the largest lunatic asylum in the world, was operated exclusively by
slave labor from 1841–1847, when the first white attendants were hired. The
slave attendants and help-patients were a critical adjunct to hospital staff.
Mercein vs. People said the moment a child is born it (owes
allegiance to the government) of the country of its birth and is entitled to
the protection of that government and the powers of parents pass from the
parents to the government of the United States.
Orester Brownson said, “A system of education may as well be
a religion established by law.”
Labor yards were beginning to be established for the
Margaret Fuller was an acclaimed United States writer who
pushed for civic awareness in women’s rights and social reform. Fuller wrote
influential book reviews and reports on social issues such as the treatment of
women prisoners and the insane. Fuller's "Woman in the Nineteenth
Century" is the earliest and most American exploration of women's role in
society. Overall, she emphasized that
women should learn “self-dependence” because too often they are taught to
depend on others (particularly men in marriage) for their well-being.
In England, Harriet Martineau published
Women's Rights and Duties, considered with Relation to their Influence on
Society and on her Condition.(Anon.)
In England, Judge
upholds a man's right to lock up his wife and beat her 'in moderation'.
In England, Sydney
Owenson Morgan published Woman and her Master, 2 volumes.
Anti-Slavery Convention held in London. Accredited female delegates from the
USA excluded from taking part on grounds of their sex.
Abolitionists Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton attend, but they are
barred from participating in the meeting. This snub leads them to decide to
hold a women's rights convention when they return to America.
Esdaile, resident in Calcutta, uses hypnosis for anesthesia in operations
performed on his patients.
Dix, a schoolteacher forced to retire due to her bouts of
tuberculousis, begins her work on behalf of people with disabilities
incarcerated in jails and poorhouses. She has all of them labeled as mentally
ill rather than troubled or troublemakers. A Boston schoolteacher, Dorothea Dix
(1802-1887), made humane care a public and a political concern in the United
States. In 1841 Dix visited a local prison to teach Sunday school and was
shocked at the conditions for the inmates. She subsequently became very
interested in prison conditions and later expanded her crusade to include the
poor and mentally ill people all over the country. She spoke to many state
legislatures about the horrible sights (people were being housed in county
jails, private homes and the basements of public buildings) she had witnessed
at the prisons and called for reform. Dix fought for new laws and greater
government funding to improve the treatment of people with mental disorders
from 1841 until 1881, and personally helped establish 32 state hospitals that
were to offer moral treatment. In the mid-nineteenth century Dorothea Lynde Dix
was influential in changing conditions in institutions in New England, and in
1881 at 40th anniversary of the Medico-Psychological Association at University College, Daniel Tuke, the
president, paid respect to her 'who has a claim to the gratitude of mankind for
having consecrated the best years of her life to the fearless advocacy of the
cause of the insane'. U.S. reformer Dorothea Dix
observes that mentally ill people in Massachusetts, both men and women and all
ages, are incarcerated with criminals and left unclothed and in darkness and
without heat or bathrooms. Many are chained and beaten. Over the next 40 years,
Dix will lobby to establish 32 state hospitals for the mentally ill. On a tour
of Europe in 1854-56, she convinces Pope Pius IX to examine how cruelly the
mentally ill are treated.
“The Madhouse System” by Richard Paternoster.
The American Annals of the Deaf begins publication at the
American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut.
What became
the Royal College of Psychiatrists,
then known as the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals
for the Insane, was founded in England, receiving a royal charter in 1926.
In England,
Governesses' Benevolent Institution founded.
In England, Mother
Marian Rebecca Hughes of Oxford became the first woman to take the religious
vows in the Church of England since the Reformation.
In England, Lady
Rolle became the first woman governor of Bridewell and Bethlem Royal Hospitals.
In England, Mrs
John Mylne published Woman and Her Social Position in the Westminster Gazette.
“A Sketch of the Life of Elizabeth T. Stone, and of Her
Persecution, with an Appendix of Her Treatment and Sufferings While in the
Charleston McLean Asylum Where She was Confined Under the Pretence of
Insanity.” Boston: Author; Elizabeth Stone.
“Scene in a Private Mad-House.” Asylum Journal. 1(1): 1 by
Charles Dickens visits the Perkins School for the Blind in
Boston and enthusiastically praises Howe's work with Laura Bridgman in his
book, American Notes. Years later, Kate Adams Keller reads Dickens' book and
realizes there is hope that her six-year-old daughter, Helen - deafblind since
age 19 months, can be educated.
Massachusetts limits children to working 10 hours per day.
Several states follow suit, but do not consistently enforce their laws.
Robert Hartley and associates organize the New
York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, which later merges
with the Charity Organization Society of New York to form the present Community
Service Society.
In England, Ashley's
Mines and Collieries Act. Women and children were excluded from the mines, as a
result within two years 1,000 Staffordshire women had lost their jobs.
In England, Louis
Aime-Martin published The Education of Mothers of Families; or, The
Civilisation of the Human Race by Women.
In England, The
Rev. Benjamin Parsons published The Mental and Moral Dignity of Woman.
“Remarks by Elizabeth T. Stone, upon the Statements Made by
H.B. Skinner, in the Pulpit of the Hamilton Chapel, on Sunday Afternoon, 18th
of June 1843, in Reference to What She Had Stated Concerning His Being Chaplain
in the Charlestown McLean Asylum: and Also a Further Relation on Her Suffering
While Confined in That
Place for 16 months and 20 days.”
Boston: Author; Elizabeth Stone.
There were approximately 24 hospitals–totaling only 2,561
beds–available for treating mental illness in the United States.
James Braid, Scottish surgeon begins use of hypnotic
trance as a form of anesthesia. Coined the term hypnosis, derived from the
Greek hypnos, meaning sleep.
Horace Mann
helped to clean the streets of beggars, vagrants, and gypsies through his
efforts at journalism.
A call for popular education came from the authorities of
industry, clergy professionals, and scientists in order to further this goal.
Oregon territorial government adopts laws for care of the
mentally ill.
In England, Association
for the Aid of Milliners and Dressmakers founded.
In England, Marion
Reid published (as Mrs Hugo Reid) A Plea for Woman, being a Vindication of the
Importance and Extent of her Natural Sphere of Action.
Founding of the American
Psychiatric Association (APA). At a meeting in 1844 in Philadelphia, 13
superintendents and organizers of insane asylums and hospitals formed the
Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane
(AMSAII). The group included Thomas Kirkbride, creator of the asylum model
which was used throughout the United States. At the meeting they passed the
first proposition of the new organization: "It is the unanimous sense of
this convention that the attempt to abandon entirely the use of all means of
personal restraint is not sanctioned by the true interests of the insane."
The name of the organization was changed in 1892 to The American
Medico-Psychological Association to allow assistant physicians working in
mental hospitals to become members. In 1921, the name was changed to the
present American Psychiatric Association. The APA emblem, dating to 1890,
became more officially adopted from that year. It was a round medallion with a
purported facial likeness of Benjamin Rush and 13 stars over his head to
represent the 13 founders of the organization. The outer ring contains the words
"American Psychiatric Association 1844,” Rush's name and an M.D. The
Association was Incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1927. The
Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane
included among its tenets:
• Insanity is a disease to which
everyone is liable.
• Properly and promptly treated,
it is about as curable as most other serious diseases.
• In the majority of cases it is
better and more successfully treated in well-organized institutions than at
• Overcrowding is an evil of
serious magnitude.
• The insane should never be kept
in penal institutions.
June 12, 1844
Pageant: John
Clare's The Nightingale
Drapery clerk George Williams organizes the first Young
Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in London.
In England, Factory
Act (women and children).
In England, Ann
Richelieu Lamb published Can Woman Regenerate Society?
The origin of the notion that the state's parens patriae
power, the power to protect the patient's own safety or that of others,
justifies involuntary commitment came in the Massachusetts' Supreme Judicial
Court's decision in In re Josiah Oakes, 8 Law Rep. 123 (1845), on a habeas
corpus petition filed on behalf of an elderly Massachusetts resident who was
committed to a private psychiatric facility on his parent's application after
he married a young woman of "unsavory character" a few days after his
wife's death. This is the case most cited by modern courts and writers as the
foundation for involuntary treatment.
Alleged Lunatics' Friends Society organized by former mental
patients in England. This organization
is seen as the forerunner of present day advocacy groups. The group lasted until 1863. July 1, 1845,
John Thomas Perceval’s petition presented to the House of Commons. July 7, 1845
the Alleged Lunatics Friend Society was formed. (Gault, H. 2010, p.190)
The “Lunacy
Act” is passed concerning running good hospitals. The Lunacy Act
1845 and the County Asylums Act 1845 were passed in
England and Wales, leading to the setting up of the Lunacy
Earlier in the year, 5,000 women
cotton mill workers in and around Pittsburgh go on strike for a 10-hour day and
an end to child labor. Months into the strike, hundreds marched on the
Blackstock Mill, one of the largest in the area. The women broke down the
factory's gates and forcibly expelled the scabs, while the men who accompanied
them kept the police at bay.
Sweden passes an Inheritance Law that gives women and men
equal inheritance rights.
In England, Margaret
Fuller published Woman in the Nineteenth Century.
The Great Irish Famines mark the destruction of potato crops
and people become paupers by the droves and subsequently fled to America
seeking opportunity.
John Augustus,
a shoemaker in Boston, gives up his work as a shoemaker to devote time to
taking people on probation from the courts; from 1841 to 1858, Augustus took
1,152 men and 794 women on probation.
“The Lily of the West: On Human Nature, Education, the Mind,
Insanity, with Ten Letters as a Sequel to the Alphabet; the Conquest of Man,
Early Days; a Farewell to My Native Home, the Song of the Chieftain's Daughter,
Tree of Liberty, and the Beauties of Nature and Art,” by G. Grimes, an Inmate
of the Lunatic Asylum of Tennessee. Nashville. Grimes, Green.
“A Secret Worth Knowing: A Treatise on the Most Important
Secret in the World: Simply to say, Insanity, by G. Grimes, an Inmate of the
Lunatic Asylum of Tennessee.” Nashville: Nashville Union, Grimes, Green.
Annals of the Deaf began publication at the American School for the Deaf in
In England, Anna
Jameson published 'Woman's Mission' and 'Woman's Position ' On the Relative
Social Position of Mothers and Governesses.
In England, Mary
Ann Evans (George Eliot) published translation of Strauss's Das Leben Jesu (Life
of Jesus).
In England, Eliza
Lynn Linton, an anti-feminist (!) became the first salaried woman journalist in
Britain, working for the Morning Chronicle.
“Thirty-Two Years of the Life of an Adventurer” New York: by
Drake, John H.
“A Secret Worth Knowing: A Treatise on Insanity, the Only
Work of the Kind in the United States or, Perhaps in the Known World: Founded
on General Observation and Truth,” by G. Grimes, an Inmate of the Lunatic
Asylum of Tennessee. New York: W. H. Graham. Grimes, Green.
“Best interest of the Child” test, which is not suppose to
be seen as unregulated, but governed as far as the case will admit, by fixed
rules and principles.
In England, the Juvenile Offenders Act allowed children
under the age of fourteen to be tried summarily before two magistrates,
speeding up the process of trial for children, and removing it from the
publicity of the higher courts. The age limit was raised to sixteen in 1850.
In England, Ann Knight, an elderly Quaker, published the first leaflet that
advocated votes for
women .
In England, (also in 1850) Factory Acts (women and children restricted to 10 1/2
hour day).
In England, Chloroform first used in childbirth.
The first residential institution for people with mental
retardation is founded by Samuel Gridley Howe at the Perkins Institution in
Boston. During the next century, hundreds of thousands of developmentally
disabled children and adults will be institutionalized, many for their entire
lives. Samuel Gridley Howe told the
Massachusetts legislature, “There are at least a thousand persons of this class
who not only contribute nothing to the common stock, but who are ravenous consumers, who are idle and often
mischievous, and who are dead weight upon the prosperity of the state.”
After much campaigning by American Dorothea Dix, New
Jersey built a humane hospital for the insane. Over 30 states followed its
Pennsylvania establishes the first minimum wage law in the
United States.
The Communist Manifesto, published by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels, influences worker demands in the United States for labor and
social welfare reforms.
The Adoption
Act passed and “Psychological Parenthood” was accepted.
Russia fell to the socialist revolution or communism.
“Illustrations of Insanity Furnished by the Letters and
Writings of the Insane.” American Journal of Insanity. 4: 290-308 by Anonymous.
Phineas Gage, a Vermont railwayman, was an affable person until an incident in 1848. While blasting rock, an iron bar embedded itself in the front part of Phineas Gage's brain. Phineas Gage suffered brain damage when an iron pole pierces his brain. His personality was changed but his intellect remained intact suggesting that an area of the brain plays a role in personality. He survived the operation to remove it, though his personality changed radically. He became irreverent, profane, rude and impatient, all contrary to his nature before the accident. The 25 year old was blasting the ground prior to laying train tracks. This technique involved putting explosive powder with a fuse into a hole, covering the hole with sand and lighting the fuse. Unfortunately, Gage accidentally tamped the powder into the hole before sand was poured in. When the powder was struck with the tamping rod, it ignited. The blast drove the rod through Gage’s head. The inch-thick shaft entered through his left cheekbone and left eye and exited through his skull. Gage survived the accident and within 2 months he could walk, talk and was generally aware of his surroundings. However, his once affable personality had been replaced by less desirable qualities and characteristics such as lying, excessive use of abusive language and non-dependability. He was no longer recognised as the same man: ‘The equilibrium … between his intellectual faculties and animal propensities seems to have been destroyed’, according to Harlow, a physician from Boston, 1868. Gage eventually died from epilepsy 13 years after the incident and his skull was donated to medical research. Upon examination, it was found that the change in personality was a result of severe damage to the frontal lobes of the brain. Early theories concerning Gage’s sudden change in behaviour were not readily accepted. There was scepticism at the time about whether the brain could govern human behaviour. More recently, neurologists have returned to the case to ascertain the full extent of the damage to his brain. It appears that the frontal lobes necessary for language and motor function were unaffected whilst the underside of the frontal lobes were heavily damaged, causing the anti-social behaviour. This phenomenon has also been detected in present day cases of people suffering from tumours, accidents or neurosurgery. The case of Phineas Gage was the first to be publicised that demonstrated a biological basis for behaviour. It therefore became an early explanation for abnormal behaviour and mental illness - a seminal case in the detection and causes of medical illness.
In England, the Alleged
Lunatics' Friend Society campaigned for sweeping reforms to the
asylum system and abuses of the moral treatment approach. In the United States,
Three hundred people attend the first women's rights
convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Among the attendees are Amelia Bloomer,
Charlotte Woodward, and Frederick Douglas. Lucretia Mott's husband James
presides. Stanton authors the Declaration of Sentiments, which sets the agenda
for decades of women's activism. A larger meeting follows in Rochester.
Lucretia Mott (January 3, 1793-November 11, 1880) was an American Quaker
abolitionist, women’s rights activist and social reformer. She helped organize
women’s abolitionist societies, since anti-slavery organizations would not
admit women as members. In 1840, she attended the World’s Anti-Slavery
Convention in London, where she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton. From their
conversations, sparked the idea of creating a mass meeting to address women’s
rights. In 1848, they called the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca
Falls, New York with the help of her sister, Martha Coffin Wright, and others.
She devoted her life advocating for equal economic opportunity, school and
prison reform and supported women’s equal political status, including
In England, First college for women founded by Rev. F.D. Maurice. Queen's College , Harley
Street, London, established for governesses.
In England, Joseph Hume MP moved a resolution in parliament to give votes to women .
“Five Months in the New York State Lunatic Asylum, by an
Inmate.” Buffalo: L. Danforth by Anonymous
psychiatrist John Charles Bucknill used electrical stimulation of the skin and
potassium oxide to treat asylum patients with melancholic depression.
Electrical stimulation became widespread during the late nineteenth century,
but safety concerns reduced its use.
On 23
January 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell (3 February 1821 – 31
May 1910) became the
first woman to achieve a medical degree in the United States.
Emily Blackwell (October
8, 1826 – September 7, 1910), born in Bristol, England, was the second woman to
earn a medical degree at what is now Case Western Reserve University, and the
third openly identified woman to earn a medical degree in the United States.
Inspired by the example of her older sister, Elizabeth, Emily studied medicine,
earning her degree in 1854. In 1857 the Blackwell sisters and Marie Zakrzewska
established the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children. In 1832 the
family emigrated to the US, and in 1837 settled near Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1857
the Blackwell sisters and Marie Zakrzewska established the New York Infirmary
for Indigent Women and Children. From the beginning Emily took responsibility
for management of the infirmary and in large part for the raising of funds. For
the next forty years Emily managed the infirmary, overseeing surgery, nursing,
and bookkeeping. Emily traveled to Albany to convince the legislature to
provide the hospital with funds that would ensure long-term financial
stability. She transformed an institution housed in a rented, sixteen-room house
into a fully-fledged hospital. By 1874 the infirmary served over 7,000 patients
annually. During the American Civil War Blackwell helped organize the Women's
Central Association of Relief, which selected and trained nurses for service in
the war. Emily and Elizabeth Blackwell and Mary Livermore also played an
important role in the development of the United States Sanitary Commission.
After the war, in 1868 the Blackwell sisters established the Women's Medical
College in New York City. Emily became professor of obstetrics and, in 1869,
when Elizabeth moved to London to help form the London School of Medicine for
Women, became dean of the college. In 1876 it became a three-year institution,
and in 1893 it became a four-year college, ahead of much of the profession. By
1899 the college had trained 364 women doctors. From 1883, Blackwell lived with
her partner Elizabeth Cushier, who also served as a doctor at the infirmary.
Blackwell and Cushier retired at the turn of the century. After traveling
abroad for a year and a half, they spent the next winters at their home in
Montclair, New Jersey and summers in Maine. Blackwell died on September 7, 1910
in York Cliffs, Maine, a few months after her sister Elizabeth's death in
“Mr. Dyce
Sombre's Refutation of the Charge of Lunacy Brought Against Him in the Court of
Chancer.” Paris by Dvee Sombre.
In England, Bedford
College for Women founded.
The first
school for "idiotic and feebleminded" youths is incorporated in
“The Ohio
Lunatic Asylum.” The Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology.
3: 456-90, by Anonymous.
Massachusetts legislature grants property rights to women.
The 1850 census, the first reliable enumeration of mentally
ill persons in the United States, counted 4,730 insane persons in the total
population of 23,261,000
In the
1850s, Superintendent of Eastern State Lunatic Asylum in Virginia, John Minson
Galt, II suggested a day-patient approach similar to the town of Geel
(present-day Germany), where patients went into town and interacted
with the community during the day and returned to the hospital at night to
sleep. The Court of Directors rejected this proposal. The idea was a century
ahead of its time and re-emerged as deinstitutionalization in the 1900s.
However, Dr. Galt did carry out an experiment with deinstitutionalization in
Williamsburg that lasted for a decade. Convalescing patients who behaved well
and had good self-control (approximately half of the 280 patients at the time),
had the freedom of the town at all times during the day. The townspeople were
also encouraged to visit and socialize with patients still confined to the
hospital grounds. Many of these changes were a part of a new era called
"moral management," brought about due to a change in social
perception of mental illness.
The first mandated reform schools, taught “respect for
authority, self-control, and discipline.” They spoke of reform schools in
phrases such as, “Here is real home.” They took the kids to reform schools and
then adopted them out before parents could get them back.
In 1800 there were only eight institutions for abused and
neglected children in the U.S. By 1850, there are ninety institutions for
abused and neglected children in the U.S.
The number of children aged 15 years and younger in Irish
Workhouses reaches its historic high, at 115,639.
In England, Emily Shirreff and Maria G. Grey published Thoughts on Self-Culture:
Addressed to Women.
In England, S. Margaret Fuller published Woman in the Nineteenth Century.
In England, North London
Collegiate School founded by Frances Buss.
In his article, “Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro
Race,” Dr. Samuel Cartwright, a prominent Louisiana physician and one of the
leading authorities in his time on the medical care of Negroes, identified two
mental disorders peculiar to slaves. Drapetomia,
or the disease causing Negroes to run away, was noted as a condition, “unknown
to our medical authorities, although its diagnostic symptom, the absconding
from service, is well known to our planters and overseers.” Dr. Cartwright
observed, “The cause in most cases, that induces the Negro to run away from
service, is such a disease of the mind as in any other species of alienation,
and much more curable, as a general rule.”
Dr. Cartwright was so helpful as to identify preventive measures for
dealing with potential cases of drapetomania. Slaves showing incipient drapetomania,
reflected in sulky and dissatisfied behavior should be whipped —- strictly as a
therapeutic early intervention. Planter and overseers were encouraged to
utilize whipping as the primary intervention once the disease had progressed to
the stage of actually running away. Overall, Cartwright suggested that Negroes
should be kept in a submissive state and treated like children, with “care,
kindness, attention and humanity, to prevent and cure them from running away.” Dr. Cartwright also diagnosed Dysaethesia Aethiopica, or “hebetude of
the mind and obtuse sensibility of the body -— a disease peculiar to Negroes
called by overseers —- Rascality.” Dysaethesia Aethiopica differed from other
species of mental disease since physical signs and lesions accompanied it. The
ever-resourceful Dr.Cartwright determined that whipping could also cure this
disorder. Of course, one wonders if the whipping were not the cause of the
“lesions” that confirmed the diagnosis. Not surprisingly, Dr. Cartwright was a
leading thinker in the pro-slavery movement. Dr.Cartwright, in his article
“Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race,” chided his anti-slavery
colleagues by noting, “The northern physicians and people have noticed the
symptoms, but not the disease from which they spring. They ignorantly attribute
the symptoms to the debasing influence of slavery on the mind without
considering that those who have never been in slavery, or their fathers before
them, are the most afflicted, and the latest from the slave-holding south the
least. The disease is the natural offspring of Negro liberty —- the liberty to
be idle, to wallow in filth, and to indulge in improper food and drinks.”Dysaethesia Aethiopica was a
mental illness described by Dr. Cartwright that proposed a theory for the cause
of laziness among slaves. Today, dysaesthesia aethiopica is considered an
example of pseudoscience and part of the edifice of scientific racism.
Hospital (formerly Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum) was a psychiatric hospital in
Colney Hatch in what is now the London Borough of Barnet. The hospital was
built as the Second Middlesex County Asylum and was in operation from 1851 to
1993. At the time of construction, the asylum had 1250 beds and was the largest
and most modern asylum in Europe. At its height Colney Hatch was home to 3500
mental patients and had the longest corridor in Britain (It would take a
visitor more than two hours to walk the wards). For much of the 20th century,
its name was synonymous among Londoners with any mental institution.
Truth delivers her "Ain't I a Woman?" speech at a women's rights
convention in Akron, Ohio.
Sojourner Truth
(1797-1883): Ain't I A Woman?
very moving piece from abolitionist, women's rights proponent, and former slave
Sojourner Truth that was originally delivered in 1851. Yep, before the Civil
War, before the right to vote for anybody but white men ... THAT 1851.
Delivered 1851
Women's Convention, Akron, Ohio
Well, children, where there
is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt
the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights,
the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking
That man over there says
that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to
have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over
mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look
at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man
could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a
man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I
have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I
cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?
Then they talk about this
thing in the head; what's this they call it? [member of audience whispers,
"intellect"] That's it, honey. What's that got to do with women's
rights or negroes' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a
quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?
Then that little man in
black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ
wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come
from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.
If the first woman God ever
made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women
together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And
now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.
Obliged to you for hearing
me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.
The YMCA is founded in North America (Montreal).
Hopkins Gallaudet died on September 10.
Traveler's Aid (now Traveler's Aid International)
is founded by Bryan Mullanphy in St. Louis, Missouri.
In Ohio’s
Constitution of 1851, there is a section stating, Institutions for the
benefit of the insane, blind, deaf and dumb shall always be fostered and
supported by the state.
The second National Woman's Rights Convention is held in Worcester,
Massachusetts; celebrities new to the list of endorsers include educator Horace
Mann, New York Tribune columnist Elizabeth Oakes Smith, and
Reverend Harry Ward Beecher, one of the nation's most popular preachers.
Lucretia Mott presides. Westminster Review publishes John Stuart Mill's
article, "On the Enfranchisement of Women." Mill later admits that
the piece is the work of his companion, Harriet Hardy Taylor.
“Autobiography of the Rev. William Walford.” London by
William Walford.
“Astounding Disclosures! Three Years in a Mad House, by a
Victim. A True Account of the Barbarous, Inhuman and Cruel Treatment of Isaac
H. Hunt, in the Maine Insane Hospital, in the Years 1844, '45, '46 and '47, by
Drs. Isaac Ray, James Bates, and Their Assistants and Attendants.” Skowhegan:
The Author. Hunt, Isaac H.
“The Opal Volume 1.”
New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum. Edited by the “Patients.” The Opal (1851–1860) was a
ten volume Journal produced by patients of Utica State
Lunatic Asylum in New York, which has been viewed in part as an
early liberation movement.
Massachusetts passed the first modern adoption law,
recognizing adoption as a social and legal operation based on child welfare
rather than adult interests. The Adoption of Children Act was an important
turning point that directed judges to ensure that adoption decrees were “fit
and proper.” How this determination was
to be made was left entirely to judicial discretion.
Nathanial Hawthorne’s book, "The Scarlet Letter,"
came out. This was a moral book about an unwed mother trying to raise her
child, cast out of society to live in the woods as punishment for her sins of
moral impropriety; the surprise was the child’s father was the priest.
In England, Mrs
J.S. Mill (nee Harriet Taylor) published The Enfranchisement of Women in the
Westminster Review.
In England, Women's Suffrage Petition
presented to the House of Lords.
“Startling Facts from the Census,” was published in the
American Journal of Insanity. It argued
that slavery kept blacks well, because there was a higher incidence of insanity
in Blacks in the North than the South.
“Insanity Among the Colored Population of the Free States”
by Dr. Jarvis. Jarvis writes to
“disabuse any readers mind” of the information released in “startling facts
from the census”. Jarvis' investigation
into the Census actually created what is now called the “modern census” as he
found the statistics were largely unreliable.
Dayton State Hospital Athens
State Hospital
Cleveland State Hospital Columbus
State Hospital
In 1852, the Ohio
legislature approved the expansion of the Columbus Asylum. State hospitals were
established in Cleveland and Dayton in 1855 and in Athens in 1874. Many
psychiatric hospitals built during this period in Ohio and other states
followed the Kirkbride architectural style. Thomas S. Kirkbride, one of the
founders of the American Psychiatric Association, was an authority on construction,
organization and general arrangement of psychiatric hospitals. He felt that the
most economical type of construction involved a center hall for offices,
employee living areas, a church and recreation facilities. Off both sides of
the center were a series of wings that stepped back progressively. New patients
were placed on wards farthest from the center. As their conditions improved,
patients were moved closer to the center hall. Hence, the term, back ward,
which referred to areas where patients with the most intractable illnesses
physician Bénédict Augustin Morel published Traite des
Maladies Mentales (2 vols.); the 2nd ed. (1860) coined the term
"dementia praecox" (demence precoce) for patients suffering from
"stupor" (melancholia). In 1857 he published Traité des
Dégénérescences, promoting an understanding of mental illness
based upon the theory of Degeneration, which became one of the most
influential concepts in psychiatry for the rest of the century.
“A Letter
from a Patient.” The Opal – A monthly Periodical of the State Lunatic Asylum,
Devoted to Usefulness. 2: 245-246.
Anonymous. “The Opal Volume 2.” New
York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum. Edited by the “Patients.”
Disclosures! Three Years in a Mad House, by a Victim. Contains Also: A Short
Account of Miss Elizabeth T. Stone in the McLean Asylum at Somerville, Mass.
and a Short Account of the Burning of the Maine Asylum, Dec. 4th, 1850.”
Skowhegan: The Author: Hunt, Isaac H.
The first forced public education began in Massachusetts
Newspaper editor Clara Howard Nichols addresses the Vermont
Senate on the topic of women's property rights, a major issue for the
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.
In England, Anna
Jameson published Legends of the Madonna, as presented in the fine arts.
In England, Florence
Nightingale wrote the book Cassandra that highlights the problems of women’s entitlement to education - she
decided not to publish the book.
In England, G.H.
Lewes published The Lady Novelists.
In England, Publication
of Man's Duties to Woman. (Anon.)
In England, Judge
rules that a man may not force his wife to live with him.
The Children's Aid Society of New York, the
first child placement agency separate from an institutional program, is founded
by the Reverend Charles Loring Brace.
On April 20,
1853 Harriet Tubman began her work on the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman
is perhaps the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad’s “conductors.”
During a ten-year span she made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300
enslaved Africans to freedom. She never lost a single passenger. "I freed
a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they
were slaves."
Invention of the hypodermic syringe; its use to inject
morphine to reduce pain rapidly became widespread during the Civil War.
Dorothea Dix is credited for the creation of the first
public mental hospital in Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
“Passages from the History of a Wasted Life.” Boston: Benj.
B. Mussey. Middle-Aged Man [pseud.].
“The Opal Volume 3.”
New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum. Edited by the “Patients.”
Charles Loring Brace founded the Children's
Aid Society to take in children living on the streets.’
On the occasion of the World's Fair in New York City, suffragists
hold a meeting in the Broadway Tabernacle. It will go down in history as
"The Mob Convention," marred by "hissing, yelling, stamping, and
all manner of unseemly interruptions."
The World's Temperance Convention is held, also in New York City. Women
delegates, including Rev. Antoinette Brown and Susan B. Anthony, are not
allowed to speak.
In England, Margaretta
Grey published A Lady Must Not Work.
In England,
Aggravated Assaults Act passed, to increase penalties for wife beating.
In England, Queen
Victoria given chloroform during childbirth.
In England, J.J.S.
Wharton M.A. published An Expostion of the Laws relating to the Women of
England, showing their Rights, Remedies and Responsibilities in every position
in life.
Dorthea Dix's (born April 4, 1802) diligent work in the 1840's for the
humane treatment of people identified as “mentally ill,” convinces many states
to construct special institutions for the “mentally ill.” “Man is not made
better by being degraded.” A bill that authorized grants of public land to
establish hospitals for insane people and that was initiated by Dorothea Dix
and passed unanimously by Congress is vetoed by President Franklin Pierce. The
rationale for the veto is that the general welfare clause in the U.S.
Constitution reserves such care to the states, not to the federal government,
an interpretation that establishes federal welfare policy until the Social
Security Act of 1935. Legislation was passed at the federal level to provide
aid to the states for these mental institutions. President Franklin Pierce felt that it was the states responsibility to
ensure the social welfare, not the federal government. He vetoed the Indigent Insane Bill. This was
one example of the controversy of who has responsibility, state or federal
government. This bill would have provided a grant of land for “the relief and
support of indigent, curable and incurable insane.” Its passage by Congress was
the culmination of more than six years of intense work by Dix and her allies in
trying to provide asylums that would emphasize “moral treatment” approaches to
mental illness. President Pierce, in his veto message, said, “If Congress has
the power to make provisions for the indigent insane, the whole field of public
beneficence is thrown open to the care and culture of the federal government. I
readily acknowledge the duty incumbent on us all to provide for those who, in
the mysterious order of providence, are subject to want and to disease of body
or mind, but I cannot find any authority in the Constitution that makes the
federal government the great almoner of public charity throughout the United
“A Chapter from Real Life. By a Recovered Patient.” The Opal
– A monthly Periodical of the State Lunatic Asylum, Devoted to Usefulness. 4:
48-50. Anonymous. “The Opal Volume 4.”
New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum. Edited by the “Patients.”
“Letters of a Lunatic: A Brief Exposition of My University
Life During the Years 1853-1854.” New York: The Author. Adler, George J.
The New
England Gallaudet Association of the Deaf is founded in Montpelier, Vermont.
State Hospital and Infirmary was established in 1854 on a 250 acre farm, as one
of three state almshouses needed to help care for the unprecedented influx of
immigrants into Massachusetts at that time. The almshouses were
the Commonwealth's first venture into caring for the poor, a duty which had
previously been carried out by the cities and towns. Opened on May 1, 1854 with
a capacity for 500, the almshouse population grew to 668 by the end of the
first week, and to over 800 by May 20th. By December 2, 1854, 2,193
"paupers" had been admitted. Nearly 90% of these listed European
countries as their birthplace. The almshouse
reported having 14 employees at that time, and was spending 94.5 cents per week
per resident. The most famous patient in the almshouse during the 19th century
was Anne Sullivan,
who later became the tutor and companion of Helen Keller.
Anne Sullivan spent most of her early life at the almshouse (her alcoholic
father left her and her brother there) before being transferred to the Perkins School for the Blind, now located
in Watertown, Massachusetts where she was
valedictorian of her class. Her brother died due to a hip problem at a young
age, while in the almshouse. At age 20 Sullivan left the school in Watertown to
go to Helen Keller's home in Alabama. One of the buildings on today's Tewksbury Hospital
Campus is named for Ms. Sullivan. Reflecting its changing mission, the
Tewksbury Almshouse became Tewksbury State Hospital in 1900, the Massachusetts
State Infirmary in 1909, and Tewksbury State Hospital and Infirmary in 1938.
Over the years, facilities were added for treating tuberculosis
and other contagious diseases such as smallpox,
venereal diseases and typhoid fever. Meanwhile it continued to serve as a last
resort for many patients in need of shelter and supervised care, especially
during the late 1920s and 1930s.
Massachusetts legislature grants property rights to women.
The first day nursery in the United States opens in New York
In 1854 Charles
Loring Brace led the Children's Aid Society to start the Orphan
Train with stops across the West,
where they were adopted and often given work.
In Reformatory Schools in England, Mary Carpenter's research
and lobbying contributed to the Youthful
Offenders Act 1854 and the Reformatory
Schools (Scotland) Act 1854. These enabled voluntary schools to be
certified as efficient by the Inspector of Prisons, and allowed courts to send
them convicted juvenile offenders under 16 for a period of 2 to 5 years,
instead of prison. Parents were required to contribute to the cost. Carpenter's
1851 publication Reformatory Schools for
the Children of the Perishing and Dangerous Classes and for Juvenile Offenders
was the first to coin the term 'Dangerous Classes' with respect to the lower
classes, and the perceived propensity to criminality, of poor people.
In England, Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon published A Brief Summary in Plain Language of the
Most Important Laws Concerning Women, together with a few Observations thereon.
The first Federal facility, Government Hospital for the
Insane opened in Washington, D.C. It was renamed St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in
Prominent suffragists Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell marry;
they eliminate the vow of obedience from the ceremony and include a protest
against unfair marriage laws.
The first Young Men's Hebrew Association is organized in
Baltimore. The YMCA is organized in Boston by retired sea captain Thomas C.
“Life in the
Asylum.” The Opal – A monthly Periodical of the State Lunatic Asylum, Devoted
to Usefulness. 5: 4-6. Anonymous, New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum. Edited
by the “Patients.”
“Letters to the People on Health and Happiness.” New York: Harper and Brothers. Beecher,
“Two Years and Three Months in the New York Lunatic Asylum
at Utica.” Syracuse: Published by the Author. Davis, Phebe B.
“Scenes from the Life of a Sufferer: Being the Narrative of
a Residence in Morningside Asylum.” Edinburgh. by Anonymous
In England, Mrs
Henry Davies Pochin published (under pseudonym Justitia) The Right of Women to
the Exercise of the Elective Franchise.
In England, George
Eliot published Margaret Fuller and Mary Wollstonecraft.
In England, A
woman was appointed as an overseer of the poor at Undermillbeck, Westmoreland.
In England, Stephen
Fullom published The History of Woman, And her Connexion with Religion,
Civilization, and Domestic Manners, from the earliest period (denounced by
George Eliot).
In England, Mrs
Jameson published Sisters of Charity, Catholic and Protestant, Abroad and at
The Opal Volume 6 New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum.
Edited by the “Patients.”
In England, Mrs
Jameson published The Communion of Labour, a Second Lecture on the Social
Employments of Women.
In England, Margaret
Maria Brewster published Work, Plenty to Do and How to Do It. (Edinburgh.)
In England, Bessie Rayner
Parkes published Remarks on the Education of Girls.
In England,
Caroline Frances Cornwallis published The Property of Married Women.
In England,
Emily Shirreff published Intellectual Education, and its influence on the
Character and Happiness of Women.
In England,
Petition for women to retain their property upon marriage was presented.
Organised by Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon andBessie Rayner
Parkes , its 26,000 signatories included Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
Jane Carlyle (wife of Thomas), Harriet Martineau and Elizabeth Gaskell.
The Opal Volume 7 New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum.
Edited by the “Patients.”
The Supreme Court rules on the Dred Scott case, deciding
that Dred Scott was still a slave, even though he was in free territory. The
court also declares that no African American’s were citizens of the United
States, which also meant they could not sue in a federal court. This decision
also denied the power of Congress to restrict slavery in any federal territory.
The decision sharpened the national debate over slavery. James Buchanan is
President. He took office at a time of
great division and uproar over slavery. The nation was headed toward civil war,
and he could not avert it. Buchanan personally opposed slavery, but as a public
official he felt bound to sustain it where sanctioned by law. What some
considered vacillation was an expression of three fundamental convictions: (1)
that only by compromise between the parts could a federal republic survive; (2)
that citizens had to obey the law even when they thought it unjust; and (3)
that questions of morality could not be settled by political action. Despite
the secession movement, he succeeded in preventing hostilities between North
and South, and he turned over to Lincoln a nation at peace with eight slave
states still in the Union.
A Massachusetts court is the first to recognize the spousal
rape exemption. The court in Commonwealth
v. Fogerty, relies solely on Lord Hale's statement (1500's) in recognizing
in dictum that marriage to the victim was a defense to rape.
In England, the Industrial
Schools Act 1857 allowed magistrates to send disorderly children to
a residential industrial school, resolving the problems of juvenile
delinquency by removing poor and neglected children from their home
environment into a boarding school. An 1876 Act led to non-residential day
schools of a similar kind. In 1986 Professor Sir Leon Radzinowitz noted the
practice of Economic
conscription, where, ‘there was a network of 208 schools: 43
reformatories, 132 industrial schools, 21 day industrial schools and 12 truant
schools’ by the eve of the First World War, alongside a negligible education
system for the poor.
In England, Association
for the Promotion of the Employment of Women established.
In England, Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon published Women and Work.
In England,
Caroline Frances Cornwallis published Capabilities and Disabilities of Women.
In England,
Elizabeth Strutt published The Feminine Soul, its Nature and Attributes.
In England,
Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act passed, by which divorce and separation became
available to women. Previously, each divorce needed a separate Act of
In England,
Ladies' Sanitary Association founded.
In England,
Matrimonial Causes Act (legally separated wife given right to keep what she
earns; man may divorce wife for adultery, whereas wife must prove adultery
aggravated by cruelty or desertion).
In England,
Englishwoman's Journal started by Bessie Rayner
Parkes and Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon . It later became the Englishwoman's Review.
Henry Knight cut the
ribbon on the first institution for Undesirables in Connecticut stating, “Being
consumers and not producers, they
are a great pecuniary burden in the state.”
Medical Registration Act of 1858 which brought together
physicians, apothecaries and surgeons and also controlled who went into the
medical profession. An Act to Regulate the Qualifications of Practitioners in
Medicine and Surgery was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which
created the General Medical Council to regulate doctors in the UK, set up
register of doctors who had to pass prescribed exams. Describing its purpose,
the Act notes that "it is expedient that Persons requiring Medical Aid
should be enabled to distinguish qualified from unqualified
Practitioners". The Act creates the position of Registrar of the General
Medical Council — an office still in existence today — whose duty is to keep
up-to-date records of those registered to practice medicine and to make them
publicly available. The Act has now been almost entirely repealed. The current
law governing medical regulation is the Medical Act 1983. It stated that under
the Poor Law system Boards of Guardians could only employ those qualified in
medicine and surgery as Poor Law Doctors. Under a clause in the Act that recognized
doctors with foreign degrees practising in Britain, Elizabeth Blackwell was
able to become the first woman to have her name entered on the Medical Register
(1 January 1859).
Clerc retired from teaching at age 73. Louis Laurent Marie Clerc (26 December
1785 – 18 July 1869) was called "The Apostle of the Deaf in America"
by generations of American deaf people. He was taught by Abbe Sicard, at the
famous school for the Deaf in Paris, Institution Nationale des Sourds-Muets.
With Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, he co-founded the first school for the deaf in
North America, the Hartford Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the
Deaf and Dumb on April 15, 1817 in the old Bennet's City Hotel, Hartford,
Connecticut. The school was subsequently renamed the American School for the
Deaf and in 1821 moved to its present site. The school remains the oldest
existing school for the deaf in North America. Born December 26, 1785 in La
Balme-les-Grottes, Isère, a village on the northeastern edge of Lyon to
Joseph-François Clerc and Marie-Élisabeth Candy in the small village of La
Balme where his father was the mayor, Laurent Clerc's home was a typical
bourgeois household. When he was a year old, Clerc, while momentarily
unattended, fell from a chair into the hearth, suffering a blow to the head and
sustaining a permanent scar on the right side of his face below his ear.
Clerc's family believed his deafness and inability to smell were caused by this
accident, but Clerc later wrote that he was not certain and that he may have
been born deaf and without the ability to smell or taste. The facial scar was
later the basis for his name sign, the "U" hand shape stroked twice
downward along the right cheek. Clerc's name sign would become the best known
and most recognizable name sign in American deaf history and Clerc became the
most renowned deaf person in American history. Clerc attended the famous school
for the Deaf in Paris and was taught by Abbe Sicard. Clerc eventually became a
teacher there. In 1815 he traveled to England to give a lecture and there first
met Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. Gallaudet was invited to visit the school in
Paris, where, in 1816, he invited Clerc to accompany him to The United States
to establish the first permanent school for the Deaf (American School for the
Deaf) in Hartford, CT. "Every creature, every work of God, is admirably
well made; but if any one appears imperfect in our eyes, it does not belong to
us to criticise it. Perhaps that which we do not find right in its kind, turns
to our advantage, without our being able to perceive it. Let us look at the
state of the heavens, one while the sun shines, another time it does not
appear; now the weather is fine; again it is unpleasant; one day is hot,
another is cold; another time it is rainy, snowy or cloudy; every thing is
variable and inconstant. Let us look at the surface of the earth: here the
ground is flat; there it is hilly and mountainous; in other places it is sandy;
in others it is barren; and elsewhere it is productive. Let us, in thought, go
into an orchard or forest. What do we see? Trees high or low, large or small,
upright or crooked, fruitful or unfruitful. Let us look at the birds of the
air, and at the fishes of the sea, nothing resembles another thing. Let us look
at the beasts. We see among the same kinds some of different forms, of
different dimensions, domestic or wild, harmless or ferocious, useful or
useless, pleasing or hideous. Some are bred for men's sakes; some for their own
pleasures and amusements; some are of no use to us. There are faults in their
organization as well as in that of men. Those who are acquainted with the
veterinary art, know this well; but as for us who have not made a study of this
science, we seem not to discover or remark these faults. Let us now come to
ourselves. Our intellectual faculties as well as our corporeal organization
have their imperfections. There are faculties both of the mind and heart, which
education improve; there are others which it does not correct. I class in this
number, idiotism, imbecility, dulness. But nothing can correct the infirmities
of the bodily organization, such as deafness, blindness, lameness, palsy,
crookedness, ugliness. The sight of a beautiful person does not make another so
likewise, a blind person does not render another blind. Why then should a deaf
person make others so also? Why are we Deaf and Dumb? Is it from the difference
of our ears? But our ears are like yours; is it that there may be some
infirmity? But they are as well organized as yours. Why then are we Deaf and
Dumb? I do not know, as you do not know why there are infirmities in your
bodies, nor why there are among the human kind, white, black, red and yellow
men. The Deaf and Dumb are everywhere, in Asia, in Africa, as well as in Europe
and America. They existed before you spoke of them and before you saw
them." – Laurent Clerc, 1818.
The Opal Volume 8 New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum.
Edited by the “Patients.”
In England, The
first swimming bath for ladies was opened, at Marylebone.
In England, Henry
Thomas Buckle published The Influence of Women on the Progress of Knowledge, a
Discourse delivered to the Royal Institution, 19th March 1858. (Pub. Leipzig.)
Darwin published the On the Origin of Species, detailing his view of evolution
and expanding on the theory of ‘Survival of the fittest.’ The Origin of Species,
published by Charles Darwin, sets forth the theory of evolution, which provides
a scientific approach to the understanding of plant and animal development. Charles Darwin’s
“Origin of Species” led to a pessimistic feeling that insanity, instead of
being concerned with the will and moral management was a hereditary
incapacity, leading to reduced concern for the unfortunate, and a feeling that
the mad ought to be locked up.
The Opal
Volume 9 New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum. Edited by the “Patients.”
Josef Breuer
published Traite
Clinique et Therapeutique de L'Hysterie.
In England,
Harriet Martineau published Female Industry.
In England, Isaac
Reeve published The Intellect of Woman not Naturally Inferior to that of Man.
3rd edition.
In England, Society for the Employment of Women founded.
In England, The
North East Lancashire Amalgamated Society was formed and accepted male and
female mill workers.
“The travels and experiences of Miss Phebe B. Davis, of
Barnard, Windsor County, VT, being a sequel to her two years and three months
in the N.Y. state lunatic asylum at Utica, N.Y.” by Davis, Phebe. B.
psychiatrist Benedict Morel described the case of a 13-year-old boy, formerly
an excellent pupil, who lost interest in school, became withdrawn, seclusive,
quiet, and seemed to forget everything he had learned. He spoke often of
killing his father. Morel called this mental deterioriation demence precoce,
generally associated with old age. German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin later
adopted the term dementia praecox to refer to conditions in which mental
deterioration began early in life.
The Braille system was introduced to America and was taught
with some success at the St. Louis School for the Blind. Simon Pollak
demonstrates the use of braille at the Missouri School for the Blind.
The Gaffaudet Guide and Deaf Mutes' Companion becomes the
first publication in the United States aimed at a disabled readership.
The University of Iowa became the first state university to
admit women on an equal basis with men. They were also the first public U.S.
university to grant a law degree to a woman (Mary B. Hickey Wilkinson, 1873),
to grant a law degree to an African American (G. Alexander Clark, 1879), and to
put an African American on a varsity athletic squad (Frank Kinney Holbrook,
By 1860, twenty states had laws limiting abortion
“Seven Months in the Kingston Lunatic Asylum, and What I Saw
There,” by Ann Pratt.
In England, First
admission of women students to the Royal Academy (Miss Herford).
In England, Institution
for the Employment of Needlewomen founded.
In England, Law
copying office for women opened.
In England, Victoria Printing Press established.
The Civil War. Suffrage efforts nearly come to a complete
halt as women put their enfranchisement aside and pitch in for the war effort.
27 million Americans, 8,500 are hospitalized in psychiatric institutions.
The American Civil War (1861 - 1865) creates thousands of
amputees, 30,000 amputations in the Union Army alone. The first amputee of the
war was a young Confederate soldier in Churchville, Virginia.
The U.S. Sanitary Commission, a forerunner of
the American Red Cross, is established by the Secretary of War to encourage
women's volunteer service during the Civil War.
Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton – “Could the
dark secrets of those insane asylums be brought to light...we would be shocked
to know the countless number of rebellious wives, sisters and daughters that
are thus annually sacrificed to false customs and conventionalisms and
barbarous laws made by men for women.”
John Stuart Mill writes The Subjection of Women, but waits 8
years to publish it because he did not think the public was ready to accept his
essay. He pleads for Parliament to reform the divorce laws to allow women to
divorce on the grounds of violence and cruelty.
During 1861, the Civil war that freed the slaves also gave
Americans great lessons on how to produce things that our country had to have
based on mass consumption even if the quality of them was often inferior.
American Veterans worked to assist the newly freed slaves. Some slaves were
considered mentally ill just for trying to run away. (Drapetomania)
Helen Adams
Keller is born In Tuscumbia, Alabama.
“The American Godhead: or, the Constitution of the United
States Cast Down by Northern Slavery, or by the Power of Insane Hospitals.”
Boston: The Author: Stone, Elizabeth.
“The Opal Volume 10,” New York: Utica State Lunatic Asylum.
Edited by the “Patients.”
Dr. J. C. Hawthorne opens a private “insane asylum” in
Harriet Ann Jacobs, who was born into slavery in 1813, wrote
one of the earliest autobiographical accounts of life as female slave. Jacobs
published “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” which included descriptions
of the sexual abuse endured by female slaves, in 1861.
physician Paul Broca discovered an area in the left frontal lobe that plays a
key role in language development.
In England,
My Life and What Shall I Do With It? a Question for Young Gentlewomen, by an
Old Maid (Miss March Phillips.)
In England,
Offences Against the Person Act reduced the penalty for abortion from execution
to life imprisonment.
In England,
Lectures in physiology opened to ladies at University College.
In England,
Offences Against the Persons Act made abortion a statutory offence. It
confirmed the age of consent as 12, and made carnal knowledge of a girl under
ten a felony and of a girl ten to twelve a misdemeanour.
“Statement of Mrs. Lydia B. Denny, Wife of Reuben S. Denny,
of Boston, in Regard to Her Alleged Insanity.”
n.p. Denny, Lydia B.
The Veterans Reserve Corps is formed by the U.S. Army. After
the war, many of its members join the Freedman's Bureau to work with recently
emancipated slaves.
On December
6, 1862 President Lincoln refused to pardon the 38 Santee Sioux people
sentenced to hang for protecting their land during the Dakota War of 1862. In
early December, 303 Sioux prisoners were convicted of murder and rape by
military tribunals and sentenced to death. Some trials lasted less than 5
minutes. No one explained the proceedings to the defendants, nor were the Sioux
represented by a defense in court. President Lincoln personally reviewed the
trial records to distinguish between those who had engaged in warfare against
the U.S., versus those who had committed crimes of rape and murder against
civilians. The Army executed the 38 remaining prisoners by hanging on December
26, 1862, in Mankato, Minnesota. It remains the largest mass execution in
American history.
Congress passed the Homestead Act giving the Indians land to
the settlers.
Freedmen's Aid Societies are established in the North to
send teachers and relief supplies to former slaves in the South.
The Port Royal Experiment, a precursor to the Freedmen's
Bureau, is begun. It is a presidentially authorized but voluntarily funded
relief and rehabilitation program to relieve the destitution of 10,000 slaves
who have been abandoned on island plantations.
Mary Jane
Patterson became the first African-American woman to receive a BA degree when
she graduated from Oberlin College. Patterson went on to teach in Ohio,
Pennsylvania, and eventually settled in Washington DC. She served as principal
of the Preparatory High School for Colored Youth (now known as Dunbar High
School) in DC during the 1870s—she was the school’s first African-American
U.S. women
take the places of men in factories, arsenals, bakeries, retail shops, and
government offices as the military draft creates severe labor shortages
In England,
First voyage of Miss Rye to Australia; start of her system of emigration.
In England, Ladies
Negro Emancipation Society founded.
In England, New
Church Order of Deaconesses founded.
In England, Social
Science Congress in London; many women took part.
Church was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on September23, 1863. Both her parents,
Robert Church and Louisa Ayers, were both former slaves. Robert was the son of
his white master, Charles Church.
During the
Memphis race riots in 1866 Mary's father was shot in the head and left for
dead. He survived the attack and eventually became a successful businessman. He
speculated in the property market and was considered to be the wealthiest black
man in the South.
Mary was
an outstanding student and after graduating from Oberlin College, Ohio, in
1884, she taught at a black secondary school in Washington and at Wilberforce
College in Ohio. Through her father, Mary met Frederick Douglass and Booker T.
Washington. She was especially close to Douglass and worked with him on several
civil rights campaigns.
After a
two year travelling and studying in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and
England (1888-1890), Mary returned to the United States where she married
Robert Heberton Terrell, a lawyer who was later to become the first black
municipal court judge in Washington.
In 1892
Church's friend, Tom Moss, a grocer from Memphis, was lynched by a white mob.
Church and Frederick Douglass had a meeting with Benjamin Harrison concerning
this case but the president was unwilling to make a public statement condemning
Church was
an active member of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and was
particularly concerned about ensuring the organization continued to fight for
black women getting the vote. With Josephine Ruffin she formed the Federation
of Afro-American Women and in 1896 she co- founded the National Association of
Colored Women with Harriet Tubman and became the first president of the newly
formed association.
She said
this about the National Association of Colored Women,
the National Association of Colored Women, which was formed by the union of two
large organizations in July, 1896, and which is now the only national body
among colored women, much good has been done in the past, and more will be
accomplished in the future, we hope."
In 1904
Church was invited to speak at the Berlin International Congress of Women. She
was the only black woman at the conference and determined to make a good
impression she created a sensation when she gave her speech in German, French
and English.
During the
First World War Church and her daughter, Phillis Terrell joined Alice Paul and
Lucy Burns of the Congressional Union for Women Suffrage (CUWS) in picketing
the White House. She was particularly upset when in one demonstration outside
of the White House, leaders of the party asked the black suffragist, Ida
Wells-Barnett, not to march with other members. It was feared that
identification with black civil rights would lose the support of white women in
the South. Despite pressure from people like Mary White Ovington, leaders of
the CUWS refused to publicly state that she endorsed black female suffrage.
In 1909
Church joined with Mary White Ovington to form the National Association for the
Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP). The first meeting of the NAACP was held
on 12th February, 1909. Early members included Josephine Ruffin, Jane Addams,
Inez Milholland, William Du Bois, Charles Darrow, Charles Edward Russell,
Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker, and Ida Wells-Barnett.
wrote several books including her autobiography, A Colored Woman in a White
World (1940). In the early 1950s she was involved in the struggle against
segregation in public eating places in Washington. Mary Church Terrell died in
Annapolis on 24th July, 1954.
The New York Catholic Protectory is established. It
eventually becomes the largest single institution for children in the country.
The first State Board of Charities is established in
Massachusetts to supervise the administration of state charitable, medical, and
penal institutions.
In England, Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon published Of those who are the property of others,
and of the great power that holds others as property.
In England, Queen's
Institute founded in Dublin, for the industrial training of women.
“The Monomaniac, or Shirley Hall Asylum.” New York: James G.
Gregory. Gilbert, William.
New York State Inebriate Asylum - first treatment center -
based on belief that treatment had to be coerced. Commitments to Inebriate Asylums common
"until the patient is cured."
The U.S. Congress authorized the Columbus Institution for
the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind to confer college degrees,
and President Abraham Lincoln signed the bill into law on April 8. Edward Miner
Gallaudet was made president of the entire corporation, including the college.
It was the first college in the world established for people with disabilities,
and is now known as Gallaudet
University. The enabling act giving the Columbia Institution for the
Deaf and Dumb and Blind the authority to confer college degrees is signed by
President Abraham Lincoln, making it the first college in the world expressly
established for people with disabilities. A year later, the institution's blind
students are transferred to the Maryland Institution at Baltimore, leaving the Columbia
Institution with a student body made up entirely of deaf students. The institution would eventually be renamed
Gallaudet College, and then Gallaudet University.
Exposure on Board the Atlantic and Pacific Car of the Emancipation for the
Slaves of Old Columbia…or, Christianity and Calvinism Compared, with an Appeal
to the Government to Emancipate the Slaves of the Marriage of the Union.” Chicago: Author Packard, Elizabeth Parsons
In England,
First Contagious Diseases Act passed (women living in certain garrison towns
liable to be declared prostitutes and forcibly examined for venereal disease).
The opponents of the CD Acts were against them for these reasons: •They applied
only to women and not to men, even though men also had VD •Diagnosis was often
uncertain and syphilis was incurable, in any case •The medical examination was
carried out by men, was extremely painful and humiliating, and left many women
traumatised for life •The medical examination could (and did) destroy a woman's
virginity and could (and did) cause miscarriages •No other British citizens
were forced into and locked in hospitals for any other contagious disease •No
other British citizen could be imprisoned for committing no offence (habeus
corpus) •The Acts created a 'class' of women sanctioned by the government to be
used by men for sex •Anyone with a grudge against any woman could report her as
being a prostitute and have her examined •Women who had nothing to do with
prostitution could (and were) falsely accused, ruining their reputations •Women
who had nothing to do with prostitution could (and were) forcibly examined •A
special branch of plain-clothed police were used to spy on women •Any woman who
happened to be out of doors after dusk, going about her normal business, could
be (and was) accused •It amounted to the state regulation of prostitution, a
national disgrace •Prostitution was not inevitable, it arose from lack of money
and lack of education and career opportunities for women •Prostitution was male
abuse of females, against the wishes of God, and immoral: Supporters of the
Acts argued that: •Men could not be examined, because they objected to it
•Prostitution cannot be prevented, so you might as well just provide clean
women for men to use •If a woman is innocent, she has nothing to fear from
being medically examined •The scheme was already operating in India and Malta
•The defence of the realm was at stake because so many fighting men had VD
In England,
Female Medical and Obstetrical Society founded.
In England, Working
Women's College founded at Queen's Square.
In England, Alexandra Magazine published
for four monthly editions.
“Great Disclosure of Spiritual Wickedness!! In High Places
with an Appeal to the Government to Protect the Inalienable Rights of Married
Women.” Boston: Author. Packard, Elizabeth Parsons Ware.
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated; he was focused on Civil
The Freedmen's
Bureau was formed. The Freedmen's Bureau (Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and
Abandoned Lands) is founded as a joint effort of the federal government with
private and philanthropic organizations. The bureau provides food, clothing,
and shelter for freedmen and refugees; administers justice to protect the
rights of black men; protects freedmen and refugees from physical violence and
fraud; and provides education.
Slavery is abolished by the 13th amendment,
which is ratified on December 6.
Memorial Day
was started by former slaves on May, 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257
dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison
camp years earlier. They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting
for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black
children where they marched, sang and celebrated. Note the “Bellamy Salute.”
(See Francis Bellamy, 1892) The 1868
celebration was inspired by local observances that had taken place in various
locations in the three years since the end of the Civil War. In fact, several
cities claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day, including Columbus,
Mississippi; Macon, Georgia; Richmond, Virginia; Boalsburg, Pennsylvania; and
Carbondale, Illinois. In 1966, the federal government, under the direction of
President Lyndon B. Johnson, declared Waterloo, New York, the official
birthplace of Memorial Day. They chose Waterloo--which had first celebrated the
day on May 5, 1866--because the town had made Memorial Day an annual,
community-wide event, during which businesses closed and residents decorated
the graves of soldiers with flowers and flags. Decoration Day was observed by
many towns beginning back in 1861, the gathering spoken of here was the first
nationally publicized event specifically because it was observed by former
slaves. The Executive Order of Commander-in-Chief General Logan made it an
officially recognized day of observance and it became a National Holiday under
House Concurrent Resolution 587 in 1866.
The Klu Klux
Klan was formed. They believed in European white supremacy and enforced their
beliefs with violence.
wearing the Medal of Honor
Dr. Mary
Edwards Walker (1832 – 1919) is recorded as the first female surgeon in the
United States (Wirtzfeld, 2009). Her practice failed, evidently, because she
refused to change her last name to that of her husband, Dr. Albert Miller. She
became an army surgeon in 1863 and received the Congressional Medal of Honor
for her service in the Civil War. In 1917, Congress revoked it. She refused to
give it back and took it to her grave in 1919. At the beginning of the American
Civil War, she volunteered for the Union Army as a civilian. At first, she was
only allowed to practice as a nurse, as the U.S. Army had no female surgeons.
During this period, she served at the First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas), July
21, 1861 and at the Patent Office Hospital in Washington, D.C. She worked as an
unpaid field surgeon near the Union front lines, including the Battle of
Fredericksburg and in Chattanooga after the Battle of Chickamauga. As a
suffragette, she was happy to see women serving as soldiers and alerted the
press to the case of Frances Hook (a woman who disguised herself as a man to
serve in the war) in Ward 2 of the Chattanooga hospital. In September 1862
Walker wrote to the War Department requesting employment on Secret Service to
spy on the enemy, but the offer was declined. Finally, she was employed as a
"Contract Acting Assistant Surgeon (civilian)" by the Army of the
Cumberland in September 1863, becoming the first-ever female surgeon employed
by the U.S. Army. Walker was later appointed assistant surgeon of the 52nd Ohio
Infantry. During this service, she frequently crossed battle lines, treating
civilians. On April 10, 1864 she was captured by Confederate troops and
arrested as a spy, just after she finished helping a confederate doctor perform
an amputation. She was sent to Castle Thunder in Richmond, Virginia and remained
there until August 12, 1864 when she was released as part of a prisoner
exchange. She went on to serve during the Battle of Atlanta and later as
supervisor of a female prison in Louisville, Kentucky, and head of an orphanage
in Tennessee. After the war, she became a writer and lecturer, supporting such
issues as health care, temperance, women's rights and dress reform for women.
She was frequently arrested for wearing masculine styled clothing and insisted
on her right to wear clothing that she thought appropriate. She wrote two books
that discussed women's rights and dress. She participated for several years
with other leaders in the women's suffrage movement, including Susan B. Anthony
and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The initial stance of the movement, taking Dr.
Walker's lead, was to say that women already had the right to vote, and
Congress need only enact enabling legislation. After a number of fruitless
years working at this, the movement took the new tack of working for a
Constitutional amendment. This was diametrically opposed to Mary Walker's
position, and she fell out of favor with the movement. She continued to attend
conventions of the suffrage movement and distribute her own brand of
literature, but was virtually ignored by the rest of the movement. Her penchant
for wearing male-style clothing, including a top hat, only exacerbated the
situation. She received a more positive reception in England than in the United
States. After the war, Walker was recommended for the Medal of Honor by
Generals William Tecumseh Sherman and George Henry Thomas. On November 11,
1865, President Andrew Johnson signed a bill to present her the medal.
Citation: "Whereas it appears from official reports that Dr. Mary E.
Walker, a graduate of medicine, "has rendered valuable service to the
Government, and her efforts have been earnest and untiring in a variety of
ways," and that she was assigned to duty and served as an assistant
surgeon in charge of female prisoners at Louisville, Ky., upon the
recommendation of Major-Generals Sherman and Thomas, and faithfully served as
contract surgeon in the service of the United States, and has devoted herself
with much patriotic zeal to the sick and wounded soldiers, both in the field
and hospitals, to the detriment of her own health, and has also endured
hardships as a prisoner of war four months in a Southern prison while acting as
contract surgeon; and Whereas by reason of her not being a commissioned officer
in the military service, a brevet or honorary rank cannot, under existing laws,
be conferred upon her; and Whereas in the opinion of the President an honorable
recognition of her services and sufferings should be made. It is ordered, That
a testimonial thereof shall be hereby made and given to the said Dr. Mary E.
Walker, and that the usual medal of honor for meritorious services be given
her." In 1917, the U.S. Congress created a pension act for Medal of Honor
recipients and in doing so created separate Army and Navy Medal of Honor Rolls.
Only the Army decided to review eligibility for inclusion on the Army Medal of
Honor Roll. The 1917 Medal of Honor Board deleted 911 names from the Army Medal
of Honor Roll including that of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker and William F.
"Buffalo Bill" Cody. None of the 911 recipients were ordered to return
their medals although on the question of whether the recipients could continue
to wear their medals the Judge Advocate General advised the Medal of Honor
Board that there was no obligation on the Army to police the matter. Walker
continued to wear her medal until her death. Walker died on February 21, 1919,
from natural causes at the age of 86 and is buried in Rural Cemetery Oswego,
New York. She had a plain funeral, but an American flag was draped over her
casket and she was buried in her black suit instead of a dress. Her death in
1919 came one year before the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution which guaranteed women the right to vote. President Jimmy
Carter restored her medal posthumously in 1977.
In England, Elizabeth
Garrett received her medical diploma from the Apothecaries' Hall.
In England,
John Ruskin spoke out against women's suffrage.
In England,
John Malcolm Ludlow published Woman's Work in the Church. Historical Notes on
Deaconesses and Sisterhoods.
In England, Bessie Rayner
Parkes published Essays on Women's Work. Dedicated to Mrs Jameson.
Alfred Meyer (1866-1950) believed in living medicine, seeing
the patient in his own world. His wife became what was later called a social
worker, visiting Meyer's patients to learn more about their home backgrounds.
Rather than seeing disturbance as a result of brain pathology he saw it as a
reaction or maladjustment involving the total person. He helped to change the
hospital's approach from custody to active therapy, and stressed the importance
of unhurried conversations with patients.
The first
municipal Board of Health is created by the New York Metropolitan Health Law.
The Young
Women's Christian Association (YWCA), which originated in England in 1855, is
founded in Boston by Grace Dodge. The YWCA establishes the first boarding house
for female students, teachers, and factory workers in 1860 and the first child
care facility in 1864. It initiates a history of "firsts" for helping
“Marital Power Exemplified in Mrs. Packard's Trial and
Self-Defense from the Charge of Insanity; or, Three Years Imprisonment for
Religious Belief, by the Arbitrary Will of a Husband, with an Appeal to the
Government to so Change the Laws as to Afford Legal Protection to Married
Women.” Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood, Packard, Elizabeth Parsons Ware
The Eleventh National Women's Rights Convention, the first
since the beginning of the Civil War, is held in New York City. Lucretia Mott
presides over a merger between suffragists and the American Anti-Slavery
Association: the new group is called the American Equal Rights Association.
The American Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is a non-profit
organization dedicated to preventing cruelty towards animals.
Based in New York City
since its inception in 1866, the organization's mission is "to provide
effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United
States." This organization was a partner in the creation of the American
Humane Association in 1877 for the protection of children, pets and farm
animals from abuse and neglect. The American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals is formed. It predates the founding of the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children, established in 1875. Both predate any
organization aimed at preventing cruelty to women.
In England, Suffrage
societies started in Edinburgh, London and Manchester.
In England, Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon published Reasons for the Enfranchisement of Women.
In England, Emily
Davies published The Higher Education of Women.
In England, Lydia
Becker published Female Suffrage. (Reprinted from the Contemporary Review.)
In England, T.
Chisholm Anstey Esq. published On Some Supposed Constitutional Restraints on
the Parliamentary Franchise.
In England, Second
CD Act
In England, Charlotte
Carmichael Stopes published her essay Strong-Mindedness.
In England, First
petition for the suffrage, signed by 1,499 eminent women, presented by John
Stuart Mill. Signatories included Florence Nightingale and Mary Somerville.
In England, Isaac
Baker Brown performed many clitoridectomies at his 50 bed private clinic in
London. Eventually he was expelled from the Obstetrical Society.
From the
late 1860s until the 1970s, several American cities had ugly laws making
it illegal for persons with "unsightly or disgusting" disabilities to
appear in public. Some of these laws were called unsightly beggar ordinances.
The first appearance of the ordinance seems to date to 1867 in San Francisco, California. The ordinance seems to have been welcomed
particularly from the 1880s on in Western and particularly Midwestern cities
with strong, networked cultures of reform, towns bound to each other and the
rest of the nation by railroad ties. Its zone extended eastward, too. The state
of Pennsylvania passed a state version of
the law in the early 1890s. Some New Yorkers,
inspired by Pennsylvania, made an unsuccessful attempt to get a city ordinance
passed in 1895. The most commonly cited ugly law is that of the "City of
Chicago Ordinance, 1911." The Chicago Municipal Code, sec. 36034 included
an ordinance that provided: No person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated or in
any way deformed so as to be an unsightly or disgusting object or improper
person to be allowed in or on the public ways or other public places in this
city, or shall therein or thereon expose himself to public view, under a
penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each
offense. Many states' ugly laws were not repealed until the mid-1970s. Chicago
was the last to repeal its ugly law as late as 1974. Columbus,
Ohio: General Offense Code, sec. 2387.04. Omaha, Nebraska:
Unsightly Beggar Ordinance Nebraska Municipal Code of 1941, sec. 25.
Punishments for being caught in public ranged from incarceration
to fines of up to $50 for each offense.
“Life in a Lunatic Asylum: An Autobiographical
Sketch.” London by Anonymous.
The state of Ohio authorizes county homes for children.
Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell, Clarina Nichols, and others
travel to Kansas to agitate for women's suffrage. After months of campaigning,
suffragists are defeated on the fall ballot.
A man in North Carolina is acquitted of giving his wife
three licks with a switch about the size of one of his fingers, but smaller
than his thumb. The reviewing appellate court later upheld the acquittal on the
grounds that the court should "not interfere with family government in
trifling cases."
At the American Equal Rights Association annual meeting,
opinions divide sharply on supporting the enfranchisement of black men before
In England, Ninon
Kingsford published The Admission of Women to the Parliamentary Franchise.
In England, Professor
F.W. Newman published Old England - Women's Right of Suffrage.
In England,
Lydia Becker founded the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage.
In England, Helen Taylor published The
Claims of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Considerered. (Reprinted from the
Westminster Review.)
In England,
John Stuart Mill's speech in the House of Commons for votes for women .
In England, Reform
Act extended the vote to most working-class male householders.
Mrs. Elizabeth Packard, (1816-1897) one of North America's
first ex-insane asylum inmate activists, confined from 1860-63 in Illinois
State Hospital for the Insane in Jacksonville, Illinois, published the first of
several books and pamphlets in which she detailed her forced commitment by her
husband in the Jacksonville (Illinois) insane Asylum.
Elizabeth Packard, founder
of the Anti-Insane Asylum Society, published a series of books and pamphlets
describing her experiences in the Illinois insane asylum to which her husband
had had her committed. Elizabeth
Packard was locked up in a state insane asylum in Illinois from 1860 - 1863
because she disagreed with some of her husband's religious views, had different
ideas than he did about how to raise their children, and also because she
opposed slavery while he was in favor of it. For daring to have such opinions,
she spent three years confined as a madwoman.
In a series of publications and numerous public speeches,
she recounted what happened to her and why laws and conditions in asylums
needed to be changed. Some reports credit her years of work to getting 21-34
laws changed across the United States around these and related matters dealing
with inmates' rights. She also visited asylum inmates in various states to
offer her personal support. The American Bar Association, in a 1968 report,
said that Elizabeth Packard was responsible for changes to commitment laws in
Illinois, Iowa and Massachusetts and other states as well.
She was crucial to raising public consciousness in North
America about the treatment of asylum inmates during the second half of the
nineteenth century.
Some publications by Elizabeth Parsons Ware Packard:
* Barbara
Sapinsley, “The Private War of Mrs. Packard”. New York: Paragon House, 1991.
* 'Elizabeth
Parsons Ware Packard' in “Women of the Asylum: Voices from behind the Walls,
1840-1945”, edited by J. Geller and M. Harris. New York: Anchor Books, 1994:
pages 58-68.
“Before I entered an insane asylum and learned its hidden
life from the standpoint of the patient, I had not supposed that the inmates
were outlaws, in the sense that the law did not protect them in any of their
inalienable rights.” – Elizabeth Packard
She also founded the Anti-Insane Asylum Society in Illinois
in 1868 (which apparently never became a viable organization) based on
her experience of commitment in an Illinois Asylum. Her husband committed her because her
religious beliefs were different than her,
Psychiatric News December 7, 2001
Volume 36
Number 23
© 2001
American Psychiatric Association
p. 40
Pioneer for
Patients’ Rights
By Lucy
Ozarin, M.D.
While Dorothea
Dix was pleading with state legislators in the mid-19th century to establish
asylums for the mentally ill, Elizabeth Packard was engaged in a nationwide
campaign to protect to the inmates of those asylums.
Packard, the wife of a Presbyterian clergyman in Monteno, Ill., and mother of
six children, was summarily committed in 1860 to the asylum in Jacksonville,
Ill. At that time, Illinois law stated that “married women with infants who in
judgment of the medical superintendents of the state asylums are evidently
insane or distracted may be detained at the request of the husband or guardian
without the evidence of insanity required in other cases.”
Packard remained in the asylum for three years. She claimed her husband put her
there because her liberal theological views differed from his Calvinist
theology. She finally obtained a hearing before the asylum trustees, who
ordered the asylum superintendent to return her to her husband. He subsequently
locked her up in their home.
that her husband was planning to have her committed to the Northhampton asylum
in her native Massachusetts, Mrs. Packard smuggled a note to a friend who
obtained a writ of habeus corpus from a local judge, and a jury trial over the
issue followed. She was declared sane and then moved to her father’s house in
Massachusetts, where she began a campaign against what she termed excesses of
the asylums.
published three books, which had extensive circulation and sales. (Copies of
the books are in the APA Library Rare Books Room.)
The title
page of the first book, published in 1866, reads: “Marital Power Exemplified in
Mrs. Packard’s Trial and Self Deferral from the Charge of Insanity or Three
Years Imprisonment for Religious Belief by the Arbitrary Will of a Husband with
an Appeal to the Government to Change the Laws as to Afford Protection to
Married Women.”
The second
book, which was published in 1868, was titled The Prisoner’s Hidden Life or
Insane Asylums Unveiled as Demonstrated by the Investigating Committee of the
Legislature of Illinois Together with Mrs. Packard Coadjutor’s Testimony.
The third
book, which came out in 1869, Modern Persecution or Insane Asylums Unveiled,
recounted the experiences of patients whom Mrs. Packard met while she was in
the asylum.
succeeded in arousing considerable public interest, Mrs. Packard fought for
laws that would protect women’s rights regarding commitment, and she also
championed a personal liberty bill, which the Illinois legislature passed in
1869. That law required a jury trial for before a person could be committed to
an asylum, and it remained in effect for 25 years. Iowa enacted a similar law
in 1872, and the Massachusetts legislature also took similar steps to safeguard
the rights of patients.
Packard’s campaign helped to mobilize sufficient public interest and support so
that in 1880, a group of influential citizens and social reformers organized
the National Society for the Protection of the Insane and the Prevention of
Insanity. The society disbanded in 1886. Albert Deutsch, in his book The
Mentally Ill in America, cites the unremitting antagonism of the National
Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane
(forerunner of the American Psychiatric Association) as helping bring about the
demise of the organization.
A long,
unsigned editorial in the October 1869 issue of the American Journal of
Insanity (now the American Journal of Psychiatry), presumably written by the
editor, Dr. John Gray, superintendent of the Utica (N.Y.) State Hospital,
begins, “For the last two or three years, the state of Illinois has been
singularly under the influence of a handsome and talkative crazy woman and of a
Legislature prompted by her to be crazy on at least one point,” and “an
attractive person and a double-springed tongue gave force and persuasion to the
direful romance of this fascinating woman, and she was successful enough, by
her feminine arts, to bewitch a whole legislature.”
Dr. Gray
portrayed Mrs. Packard as a crazy but fascinating (sexy?) woman, but perhaps
she was an early feminist seeking the rights of women in a male-dominated
society. Whichever was the case, she was quite successful.
On June 18,
1860, Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons Ware Packard was abducted on her husband’s orders
and taken to the insane asylum in Jacksonville, Illinois, where she spent the
next three years. After she was released, she wrote profusely. In one volume,
Modern Persecution or Insane Asylums Unveiled, she detailed her experiences
during that time. For the first four months of my prison life, Dr. McFarland
treated me himself, and caused me to be treated with all the respect of a hotel
boarder, so far as lay in his power. As to medical treatment, I received none
at all, either from himself, or his subordinates. And the same may be said with
equal truth, of all the inmates. This is the general rule; those few cases
where they receive any kind of medical treatment, are the exceptions. 0A little
ale occasionally is the principal part of the medical treatment which these
patients receive, unless his medical treatment consists in the “laying on of
hands,” for this treatment is almost universally bestowed. But the manner in
which this was practiced, varied very much in different cases. For the first
four months the Doctor “laid his hands” very gently upon me, except that the
pressure of my hand in his was sometimes quite perceptible, and sometimes, as I
thought, longer continued than this healing process demanded! …But after these
four months he laid his hands upon me in a different manner, and as I then
thought and still do think, far too violently. There was no mistaking the
character of these grips—no duplicity after this period, rendered this modern
mode of treatment of doubtful interpretation to me. [The eighth] ward was then
considered the worst in the house, inasmuch as it then contained some of the
most dangerous class of patients, even worse than the fifth in this respect,
and in respect to filth and pollution it surpassed the fifth at that time. It
is not possible for me to conceive of a more fetid smell, than the atmosphere
of this hall exhaled. An occupant of this hall would inevitably become so
completely saturated with this most offensive effluvia that the odor of the
eighth ward patients could be distinctly recognized at a great distance, even
in the open air. I could, in a few moments after the Doctor put me in among
them, even taste this most fetid scent at the pit of my stomach. Even our food
and drink were so contaminated with it, we could taste nothing else sometimes.
It at first seemed to me, I must soon become nothing less than a heap of
putrefaction. But I have found out that I can live, move, breathe, and have a
being, where I once thought I could not! The patients were never washed all
over, although they were the lowest, filthiest class of prisoners. They could
not wait upon themselves any more than an infant, in many instances, and none
took the trouble to wait upon them. The accumulation of this defilement about
their persons, their beds, their rooms, and the unfragrant puddles of water
through which they would delight to wade and wallow, rendered the exhalations
in every part of the hall almost intolerable. One night I was aroused from my
slumbers by the screams of a new patient who was entered in my hall. The
welcome she received from her keepers, Miss Smith and Miss Bailey, so
frightened her that she supposed they were going to kill her. Therefore, for
screaming under these circumstances, they forced her into a screen-room and
locked her up. Still fearing the worst, she continued to call for “Help!”
Instead of attempting to soothe and quiet her fears, they simply commanded her
to stop screaming. But failing to obey their order, they then seized her
violently and dragged her to the bathroom, where they plunged her into the
bathtub of cold water. This shock so convulsed her in agony that she now
screamed louder than before. They then drowned her voice by strangulation, by
holding her under the water until nearly dead. When she could speak, she plead
in the most piteous tones for “Help! Help!” But all in vain. The only response
was “Will you scream any more?” She promised she would not, but to make it a
thorough “subduing,” they plunged her several times after she had made them
this promise! My room was directly opposite with open ventilators over both
doors, I could distinctly hear all. This is what they call giving the patient a
“good bath!” But the bewildered, frightened stranger finds it hard to see the
“good” part of it. The patient was then led, wet and shivering, to her room,
and ordered to bed with the threat, “If you halloo again, we shall give you
another bath.”
Similarly, in Massachusetts at about the same time, Elizabeth Stone, also committed by her
husband, tried to rally public opinion to the cause of stopping the unjust
incarceration of the “insane.”
Stanton and Anthony have a falling
out with longtime ally Horace Greely, editor of the New York Tribune. As a
result, Stanton and Anthony begin publishing The Revolution, a weekly newspaper
devoted to suffrage and other progressive causes.
Toledo State Hospital Massillon State Hospital
On the evening of November 18, 1868, the Columbus Asylum was almost
wholly destroyed by fire. Six patients died in the fire, and the remaining 308
were transferred to the state’s asylums in Cleveland, Dayton and Cincinnati.
The following year, the legislature authorized rebuilding the asylum on the
same site but later decided to build on the hilltop west of downtown where 300
acres were purchased from William S. Sullivant for $250 per acre. The hospital
was completed on July 4, 1877 at a cost just more than $1.5 million. State
hospitals were established in Toledo in 1888 and in Massillon in 1898.
The Treaty of 1868 is negotiated
between General Sherman and the Navajos. General Sherman insists that the
Navajos select male leaders, thereby stripping women of their ability to
participate in decision-making. The alien law destroys traditional
relationships and concentrates power in the hands of male leaders.
"Anglo" paternalism and patriarchy are introduced to Navajo men who
learn several "traditions" including robbing women of economic and
political power, and wife-beating.
Massachusetts Board of State Charities begins payments for orphans to board in
private family homes.
The 14th
amendment is ratified on July 9; it provides that all people born or
naturalized in the United States are U.S. citizens and have rights no state can
abridge or deny.
“Two years and four months in a lunatic asylum: From August
20th, 1863 to December 20th, 1865.” Saratoga Springs, NY: Van Benthuysen and
Sons. Chase, Harim
“Mrs. Olsen’s Narrative of her One Year’s Imprisonment at
Jacksonville Insane Asylum.” Appended to
“The Prisoner’s Hidden Life or Insane Asylums Unveiled.” Elizabeth Packard. Chicago: Author. Olsen, Sophie.
“The Prisoner’s Hidden Life; or, Insane Asylums Unveiled.”
Chicago: Author. Packard, Elizabeth Parsons Ware.
The Massachusetts Board of State Charities began paying for
children to board in private family homes.
In England, General
Election. Many women got on the register and voted. One woman (shop owner Lily
Maxwell) voted in Manchester (for Jacob Bright).
In England, The
Court of Common Pleas declared women's suffrage illegal.
In England, Publication
of a list of MPs and other persons favourable to the Women's Suffrage Movement.
In England, Lydia
Becker published Equality of Women, a paper read before the British Association
at Norwich.
In England, Dr
Pankhurst published The Right of Women to Vote Under the Reform Act of 1867.
In England, Frances
Power Cobbe published Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors: Is the
Classification sound?
In England, Josephine
Butler published The Education and Employment of Women.
Sir Francis
Galton, Influenced by Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species,’ publishes
‘Hereditary Genius,’ and argues that intellectual abilities are biological in
The first wheelchair patent is registered with the U.S.
Patent Office.
The first permanent state board of health and
vital statistics is founded in Massachusetts.
Reasons for Admission to Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum,
1864 to 1869
Central State Hospital in Virginia was established in 1869
exclusively for “colored insane.”
“The Life and Travels of Benjamin S. Snider: His
Persecution, Fifteen Times a Prisoner.” Washington: The Author, Snider, Benjamin
In 1869, an agent was appointed to visit children in their
homes. This was the beginning of placing out, a movement to care for children
in families rather than institutions.
Propaganda flourished; if a textbook printed it and a
teacher said it then it must be fact!
The President gave an 8 hour work day to federal employees
all other workers still worked 10-12 if they wanted to or not.
The territory of Wyoming is the first to grant unrestricted
suffrage to women. Arguments over the Fifteenth Amendment lead to a split in
the movement.
Stanton and Anthony form the National Woman Suffrage Association; it allows
only female membership and advocates for woman suffrage above all other issues.
Lucy Stone forms the American Woman Suffrage Association, which supports the
Fifteenth Amendment and invites men to participate.
In 1869, Susan B. Anthony occasionally mentioned abortion.
Susan B. Anthony opposed abortion, which at the time was an unsafe medical
procedure for women, endangering their health and life. She blamed men, laws
and the "double standard" for driving women to abortion because they
had no other options. "When a woman destroys the life of her unborn child,
it is a sign that, by education or circumstances, she has been greatly
wronged." She believed, as did many
of the feminists of her era that only the achievement of women’s equality and
freedom would end the need for abortion.
Anthony used her anti-abortion writings as yet another argument for
women’s rights. Woman’s rights Crusaders began marching through towns singing
temperance songs.
In one of the first such court rulings, the parents of
Samuel Fletcher, Jr. are found guilty of child abuse. Fletcher, who was born blind, was locked into the
cellar of his family's house for several days by his parents. Upon escaping he
notified authorities and his parents were arrested. They were fined $300 in one
of the first court rulings that recognized children's right to be protected by
law against abuse and cruelty.
Hungarian physician K.M. Benkert invents the term
“homosexuality.” He argues against the legal repression of lesbians and gay
men. “Their unfortunate conduct is not their fault,” says this “humanitarian
psychiatrist,” because the urge is congenital (inborn).
Psychiatrist Karl von Westphal diagnoses a lesbian, labeling
her “condition” as “contrary sexual feelings.” He concedes that the “condition”
does not necessarily indicate insanity.
In England, Rev.
Charles Kingsley published Women and Politics (reprinted from Macmillan's
In England, Josephine
Butler (ed.) published Woman's Work and Woman's Culture: a Series of Essays.
In England, First
Women's college at Cambridge founded (Girton College).
In England, Mrs
C.H. Spear published A Brief Essay on the Position of Women.
In England, John
Stuart Mill published On the Subjection of Women.
In England, E.
Lynn Linton published Ourselves: a Series of Essays on Women.
In England, Ladies'
Educational Association founded in London. (It dissolved in 1878 when
University College began admitting women).
In England,
Municipal Reform Act gave women the vote in local elections.
In England,
Telegraph service nationalised, and its twelve female staff thus became civil
In England,
Third CD Act .
In England, Women's
Club and Institute opened in Newman St, London.
In England, Women's
College opened at Hitchin (this became Girton).
In England, Endowed
Schools Act created over 90 girls' schools.
Jean Charcot worked with women and their hysteria for the
first time.
Pierre Janet, a French medical psychologist, was the first to systemically
explore and treat trauma memories that created hysteria (dissociation)
symptoms. He believed these events were mentally "dissociated", set
aside from ordinary processes of the mind, losing linkage to conscious thought.
Sylvia Fraser, incest survivor and author noted, 'we, as a society, prefer to
believe infants lust after adults rather than parents initiate sexual contact
with children'.
“Lunatic Asylums: Their Use and Abuse.” New York. Titus,
Mrs. Ann H.
“Narrative of a Pilgrim and Sojourner on Earth, from 1791 to
the Present Year, 1870,” by Louisa Perina Courtauld Clemens.
Offices of
the London School
Board by Bodley
and Garner,
1872-76. Demolished 1929.
In England, Prior to the Elementary
Education Act 1870 act, very few schools existed,
other than those run by the Church. The National
Education League was established to promote elementary education for
all children, free from religious control. The Act first introduced and
enforced compulsory
school attendance between the ages of 5 and 12, with school boards set up to
ensure that children attended school; although exemptions were made for illness
and travelling distance. The London School Board
was highly influential and launched a number of political careers. The
Church/State ethical divide in schooling, persists into the present day.
Archie Meek, who first
suggested a union of mental patients to Thomas
Ritchie, was born about 1870
The first of 112 of Thomas John Barnardo's Homes was
founded, with destitution as the criterion for qualification. The project was
supported by the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury
and the first Earl Cairns.
The system of operation was broadly as follows: infants and younger girls and
boys are chiefly "boarded out" in rural districts; girls above 14
years of age are sent to 'industrial training homes' to be taught useful
domestic occupations; boys above 17 years old are first tested in labour homes
and then placed in employment at home, sent to sea or emigrated; boys between
13 – 17 years old were trained for trades for which they may be mentally or physically fitted.
The Massachusetts Board of State Charities
appoints the first "agent" to visit children in foster homes.
The National Prison Association is founded in
Cincinnati; it is renamed American Prison Association in 1954 and is now called
the American Correctional Association.
The Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews of New York City opens;
it is the first Jewish institutional home in the United States.
Ratification on February 3 of the 15th amendment to the U.S.
Constitution establishes the right of citizens (except women) to vote,
regardless of race, color, or previous servitude.
The American
Woman Suffrage Association begins publishing the Woman's Journal, edited by
Mary Livermore.
Esther Morris is appointed the justice of the peace of South Pass City,
Wyoming: she is the first female government official.
The Fifteenth Amendment is ratified. Although its gender-neutral language
appears to grant women the vote, women who go to the polls to test the
amendment are turned away.
The Utah territory enfranchises women.
In England, Leavesden
Mental Hospital was founded in 1870 on the outskirts of Abbots Langley by the
Metropolitan Asylums Board as the Metropolitan Asylum for Chronic Imbeciles. At
the same time the St Pancras Union Workhouse established an Industrial School
across the road. In 1920, the asylum was renamed the Leavesden Mental Hospital.
The London County Council took control in 1930. In April, 1932, the former St
Pancras Industrial School was taken over as an annex for chronic cases. The
hospital closed in 1997. The Jack the
Ripper suspect, Aaron Kosminski, was admitted to Leavesden Asylum on 19
April 1894. Case notes indicate that Kosminski had been ill since at least
1885. His insanity took the form of auditory hallucinations, a paranoid fear of
being fed by other people that drove him to pick up and eat food dropped as
litter, and a refusal to wash or bathe.
In England, Women
lost the right to retain British nationality when marrying a foreigner.
In England, Cambridge
Local Examinations opened to girls and women.
In England, Education
Act improved both schooling for girls and the teaching profession for women.
In England, School
Board Act allowed women to stand for election. Elizabeth Garrett (later
Anderson) and Emily Davies elected in London; Miss Becker in Manchester.
In England, Exams
opened to women at Queen's University, Ireland.
In England,
First Married Woman's Property
Act .
In England,
John D. Milne published Industrial Employment of Women, in the Middle and Lower
In England,
Josephine Butler published On the Moral Reclaimability of Prostitutes.
In England,
The Women's Suffrage Journal first published. It continued monthly for 20
In England,
Mary Taylor published The First Duty of Women: a Series of Articles reprinted
from the Victoria Magazine.
In England,
Mrs Wm. Grey published Is the Exercise of Suffrage Unfeminine?
In England, Lady Amberley
published her lecture The Claims of Women
In England, Ladies
National Association for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts founded by
Josephine Butler.
In England, Married
Women's Property Act passed for England.
In England, National
Indian Association founded by Miss Carpenter to improve the education of Indian
In England, Vigilance
Association founded, chiefly engaged in women's issues.
Alabama is the first state to rescind the legal right of men
to beat their wives (Fulgrahm v. State).
Massachusetts also declares wife beating illegal.
“Behind Bars.” Boston: Lee & Shepard. Lunt, Adeline T.P.
The Descent of Man, published by Charles Darwin, applies the
theory of evolution to the human species, thus breaking the authority of
theologians in the life sciences and providing a basis for a scientific approach
to humans and their social relationships.
In England, The
Ladies' Life Assurance Company founded. Married women could, since the 1870
MWPA, insure their own lives with their own money.
In England, Home
for Deserted Mothers and Infants founded at 3 Cumberland St, London.
In England, Working
Women's Club changed to Berner Club. Moved to 9 Berners Street, London.
In England, A
debate took place in the House of Commons on the Women's Disabilities Bill.
In England, John
Walter Bourke published The Emancipation of Women (a lecture).
In England, A.H.
published Words of Weight in the Woman Question (1,176 quotations arranged so
as to form a consecutive argument).
In England, Ladies'
National Health Association founded by Dr Elizabeth Blackwell.
In England, National
Association for Promoting the Medical Education of Women founded. (Still extant
In England, Law
regarding married women's property changed in Ireland.
In England, National
Union for Improving the Education of women founded by Mrs Grey.
Clitoridectomies are performed in association with women’s
mental disorders.
In England, Clifford Allbutt used the passage of electric
current through the head for treatment of mania, brain-wasting, dementia and
The American
Public Health Association is founded (the Social Work Section is later formed
in 1976).
“The Dangerous
Classes of New York” and “Twenty, Years' Work among Them,” by Charles Loring
Brace, exposes the conditions of immigrants and children and helps initiate the
adoption movement in the United States.
Outlawry, A Tale of Madhouse Life.” London, by Louisa Lowe
“Report of a Case Heard in Queen's Bench, November 22nd,
1872, Charging the Commissioners in Lunacy with Concurring in the Improper
Detention of a Falsely-Alleged Lunatic and Wrongfully Tampering with her
Correspondence.” London by Louisa Lowe.
“How an Old Woman Obtained Passive Writing and the Outcome
Thereof.” London, by Louisa Lowe
“A Nineteenth Century Adaptation of Old Inventions to the
Repression of New Thoughts and Personal Liberty.” London, by Louisa Lowe
“Gagging in Madhouses as Practised by Government Servants in
a Letter to the People, by one of the Gagged.” London, by Louisa Lowe
Alexander G.
Bell opened speech school for teachers of the deaf in Boston.
The New York State Charities Aid Association was organized.
Charities were comprised mostly of upper class elite women.
The beginning of the Urban Mission Movement. Water Street
Mission opened in New York City by Jerry and Maria McAuley, both redeemed
alcoholics. Catered to homeless inebriates and special needs of the Skid Row
alcoholic. Forerunner of the Salvation Army, viewed recovery from addiction as
a process of religious conversion
- a process of spiritual rebirth
A suffrage proposal before the Dakota Territory legislature
loses by one vote.
“The Lunacy Laws and Trade in Lunacy in a Correspondence
with the Earl of Shaftesbury.” London, by Louisa Lowe
In England, Barbara Leigh
Smith Bodichon published Reasons for and against the Enfranchisement
of Women.
In England, Infant
Life Protection Act tries to abolish baby-farming.
In England, Girls'
Public Day School Company founded.
In England, Baroness
Coutts became the first woman to be granted the Freedom of the City of London.
In England, Girton
College founded. Staff and students of Hitchin College moved into it.
In England, Infant
Life Protection Act.
In England, New
Bastardy Act passed. Fathers once again responsible (equally with the mother)
for support of illegitimate children.
In England, New
Hospital for Women founded at Marylebone, with female doctors.
“Modern Persecution; or Insane Asylums Unveiled.” Hartford:
Author: Packard, Elizabeth Parsons Ware.
The Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of,
Obscene Literature and Articles for Immoral Use it was part of a campaign for
legislating public morality in the United States. The Comstock Law was meant to stop trade in
"obscene literature" and "immoral articles." In reality, the Comstock Law targeted not
only obscenity and "dirty books" but also birth control devices,
abortion, and information on sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases. The Comstock Law was widely used to prosecute
those who distributed such information.
On June 19
the prominent American suffragist Susan B. Anthony was sentenced and fined for
voting in the 1872 Presidential Election. Anthony was arrested in November 1872
for "illegally voting" as a woman and her two-day trial concluded in
Rochester, New York. At her trial, the judge refused to allow Anthony to
testify on her own behalf and, after she was convicted, he read an opinion that
he had written before the trial even started. The sentence was a $100 fine to
which she declared, "I shall never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty.”
True to her words, she never paid the fine for the rest of her life!
In England, Custody of Infants Act passed.
Enabled a husband, upon separation, to give up custody of children to his wife.
In England,
Reported that, of 50,000 children born annually out of wedlock, 30,000 died
within 6 months.
In England,
First School Board Election in Scotland: 20 women elected.
In England,
First school of the Girls' Public
Day School Company opened at Chelsea.
In England,
Mrs Nassau Senior appointed Assistant Inspector of Workhouses. First ever
government appointment of a lady.
In England, Second
English School Board.
Carl Wernicke published his work on the frontal lobe,
detailing that damage to a specific area damages the ability to understand or
produce language.
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) – the first
national organization composed of community-based groups – was
founded and focused on the problems that alcohol caused families and society.
The Women's Christian Temperance Union is founded by Annie Wittenmeyer of Iowa.
Within a few years the WCTU will have 25,000 members, and under the leadership
of Frances Willard, will provide important support to the suffrage movement.
In the case of Minor vs. Happersett,
the Supreme Court rules that the Fourteenth Amendment does not grant women the
right to vote.
Representatives of the
State Boards of Charities of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and
Wisconsin organize the Conference of Boards of Public Charities within the
American Social Science Association on May 20. An annual conference, in 1879 it
became the National Conference of Charities and Correction in a takeover by the
voluntary agencies. It was a precursor to the National Conference of Social
Work, renamed in 1917. The organization became the National Council on Social
Welfare in July 1956.
A referendum
gives Michigan's male voters the chance to enfranchise women, but they vote
against women's suffrage.
The "finger-switch" rule is disavowed when the
Supreme Court of North Carolina rules that "the husband has no right to
chastise his wife under any circumstances." The court goes on to say,
"If no permanent injury has been inflicted, nor malice, cruelty nor
dangerous violence shown by the husband, it is better to draw the curtain, shut
out the public gaze and leave the parties to forget and forgive."
Opening its doors, the Athens Lunatic Asylum welcomed its
first patient in 1874. This state-of-the-art mental hospital was based on the
design of renowned architect Thomas Kirkbride and embraced the current societal
trends toward institutionalizing the insane. The hospital began as a type of
long- term care for those not easily accepted or able to function in society.
The typical meaning of “asylum” at the time was a safe haven with little
likelihood of departure.
“Ten Years and Ten Months in Lunatic Asylums in Different
States.” Hoosick Falls: The Author, Swan, Moses
Mary Ellen
Wilson (1864–1956) or sometimes Mary Ellen McCormack was an American whose case of child abuse led to the
creation of the New York
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. As an eight-year
old, she was severely abused by her stepparents, Francis and Mary Connolly.
Mary Ellen was born to Francis and Thomas Wilson of Hell’s
Kitchen in New York City.
Upon Thomas's death, Francis had to take a job and was no longer able to stay
at home to raise her infant daughter. She boarded her daughter with a woman
named Mary Score, a common practice at the time. When Francis Wilson's
financial situation worsened, she began to miss her visitation dates with her
daughter and was no longer able to make child care payments to
Score. Score turned Mary Ellen, now almost two, into the New York City
Department of Charities. The Department placed Mary Ellen under the
care of Mary Connolly and Thomas McCormack. According to Mary Connolly's court
testimony, Thomas McCormack, Mary Connolly's first husband, claimed to be Mary
Ellen Wilson's biological father. The Department of Charities placed Mary Ellen
into the McCormacks' care illegally, without the proper papers or receipts
served. Thomas McCormack signed an "indenture" agreement upon
retrieving Mary Ellen from the Department of Charities' care, but did not
explain his or his wife's relationship with the child to Commissioner of
Charities and Correction. The McCormacks were required to report the child's
condition annually to the Department, but, according to Mary Connolly's later
court testimony, this only occurred once or twice during Mary Ellen's stay.
Mary Ellen Wilson was not allowed to go outside, except at night in her own
yard, and was regularly beaten by her adopted parents. Police rescue the eight
year old after the head of the New York Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals calls them on Mary Ellen's
behalf. Mrs. Connelly was sentenced to jail for one year. That year the New York
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded, the
first organization of its kind. Shortly after Mary Ellen came into the
McCormacks' care, Thomas McCormack died. Mary McCormack married Francis
Connolly, moving together with Mary Ellen to an apartment on West 41st
Street. It was at this address that neighbors first became aware of young Mary
Ellen's mistreatment. When the Connollys moved to a new address, one of the
concerned neighbors from their 41st Street apartment asked Etta Angell Wheeler,
a Methodist missionary who
worked in the area, to check in on the child. Wheeler, under the pretext of
asking Mrs. Connolly's help in caring for Connolly's new neighbor, the
chronically ill and home-bound Mary Smitt, gained access to the Connollys'
apartment to see Mary Ellen's state for herself. When Ms. Wheeler saw evidence
of physical
abuse, malnourishment,
and neglect in Mary Ellen's
condition, Wheeler began to research legal options to redress and protect the
young girl. After finding the local authorities reluctant to act upon the child
cruelty laws currently in place, Wheeler turned to a local advocate for the
animal humane movement and the founder of the American
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Henry Bergh. With the help
of neighbors' testimony, Wheeler and Burgh successfully removed Mary Ellen from
the Connolly home and took Mary Connolly to trial. Elbridge
Thomas Gerry of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals took her case to the New York
State Supreme Court in 1874. She was now 10 years old. The
deliberate cruelties and deprivations inflicted on Mary Ellen Wilson by her
adopted parents included the following: regular and severe beatings;
insufficient food; being forced to sleep on the floor; having no warm clothes
to wear in cold weather; being frequently left alone inside a darkened, locked
room; being forbidden to go outdoors, except at night in her own yard. The
child testified in court
regarding the abuse she had suffered, and afterward – on April 10, 1874 – she
said: “My father and mother are both dead. I don’t know how old I am. I have no
recollection of a time when I did not live with the Connollys. Mamma has been
in the habit of whipping and beating me almost every day. She used to whip me
with a twisted whip—a raw hide. The whip always left a black and blue mark on
my body. I have now the black and blue marks on my head which were made by
mamma, and also a cut on the left side of my forehead which was made by a pair
of scissors. She struck me with the scissors and cut me; I have no recollection
of ever having been kissed by any one—have never been kissed by mamma. I have
never been taken on my mamma's lap and caressed or petted. I never dared to
speak to anybody, because if I did I would get whipped. I do not know for what
I was whipped—mamma never said anything to me when she whipped me. I do not
want to go back to live with mamma, because she beats me so. I have no
recollection ever being on the street in my life.” Mrs. Connolly was sentenced
to jail for one year. That year the New York
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded, the
first organization of its kind. In 1888 at age 24, Mary Ellen married Louis
Schutt. They had two children together. Schutt had three children from his
previous marriage, and they later adopted an orphaned girl. Mary Ellen died in
1956, at 92. Mary Ellen’s case history is considered crucial to the beginnings
of Social Work as a profession.
In England, College for Working Women opened
in Fitzroy St, London.
In England,
Emma Paterson published a series of articles about sweated female labour and
called a conference to discuss the problem.
In England,
Emma Paterson formed the Women's Protective and Provident League.
In England,
Emma Paterson formed the Society of Women Employed in Bookbinding with 300
In England, London School of Medicine for Women founded.
In England, Protection
Orders granted to wives in Scotland.
In England, Women's
Peace and Arbitration Auxiliary of the London Peace Society formed.
In England, Dr
Henry Maudsley published Sex and Mind in Education.
In England, Dr
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson published Sex and Mind in Education: A Reply.
New York State grants per capita subsidies to
the New York Catholic Protectory for the care of children who would otherwise
be public charges.
The New York Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children is incorporated. The "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Children" was formed.
William Pryor Letchworth (May 26, 1823 – December 1, 1910)
was an American businessman notable for his charitable work. In 1873, he accepted
an appointment to the New York State Board of Charities. "In 1875 he had
inspected all the orphan asylums, poor-houses, city alms houses, and juvenile
reformatories in the state which had an aggregate population of 17,791
children." The result of his investigation was a successful recommendation
to remove all children under 2 years of age from these institutions. In 1878,
Letchworth was elected to President of the Board. Letchworth resigned from the
State Board of Charities in 1897. He then spent the next few years traveling
around Europe and the United States at his own expense to explore the plight of
the insane, epileptics and poor children. From this research he wrote two books
entitled "The Insane in Foreign Countries" and "Care and Treatment
of Epileptics". Many of his methods would later be used by Craig Colony, a
State epileptic hospital he helped to establish in Western New York in 1896.
His charity work was extended as he served as President for the National
Association for the Study of Epilepsy and the Care of Treatment of Epilepsy,
and as President of the First New York State Conference of Charities and
Corrections, as well as President of the National Conference of Charities and
Correction held in St. Louis in 1884.
The American
Neurological Association was established by eighteen physicians at a meeting in
New York City in 1875 and the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases was
designated as their official organ in the following year.
Eastern Asylum for the Colored Insane, Goldsboro, North Carolina, 1875
Carolina General Assembly appropriated $10,000 to build a “colored insane
Michigan and Minnesota women win the right to vote in school
In England, Ernest
Eiloart published The Laws Relating to Women.
In England, Emma
Paterson formed the Society of Dressmakers, Milliners and Mantlemakers.
In England, Albermarle
Club opened. Admits ladies and gentlemen.
In England, Amendment
to the Offences Against the Person Act raised the age of consent to 13.
In England, Employment
of Women Office opened in Brighton.
In England, First
female clerks employed by Post Office Savings Bank.
In England, First
woman elected as Poor Law Guardian (Martha Merrington, South Kensington.)
In England, First
woman lawyer's office opened in London by Miss Orme.
In England, Madras
Medical School opened to women.
In England, Metropolitan
and National Nursing Association formed.
In England, Newnham
College for Ladies opened at Cambridge.
In England, Pharmaceutical
Society of Ireland opened its exams to women.
In England, Women
delegates admitted to the Trades' Congress in Glasgow.
The New York State Reformatory at Elmira is
founded; it is a model penal institution for children. Zebulon K. Brockway, a
noted corrections reformer and founder of the National Prison Association, is
appointed as the first warden.
The American Association for the Study of the
Feeble-Minded is organized. (The name is changed to the American Association on
Mental Deficiency in 1933 and to the American Association on Mental Retardation
in 1987)
Bell got patent for his telephone invention; exhibited it at Philadelphia
Exposition that summer.
“A Mad World and Its Inhabitants.” New York: Appleton by
Chambers, Julius
“Lunatic Asylums: and How I Became an Inmate of One.”
Chicago: Ottaway and Colbert, Metcalf, Ada.
Working Men's Party proposes banning the employment of
children under the age of 14.
In England, British
Women's Temperance Association founded.
In England, Emma
Paterson formed the Society of Upholsteresses (survived till 1894).
In England, Employment
for Women office opened in Glasgow.
In England, First
woman pharmacist in London, Miss Isabella Clarke.
In England, King
and Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland, confers medical degrees on women.
In England, Manchester
New College admits women.
In England, St
Andrews University instituted a Diploma for Women, the L.L.A.
In England, Plan-tracing
office for women opened by Miss Crosbie.
In England, Russell-Gurney's
Act enabled universities to admit women to degrees.
In England, Scholarships
for women established at Bristol University College.
The first Charity Organization Society is founded in
December in Buffalo by the Reverend S. Humphreys Gurteen. The society operates
on four principles: (1) detailed investigation of applicants, (2) a central
system of registration to avoid duplication, (3) cooperation between the
various relief agencies, and (4) extensive use of the volunteers in the role of
"friendly visitors."
The roots of
the Take Back the Night rallies were started by women to protest the fear and
violence they felt from what was being done to them, the women held a candle
and walked through the streets singing.
“Am I a Lunatic? Or, Dr. Henry T. Helmbold's Exposure of his
Personal Experience in the Lunatic Asylums of Europe and America.” New York:
Helmbold, Henry
Formation of the American
Humane Association for the protection of children, pets and farm animals from abuse and neglect. The New York
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and several Societies for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals across the U.S. joined together to form the
American Humane Association.
In England, Manchester
and Salford College for women founded.
In England, Royal
Free Hospital admits women as medical students.
In England, School
Board elections return many women candidates.
In England, Teachers
Training and Registration Society formed.
In England, The
first five women passed their medical degree examinations at King and Queen's
College of Physicians, Ireland.
In England, Trinity
College, London, opens musical exams to women.
In England, University
of St Andrews admits women to its Literate in Arts degree.
In England,
Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh prosecuted under the Obscene Publications
Act 1857 for publishing Charles Knowlton's Fruits of Philosophy, a work on birth control . They were
convicted but acquitted on appeal, the subsequent publicity resulting in a
decline in the birth rate. Mrs Besant later published The Law of Population.
In England, Women's
deputation to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in support of the Women's
Disabilities Removal Bill (that would give women the vote).
G. Stanley
Hall received the first American Ph.D. in psychology. He later founded the
American Psychological Association.
“The History of My Orphanage, or the Outpourings of an
Alleged Lunatic.” London by Georgina Weldon.
Joel W. Smith presents his Modified Braille to the American
Association of Instructors of the Blind. The association rejects his system,
continuing to endorse instead New York Point, which blind readers complain is
more difficult to read and write. What follows is a “War of the Dots” in which
blind advocates for the most part prefer Modified Braille, while sighted
teachers and administrators, who control funds for transcribing, prefer New
York Point. It was the first time the users of disability services wanted some
thing different from the service providers and got together on it.
“The Mystic Key; or The Asylum Secret Unlocked.” Hartford: Author, Packard, Elizabeth Parsons
A federal amendment to grant women the right to vote is
introduced for the first time by Senator A.A. Sargeant of California.
The first International Woman's Rights Congress is held in Paris, France.
Francis Power Cobbe publishes Wife Torture in England. She
denounces the treatment of wives in Liverpool's "Kicking District."
She documents 6,000 of the most brutal assaults on women over a 3-year period
who had been maimed, blinded, trampled, burned and murdered. Cobbe presents a
theory that abuse continues because of the belief that a man's wife is his
property. Her concerns are moved forward by male parliamentarians and the
Matrimonial Causes Act is passed. The Act allows victims of violence to obtain
a legal separation from the husband; entitles them custody of the children; and
to retain earnings and property secured during the separation. Such a separation
order can only be obtained if the husband has been convicted of aggravated
assault and the court considers her in grave danger.
In England, Miss
Eleanor Ormerod became the first woman elected to membership of the
Meteorological Society.
In England, Surgical
registrar Miss Louisa Aldrich Blake became the first woman to be awarded the
degree of diploma of M.S. Lond.
In England, Married Women's Property Law
amended in Scotland.
In England, W.
Gregory Walker published The Married Women's Property Acts, their relation to
the Doctrine of Separate Uses.
In England, Frances
Power Cobbe published Wife Torture in England, a tract about domestic violence .
In England, Matrimonial
Causes Amendment Act helped battered wives by allowing a judicial separation,
maintenance payments and children to remain with the mother.
In England, London
University became the first to grant degrees and full membership to women.
Wilhelm Wundt established the first formal psychological laboratory at
the University of Leipzig in Germany, marking the formal beginning of the study
of human emotions, behaviors, and cognitions, and where he introduced a
scientific approach to psychology and performed many experiments to measure
peoples' reaction time. This event is considered the birth of psychology. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (16 August
1832 – 31 August 1920) was a German physician, psychologist, physiologist, philosopher, and
professor, known today as one of the founding figures of modern psychology. As
a matter of fact, Wundt, who noted psychology
as a science
apart from biology and philosophy, was the first
person to ever call himself a Psychologist. He is widely regarded as
the "father of experimental psychology". In 1879,
Wundt founded the first formal laboratory for psychological research at the University of Leipzig. This marked
psychology as an independent field of study. By creating this laboratory he was
able to explore the nature of religious beliefs, identify mental disorders and
abnormal behavior, and find damaged parts of the brain. In doing so, he was
able to establish psychology as a separate science from other topics. He also
formed the first journal for psychological research in 1881.
Wundt applied himself to writing a work that came to be one of the most
important in the history of psychology, Principles
of Physiological Psychology in 1874. This was the first textbook that
was written pertaining to the field of psychology. Wundt claimed that the book
was "an attempt to mark out [psychology] as a new domain of science.” The Principles
utilized a system of psychology that sought to investigate the immediate
experiences of consciousness, including feelings, emotions, volitions and
ideas, mainly explored through Wundt's system of "internal
perception", or the self-examination of conscious experience by objective
observation of one's consciousness.
Francis Galton
utilizes the method of word association.
Franklin B. Sanborn, chair of the Massachusetts State Board
of Charities, advocates use of foster homes for delinquent and dependent
The Conference of Boards of Public Charities is renamed the
National Conference of Charities and Correction in the first session,
independent of the American Social Science Association (1865).
Lightner Witmer
uses for the first time the term clinical psychology.
“A Sketch of Psychiatry in Southern States.” Presidential
Address, American Medico-Psychological Association.Baltimore. Powell,T.O.
“Behind the Scenes; Or, Life in an Insane Asylum.” Chicago:
Culver. Smith, Lydia Adeline Jackson Button; Hoyne
and Co.
“I was
therefore ‘removed,’ half-dying, in a state of semi-consciousness, I can scarcely
remember how, to the castellated mansion mentioned in my first chapter. The
wrong should have been impossible, of course; but it is possible, and it is
law. My liberty, and my very existence as an individual being, had been signed
away behind my back. In my weakened perceptions I at first thought that the
mansion was an hotel. Left alone in a big room on the first evening, I was
puzzled by the entrance of a wild-looking man, who described figures in the air
with his hand, to an accompaniment of gibber, ate a pudding with his fingers at
the other end of a long table, and retired. My nerve was shaken to its weakest,
remember; and I was alone with him! It was not an hotel. It was a lunatic
asylum.” Thus the barrister and author Herman Charles Merivale (1839-1906)
recounted his first evening in the lunatic asylum that was to be his home for
several months in 1875, in My Experiences in a Lunatic Asylum, by a Sane
Patient, published in 1879. The “castellated mansion” of Merivale’s nightmarish
recollection was Ticehurst House, an 18th-century pile in the depths of the
Weald of Sussex, that had by Merivale’s day been in operation for about eighty
years as a private madhouse run by a local family of medical practitioners, the
Newingtons. Merivale was admitted to the asylum on 23 February 1875 and from
that date until his release there are regular bulletins from the superintending
physician on his mental state, attitude to the staff, sleeping habits, drug
treatment, food intake, bowel movements, trips into the country, and a host of
other indications of his progress, at first on a daily basis and gradually
reducing to an intermittent, perfunctory note. On release on 8 September he is
described as ‘relieved’, although there is little evidence in the clinical
notes of the previous six months of any improvement in his condition, beyond
his eventual agreement to attend church. Sure enough, Merivale was back in
Ticehurst within a year and unsurprisingly described as ‘never thoroughly
cured’. His situation had apparently taken a turn for the worse: he was now not
only suicidal but a danger to others, having attempted to strangle his
companion. His notes conclude with a copy of a letter to the Commissioners of
Lunacy from Dr Newington advising against Merivale’s transfer out of the asylum
to ‘single care’, in other words care at home, in view of his violent
tendencies. This recommendation was evidently ignored as Merivale was
transferred out on 9 March 1877, ‘not improved’. Merivale’s book gives a rare
personal account of the asylum experience. For most of the thousand patients
treated at Ticehurst, there is no patient’s voice to set against the
institutional record, but there are occasional glimpses into their world in the
written ramblings or disturbing sketches that were included in the casebooks as
evidence of their mental condition.
In England,
Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville opened in Oxford.
In England, London
School Board elects nine women.
In England, Pharmaceutical
Society admits women as members.
The issue of
housing Black and white mental patients in the same facility was a struggle in
both Northern and Southern States since many leading mental health experts felt
that it undermined the mental health of white patients to be housed with
African-Americans. The distress of having Blacks and white patients in close
proximity to one another was balanced by the unwillingness to fund segregated
facilities for black patients. In March 1875, the North Carolina General
Assembly appropriated $10,000 to build a colored insane asylum. The Eastern
Asylum for the Colored Insane was opened in 1880 with accommodations for four
hundred and twenty patients. The facility at Goldsboro underwent several name
changes throughout its history and remains in operation as a psychiatric facility
categories of mental illness used for U.S. census data: mania, melancholia,
monomania, paresis, dementia, dipsomania, epilepsy. The 1880 census of mentally ill
persons, the most complete survey ever carried out in the United States,
identified 40,942 “insane persons” in “hospitals and asylums for the insane.”
It also reported finding only 397 “insane persons” in jails and prisons,
constituting less than 1 percent (0.7 percent) of the jail and prison
By 1880 a
coalition of neurologists, charity reformers and a few reform minded asylum
superintendents were ready to form the National Association for the Protection
of the Insane and the Prevention of Insanity (N.A.P.I.P.I.). Dedicated (in
George Miller Beard's words) to "obtaining universal recognition of the
fact that it is no disgrace to be crazy," this organization provided a
forum for neurologists to continue their attack on the management of American
asylums. They pointed to the growing isolation of asylum superintendents from
new developments in medicine, the seemingly excessive preoccupation of the
superintendents with the physical plants of their asylums, the superintendents'
lack of scientific training and the paucity of scientific research done in
asylums. They also joined with English psychiatrists in complaining about the
use of mechanical restraints on insane patients in the United States.
The Salvation Army is founded in the United
Statei after William Booth established it in London in 1878.
International Congress of Educators of the Deaf, at a conference in Milan,
Italy, calls for the suppression of sign languages and the firing of all deaf
teachers at schools for the deaf. This triumph of oralism is seen by deaf
advocates as a direct attack upon their culture.
The National Convention of Deaf Mutes meets in Cincinnati,
Ohio, the nucleus of what will become the National Association of the Deaf
(NAD). The first major issue taken on by the NAD is oralism and the suppression
of American Sign Language.
“A Blighted Life: A True Story.” (orig. pub. 1880;
reprinted, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996) by Bulwer Rosina Lytton.
In England, following campaigning by the National
Education League the Elementary
Education Act 1880 made schooling compulsory until the age of ten
and also established attendance officers to enforce attendance, so that parents
who objected to compulsory education, arguing they needed children to earn a
wage, could be fined for keeping their children out of school. School leaving
age was raised with successive Acts from ten to age fourteen in 1918.
In England, the law is changed to allow a wife who had been
habitually beaten by her husband to the point of "endangering her
life" to separate from him, but cannot divorce him.
In England, Bill giving greater protection to little girls under 13
In England, Burials Bill gives women the right to conduct funeral services.
In England, Charter of Royal University of Ireland admits women as members.
In England, First suffrage demonstration, in Manchester. Followed by demos in other
In England, First three women to graduate in Britain were Elizabeth Creak, Marianne
Andrews and Elizabeth Hills.
In England, Mason College founded in Birmingham.
In England, Mrs James Brander appointed Inspector of Schools in Madras.
At the 40th anniversary of the Medico-Psychological
Association at University College, Daniel Hake Tuke, the president, paid
respect to Dorthea Dix, 'who has a claim to the gratitude of mankind for having
consecrated the best
years of her life to the fearless advocacy of the cause of the insane.’
Clara Barton organizes the American Association of the Red
Cross, which is renamed the American National Red Cross in 1893 and the
American Red Cross in 1978.
Booker T Washington founds the Tuskegee Normal and
Industrial Institute, a leading black educational institution that emphasizes
industrial training as a means to self-respect and economic independence for
African Americans.
Howe Press
is established to emboss books, first in Boston Line Type and later in Braille,
a new technology created by Louis Braille to help people who are blind read
and write.
[In cases of enuresis, or bedwetting] I apply usually [in
the region of the boy’s sexual organ] a tolerably strong current for one to two
minutes; at the close, a wire electrode is introduced about two centimeters
into the urethra — in girls I apply “small” sponge electrode between the labia
close to the meatus urethrae — and the faradic current passed for one to two
minutes with such a strength that a distinct, somewhat painful sensation is
produced. WILHELM ERB (German physician), Handbook of Electrotherapy,
The first National Convention of the American Federation of
Labor passes a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all
gainful employment.
In England, Cambridge University admits women to Tripos Examinations.
In England, Civil Service appoints female clerks by open competition.
In England, Durham University votes to admit women.
In England, Isle of Man gives the vote to 700 women property owners
In England, Married Women's Property Act for Scotland.
In England, Poor Law Guardians Association for Promoting the Return of ladies
founded; seven ladies elected in London.
Maryland is the first state to pass a law that makes
wife-beating a crime, punishable by 40 lashes, or a year in jail.
Galton in England established an anthropometric lab for the statistical
analysis of differences among people.
“An Insight into an Insane Asylum.” Louisville, KY: The
Author, Camp, Joseph.
“How I Escaped the Mad Doctors.” London by Georgina Weldon.
Due to subversion by the liquor industry, the suffragists
lose electoral battles in Nebraska and Indiana.
In England, Married
Women's Property Act passed. No difference between femme sole and
femme couverte. A married woman having separate property was liable for the
support of her parents, husband, children and grandchildren becoming chargeable
to any union or parish.
In England, Municipal Franchise Act for Scotland allows women to vote in local elections .
In England, Florence Pomeroy, Viscountess Harberton, president of the Rational Dress
movement, introduced her invention of the divided skirt to the Natioanl Health
Sir Francis Galton in England coins the term eugenics, in
his book “Essays in Eugenics,” to describe his pseudo-science of “improving the
stock” of humanity. Galton speculated, “The question was then forced upon me –
Could not the race of men be similarly improved? Could not the undesirables be
got rid of and the desirables multiplied?” Sir Frances Galton’s Pseudo
scientific theory was to improve the stock of people by preventing people with
disabilities, people of color, Catholics, Jews, poor people, and other
undesirables from having children. These people were refused by law to marry,
they were sterilized against their will including children. The eugenics
movement, taken up by Americans, leads to passage in the United States of laws
to prevent people with various disabilities from moving to this country,
marrying, or having children. In many instances, it leads to the
institutionalization and forced sterilization of people with disabilities or
poor people, including children. Eugenics campaigns against people of color and
immigrants led to passage of “Jim Crow” laws in the South and legislation
restricting immigration by southern and eastern Europeans, Asians, Africans,
and Jews. The U.S. eugenics movement was a key inspiration for Nazi Germany's
similar programs to segregate and sterilize mentally disabled people, and
German scientists even traveled to California to study our program of forced
William Edward Hartpole Lecky, (26 March 1838–22 October
1903), an Irish
historian (father of
positive atheism) said, "Once a system of reward and punishment is set up
and widely broadcast rulers will never be seriously questioned".
Emil Kraepelin (circa 1886)
Mental illness is studied more scientifically as German
psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin distinguishes mental disorders. Kraepelin is
sometimes referred to as the founder of modern scientific psychiatry, as well as of psychopharmacology and psychiatric
genetics. Kraepelin believed the chief origin of psychiatric disease to be biological and genetic malfunction.
Though subsequent research will disprove some of his findings, his fundamental
distinction between manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia holds to this
day. Kraepelin's major work, "Compendium der Psychiatrie", was first
published in 1883. In it, he argued that psychiatry was a branch of medical
science and should be investigated by observation and experimentation like the
other natural sciences. He called for research into the physical causes of
mental illness, and started to establish the foundations of the modern
classification system for mental disorders. Kraepelin proposed that by studying
case histories and identifying specific disorders, the progression of mental
illness could be predicted, after taking into account individual differences in
personality and patient age at the onset of disease. Kraepelin spoke out
against the barbarous treatment that was prevalent in the psychiatric asylums
of the time, and crusaded against alcohol, capital punishment and the imprisonment
rather than treatment of the insane. Kraepelin postulated that there is a
specific brain or other biological pathology underlying each of the major
psychiatric disorders. As a colleague of Alois Alzheimer, and
co-discoverer of Alzheimer's
disease, it was his laboratory which discovered its pathologic
basis. Kraepelin was confident that it would someday be possible to identify
the pathologic basis of each of the major psychiatric disorders. Upon moving to
become Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of
Munich in 1903, Kraepelin increasingly wrote on social policy
issues. He was a strong and influential proponent of eugenics and racial hygiene. His
publications included a focus on alcoholism, crime, degeneration and hysteria. He was concerned
to preserve and enhance the German people, the Volk, in the sense of
nation or race. He appears to have held Lamarckian concepts of
evolution, such that cultural deterioration could be inherited. He was a strong
ally and promoter of the work of fellow psychiatrist Ernst Rudin to clarify the
mechanisms of genetic inheritance as to make a so-called 'empirical genetic prognosis'. Martin Brune
has pointed out that Kraepelin and Rudin also appear to have been ardent
advocates of a self-domestication
theory, a version of social
darwinism which held that modern culture was not allowing people to
be weeded out, resulting in more mental disorder and deterioration of the gene
pool. Kraepelin saw a number of 'symptoms' of this, such as "weakening of
viability and resistance, decreasing fertility, proletarianisation, and moral
damage due to 'penning up people' [original 'Zusammenpferchung']". He also
wrote that "the number of idiots, epileptics, psychopaths, criminals,
prostitutes, and tramps who descend from alcoholic and syphilitic parents, and
who transfer their inferiority to their offspring, is incalculable." He
felt that "the well-known example of the Jews, with their strong
disposition towards nervous and mental disorders, teaches us that their
extraordinarily advanced domestication may eventually imprint clear marks on
the race". Brune states that Kraepelin's nosological system was 'to
a great deal, built on the degeneration paradigm'.
fourteen years I have lived under an incarceration that cut me off from the
real world, took away my civil rights, deprived me of my name, took away
everything I owned, destroyed my entire existence without even being able to
say why." --Hersilie Rouy, circa 1865. Rouy was a psychiatric inmate-- aka
"patient"-- during the mid 1800s in France. She documented her
experiences in a memoir, 'Mémoires d'une aliénée', published in 1883.
The first
laboratory of psychology in America is established at Johns Hopkins University.
developed as synthetic dyes.
The Federal
Civil Service Commission is established.
“A Checkered Life.”
Chicago: S. P. Rounds by Joyce, John A.
“The Bastilles of England; or The Lunacy Laws at Work.”
London by Louisa Lowe.
“The Memorial Scrapbook; A Combination of Precedents.”
Boston: Pennell, Lemira Clarissa.
Samuel Gompers leads the New York Labor Movement targets the end of child labor in cigar making by succe